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Bible Bashers On Douglas Prom


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I realize this thread is just full of bile, but come on people.


However it was found that the school victimized her and was fined £1100. The fact that it was found she had been a victim of victimization hasn't had a lot of coverage.


Its easy to become a victim when you look hard enough.


Just like these guys handing out leaflets - if you don't do it in the first place pissed off people don't post angry messages about it.

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I'll actually stick up for the Muslim lady in this case. She shouldn't have been sacked, but then she shouldn't have been in the position to be sacked from.


If the education authority involved could not agree on a mutually acceptable compromise they shouldn't have employed her in the first place.

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So - that's the bible bashers sorted.


Now, what does the panel think of religious veils....?


[/ignition sequence]


does the team think ....


that it's odd that a Muslim was teaching in a C of E school in the first place ? :unsure:


I like the French way of handling it.


"Take the veil off or get the **** out of our country" - "Enlevez le voile ou obtenez le **** hors de notre pays"

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The veiled muslim lady was employed because she was bilingual to help give extra english lessons to children who had recently arrived and had poor English.


Her employment is uncontroversial and appropriate for the job she was expected to do. IE she was bilingual. However, her performance is at issue and she's lost her job.


However it was found that the school victimized her and was fined £1100. The fact that it was found she had been victimized hasn't had a lot of coverage.


The school initially agreed she could wear the veil when a man was present, but the agreement broke down after three weeks when one of the male staff objected to her face being covered while teaching.

In a statement, the council revealed that monitors had watched Ms Azmi's teaching and children's responses for an agreed period before the decision to ask her to remove the covering was taken.

Headfield has offered to reinstate Ms Azmi provided she removes her veil while teaching. But she made it clear on Thursday she would be concentrating on further legal moves.

Outside the school this week, there was virtually unanimous support for the school's stand, from British Asian parents as much as white ones. Pupils from all communities were also vociferous about some of their friends having problems understanding Ms Azmi when she was veiled.


No sympathy for her whatsoever. She failed to keep her word about removing the veil while teaching and then tried to get money out of the council. Now she's stirring up more trouble - regardless of the fact that the pupils and everyone else at the school said her teaching was inefficient!


Now... to get back on track. Any religion that proselytizes in this way - or sends people round to knock on doors and attempt conversions - is more interested in numbers than anything else, probably, IMO, because it requires their contributions to pay for the lifestyles of the leaders. In other words, the best response is to listen very politely to what they have to say, nodding agreement when appropriate and then, when they feel they've made progress, glance over your shoulder and call out: "F'r crissakes, woman! Haven't you finished loading that f**kin' shotgun yet?"

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Any religion that proselytizes in this way - or sends people round to knock on doors and attempt conversions - is more interested in numbers than anything else, probably, IMO, because it requires their contributions to pay for the lifestyles of the leaders.


In any other area of life this is called multi-level marketing (pyramid schemes etc) and you are absolutely correct in what you say. These mugs go out purely to sign up new members to generate more income for the people running the show. I can't believe how blindly stupid most of these people must be not to see what they are doing, trying to pretend its about converting you when its really a pyramid scheme based on religion.


Or maybe it IS all about God as isn't the guy running the show a banker and financial adviser who presumably would be familiar with how these sort revenue generating schemes work, and therefore might want to run a mile from any suggestion that this was just about getting money from new recruits.


(Edited - spelling)

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I'll actually stick up for the Muslim lady in this case. She shouldn't have been sacked, but then she shouldn't have been in the position to be sacked from.


If the education authority involved could not agree on a mutually acceptable compromise they shouldn't have employed her in the first place.

The school also stated that she had took the niqab off for the interview, leaving only the hijab (which didn't cover the face, and so they didn't have the issue).

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Certain pubs in England (and other countries) have stopped drinkers wearing the colours of their football teams because it causes trouble (Christ knows, I only have to see somebody in a Man Utd shirt and I want to back my car over them) whereas this would never have happened 50 years ago. In days gone by, Liverpool fans would shake the hands of Man Utd fans and say, "I say, I hope our boys give your chaps a good pasting" and get the reply, "Well I hope not, but I'm sure the best team will win".


Similarly, religious colours may have to be banned for similar reasons. Back in the day, everybody just respected the beliefs of others (ok I'm not talking about the crusades and other religious wars - but you know what I mean) but now, the Hijab and Burka are being used by many (not all) to basically piss people off. People should stop clammering to shout, "You can't say that it's not PC" and accept what is clearly true.

