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Bible Bashers On Douglas Prom


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Understand? :huh:


I understand quite clearly. It seems that it is you that is under some sort of delusion about the motivation for what you do.


As with most religious posters, your great at playing with out of context words, and short on providing any arguments to back up anything you say.


Frankly I don't care, as I am bored with your posts, and bored with baiting you about your posts because you seem to lack the intelligence to do anything other than regurjitate what you have been taught on courses.

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FFS you lot. they're all a bit touched and believe in fairies, leave them alone, they are harmless to reasoning people. others should beware, but as they are unreasoned they have only themselves to blame.

Whatever floats your boat at the end of the day.

It's the ones that get power you have to watch, does not Tynwald start with a prayer? to what exactly?

These 'believers' run the country, there's more out than in yessir.

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I've still got 10% up for grabs in return for Mormon group sex and orgies.


Are Mormon women generally attractive?


Also, I wouldn't want to see too many willies at the orgy.


mate, just what is your problem?


please keep your sexual fantasies to yourself. No Mormon women would go near ya.

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I've still got 10% up for grabs in return for Mormon group sex and orgies.


Are Mormon women generally attractive?


Also, I wouldn't want to see too many willies at the orgy.


mate, just what is your problem?


please keep your sexual fantasies to yourself. No Mormon women would go near ya.


Oh my god!! Is 'your sense of humour' the first thing you have to sacrifice when you join your church!!!


Lighten up a bit and take all these comments for what they are - a bit of flippant fun between grown ups! If you can't stomach the remarks, just don't read them!


By the way - the word on the street is that the Mormons are going to have a dance off with the Gilbert and Sullivan society behind the Villa on Saturday night.


Wear your best suit.

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Oh my god!! Is 'your sense of humour' the first thing you have to sacrifice when you join your church!!!


In my experience a very quick way to provoke a fight is to mock the religion of others.

Sometimes the fight can get out of hand. Why dont you try some of your jokes in Derry or Belfast?

Its not funny ....really.

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Mormons -


1. They are Americans - explains nearly everything.


2. (Mind you, we are expected to believe in virgin births, resurrection, arks, and miracles).


3. No mention of America in the Bible so they decided to fit themselves into the story.


4. Joseph Smith finds tablet of stone in wood with a 'new' version to explain 3. above


5. As if.....


6. Con-man cons gullible Americans, desperate for some history of their own and to be included in the book they foolishly live by.


7. They are Americans

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Seriously, what is wrong with you people?? Bladibladibla.....

Well, don't say I didn't warn you:

Any other questions, I'll happily answer.

You have noooo idea what you've just let yourself in for :)





Predictable - entertaining, but very predictable...

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Mormons -


3. No mention of America in the Bible so they decided to fit themselves into the story.


4. Joseph Smith finds tablet of stone in wood with a 'new' version to explain 3. above

I never knew that, probably because I never let them finish their first sentence at the doorstep.


What a bunch of Fwits! Sounds like a reject script from 'The Life of Brian'.


How can rational human beings believe such codswallop, and moreover, e.g. refuse to let their own kids accept blood transfusions that would save their lives?


Hey! I found some magic twigs on South Barrule last week...quick...follow ME!

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Seriously, what is wrong with you people?? Bladibladibla.....

Well, don't say I didn't warn you:

Any other questions, I'll happily answer.

You have noooo idea what you've just let yourself in for :)





Predictable - entertaining, but very predictable...


Predictable yes...


BUT if anyone actually read my offer in context of the original post, I was merely offering to answer anymore questions about the missionaries and the work they do. Of course, people took that as an oppurtunity to start talking crap and to self-profess that they knew the slightest thing about which they spoke.


No one has still come forward to explain how these mormon missionaries can be defined as "bible bashers" (which is the original claim) lol.... but i guess with the intellect of this board, that's hardly suprising.

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