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New Republican's TV Ad


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A party that chose GWB as its leader has to pretty 'desperate!' As for scaremongering, it's just a way of trying to distract the public away from their incredible list of failures.

Their ridiculous and unsuccessful 'adventures' in Afghanistan and Iraq have done nothing to help the cause of world peace - quite the opposite, in fact - and at the cost of many thousands of lives.

Bush may well be seen by history as the worst president the USA ever had.

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Had this been shown before 9/11 or 7/7, would you have called it "Desperate scaremongering"?


Are you having a laugh.....approx 4,000 people died on Sept 11th, 52 dies on 7th July...estimated over 600,000 Iraqi dead civilians since the start of Gulf War II....you do the maths and let me know who is the greater aggressor.


The deaths caused by terrorism on those two fateful and well documented days are indeed tragic, the aftermath however bears even greater scrutiny IMHO.


I love the panicky reference to "suitcase bombs" in the ad....on the basis I cant even get a tin of deodarant through security I think a ticking suitcase might draw some attention...jingoisitc sounds bites at their very worst!

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