If you can't play nice - No Burka's.


I can just picture a gang of nuns standing outside Jaks, chanting "You're not praying, you're not praying, YOU'RE NOT PRAYING ANYMORE! YOU'RE NOT PRAY-ING AN-Y-MORE" and a bunch of Blue Wicked fuelled monks on the prom taunting them with, "Come and 'ave a go if you think you're holy enough"


If I was the owner of Jaks, I would say, "Oi you lot. If you want to drink here - no habits or holy clothing of any description." And I believe that's what they have to do in England.


But it's our right to wear this! It's our right to cover up! Sorry mate, I don't care what religion you are - if you can't be nice to each other, its all coming off.

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Was I mistaken or did I see 'smart young men in suits' handing out leaflets and intercepting passers-by on Douglas promenade early this afternoon?


Just in case any of them are reading this, I don't want to join your damn Life Church, I don't want to see your crappy leaflet and unless you're prepared to give up 10 minutes of your time to listen to me waffle on about one of my interests - don't expect me to do the same!

Bloody irritating bastards - why is there never a giant freak wave when you want one.


Ignorance is bliss huh? I guess the first thing I should point out to you, is that these "smart young men in suits" are not from the 'Life Church'. They are missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. A totally different Christian church, so all the other comments in this topic related to the Life Church are irrelevant. We all know the account of the pastor from that church.... but these young men in suits are nothing related.


Now to educate you a little.. these young men volunteer 2 years of their life, generally from 19-21 and travel to another country in a desire to share a message with people. You may notice them knocking on doors and stopping people on the street but all they do is OFFER a message and ASK if that person would like to hear it. I don't see what is so irritating about them. They don't push, they don't force, they don't interregate, they don't scream out their message... all they do is politely offer it. If you say NO, then fine... but that's all you have to say. What's the problem with that? I gave two years of my life from Oct. 2002 to Oct. 2004 and did the same thing in London. I am a member of the church and I know all the work that they do... I did it. Ignorant people like you criticise a work you know nothing about. It's not unusual to have people swear at you, slam doors in your face, threaten you etc. when you do this work... but as a 'missionary' you come to expect that. It's funny, because all I ever did, and all these young men will do, is politely offer a message - yet people will try to reject you in the most offensive manner when a simple 'no' will suffice! :rolleyes:


Now, why should they stop people and try to speak with them? Because it works. YOU may not be interested, but hundreds of other people are. Hundreds of other people gladly discuss with them and hundreds of people have had their lives changed through the work that these young men do. Again, I know personally of that fact. You may not believe in a God, that's fine... it's up to you. BUT you cannot stop a work that these young men do. Your criticisms are ignorant and in vain.


I don't really see what all the fuss is.


shoepatshoe, if you want to spend 10 mins of your time and tell these guys about your interests, then I'm sure they'd be happy to listen to you. Why don't you walk up to them the next time you see them and try it? In return, I'm also sure that they'd gladly give you a leaflet! ;) Again, if you don't want to join our church, then fine. They won't force you. They only ask. However, you need to realise that it is NOT the Life Church.


Just another minor point... these guys are not paid for the work they do. Instead, they save up money before they travel and contribute the money toward the financing of the missionary program. They definately do not need a work permit. They are not "working".


Any other questions, I'll happily answer.

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If you sign up for the Life Church they expect you to give them 10% of your salary. Did they miss that bit out of the leaflet?


These people are morons, that is why they have to stand on the prom looking stupid waving leaflets at people who will shove them in the bin the second they get home. No doubt they think they are sprewading the word ... but the only thing they are doing is making themselves look stupid.


No doubt they think heathens like me will burn in hell, well its better than freezing your arse off handing out shite to people who laugh at you.


Another misconception.


Some people shove the leaflets in the bin.... others take them home, read them and then request further discussions on the topic. Hardly a pointless effort.


And no, we do not believe that you heathens will burn in hell.


If you want to replace your misconceptions and know what we DO believe instead of what we DON'T.. then you can check out the website:





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Now then, we've suggested setting people on fire and bashing them in the skull with their bibles - I'm a bit more of a ponce than that, so I suggest we say something aggresive to them, like


"I'm not interested in your religious mumbo jumbo, now GO AWAY!"

What do you think?


Oooh.... very aggresive!!! LOL.


Trust me, they've heard worse than that.

More than likely, they'll find such a comment very amusing.

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