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Bible Bashers On Douglas Prom


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Oh the Mormons....how great are they! Towards the end of last year, we had a couple of these missionaries visit us on numerous occasions. It started off as a joke (whatever you say, a laugh at the expense of religion is a bloody good laugh) but we soon found ourselves attending Mormon church and becoming owners of a Book of Mormon each.


On our visit to their church, it was the time of the month when peole stand up and say what's on their mind and how much the Mormon church and God has helped them. It was very odd. One big black guy got up and was shouting emotively about evolution...He was almost crying and had to be calmed down! He was basically saying that it's wrong to teach evolution in schools because God created the world and Man and everything else, apparently he had withdrawn his children from school at the age of 11 and was teaching them at home. Scary.



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They clearly had full belief in what they were telling me but when I queried their belief that Christianity existed in America at the same time as it was getting a foothold in Europe they told me that the Aztecs/Incas (I forget which) killed EVERY Christian in America and erased every trace* of their existence so that nobody had heard of it till the 1600s. It was about then I stopped listening.


Did they show the picture of the people in front of the Aztec temple getting addressed by 'Jesus'? The story they gave me was that Jesus, after he was killed and put in his tomb, came to the American Christians (who were slaves of the Aztecs....) and told them to have faith and that they would be saved. Apparently not though eh? I asked how come this arrival of Jesus doesn't count as the '2nd coming', they said it was because he visited them before he rose on the 3rd day or whenever it was.


Asked them about the dinosaurs too, that was a laugh. They genuinely believe God put them their to test us, I was astounded by that little gem!

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Oh the Mormons....how great are they! Towards the end of last year, we had a couple of these missionaries visit us on numerous occasions. It started off as a joke (whatever you say, a laugh at the expense of religion is a bloody good laugh) but we soon found ourselves attending Mormon church and becoming owners of a Book of Mormon each.


On our visit to their church, it was the time of the month when peole stand up and say what's on their mind and how much the Mormon church and God has helped them. It was very odd. One big black guy got up and was shouting emotively about evolution...He was almost crying and had to be calmed down! He was basically saying that it's wrong to teach evolution in schools because God created the world and Man and everything else, apparently he had withdrawn his children from school at the age of 11 and was teaching them at home. Scary.




How can you say that's false? Were you there? Obviously not! I was in Preston at uni and they came to our flat every few days for nearly 3 months. When I said towards the end of last year, I was refering to the end of the 'school' year, so you can have that on a technicality. Shall I tell you the name of the elders who took us to church so you can use your devine contact skills to ask them if what I said was true?

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Seriously, what is wrong with you people??


I didn't really expect you all to know much about my church, but I'm utterly shocked by your attitude towards it in making up your stories and allegations.


The funny thing is, this topic started off in mistruths and misconceptions... and hasn't stopped yet. The title BIBLE BASHERS is ridiculus. Please define what a "Bible Basher" is.... Mormon missionaries don't even come close. All your allegations about their character and work efforts are complete and utter rubbish. Yet, instead of just admitting that fact, you dig deeper and deeper into your hole of lies.


Please be honest and decent enough to stop now.

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How can you say that's false? Were you there? Obviously not! I was in Preston at uni and they came to our flat every few days for nearly 3 months. When I said towards the end of last year, I was refering to the end of the 'school' year, so you can have that on a technicality. Shall I tell you the name of the elders who took us to church so you can use your devine contact skills to ask them if what I said was true?


Then why didn't you be specific? We are talking about the church here on the island.

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Did they show the picture of the people in front of the Aztec temple getting addressed by 'Jesus'? The story they gave me was that Jesus, after he was killed and put in his tomb, came to the American Christians (who were slaves of the Aztecs....) and told them to have faith and that they would be saved.


Will you please stop with this rubbish?? You have misunderstood the church and its teachings so badly it's ridiculus.

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Seriously, what is wrong with you people??


I didn't really expect you all to know much about my church, but I'm utterly shocked by your attitude towards it in making up your stories and allegations.


The funny thing is, this topic started off in mistruths and misconceptions... and hasn't stopped yet. The title BIBLE BASHERS is ridiculus. Please define what a "Bible Basher" is.... Mormon missionaries don't even come close. All your allegations about their character and work efforts are complete and utter rubbish. Yet, instead of just admitting that fact, you dig deeper and deeper into your hole of lies.


Please be honest and decent enough to stop now.


Calm down dear. All of this god and Jesus stuff is all bollocks anyway

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Any religion that proselytizes in this way - or sends people round to knock on doors and attempt conversions - is more interested in numbers than anything else, probably, IMO, because it requires their contributions to pay for the lifestyles of the leaders.


In any other area of life this is called multi-level marketing (pyramid schemes etc) and you are absolutely correct in what you say. These mugs go out purely to sign up new members to generate more income for the people running the show. I can't believe how blindly stupid most of these people must be not to see what they are doing, trying to pretend its about converting you when its really a pyramid scheme based on religion.


Or maybe it IS all about God as isn't the guy running the show a banker and financial adviser who presumably would be familiar with how these sort revenue generating schemes work, and therefore might want to run a mile from any suggestion that this was just about getting money from new recruits.


(Edited - spelling)


May I just make it clear to you... in our church there is NO PAID CLERGY. That means no church leader gets paid, and neither do the misionaries. Clearly then... it's not for the money OR the numbers.

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In any other area of life this is called multi-level marketing (pyramid schemes etc) and you are absolutely correct in what you say. These mugs go out purely to sign up new members to generate more income for the people running the show. I can't believe how blindly stupid most of these people must be not to see what they are doing, trying to pretend its about converting you when its really a pyramid scheme based on religion.


Or maybe it IS all about God as isn't the guy running the show a banker and financial adviser who presumably would be familiar with how these sort revenue generating schemes work, and therefore might want to run a mile from any suggestion that this was just about getting money from new recruits.



May I just make it clear to you... in our church there is NO PAID CLERGY. That means no church leader gets paid, and neither do the misionaries. Clearly then... it's not for the money OR the numbers.


Perhaps you should read (not your strong point I know).


Those first comments were about things like the Life Church before it was clear that the people were Mormons, so your getting the arse about the wrong religion.


Please read more carefully in future, it will save you getting pissed off about the wrong thing.

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Perhaps you should read (not your strong point I know).


Those first comments were about things like the Life Church before it was clear that the people were Mormons, so your getting the arse about the wrong religion.


Oh, I can't read well? And I'm getting the arse about the wrong religion? LOL


Wasn't it you all who mistook our missionaries for another church? and then ranted and raved with that misconception???


Actually, if you read a little better, you will note that your quote followed on from the quote by Lonan3 who said "any religion that proselytizes in this way..". You then said "These mugs go out purely to sign up new members to generate more income for the people running the show". So in the context from which you followed, you expect me to know that you were specifically talking about the Life Church?? and then suggest that I cannot read very well because I cannot read your mind??


1. You quoted the words "any religion" from Lonan3

2. You then continued this allegation referring to "these mugs" who were from the LDS church.


Yes we all now know that the LDS are entirely different from the Life church.... but I think I am in the right to point out following your words that these "mugs" (the missionaries) that you were referring to do not do it for the money that you said they did.


Understand? :huh:

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