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Bbc Reporting


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I found the article to be reasonably well balanced - or at least as balanced as is possible in a report from the front line of an ongoing war - and it gave an interesting insight into the forces opposing the British troops, their methods, their motives and their intentions.

If it didn't give an unqualified accolade to the British troops, so what? We get reports that do exactly that on a daily basis and, whilst I don't doubt their integrity, it is good to be given a view from the other side and I would commend the BBC for doing so.

For anyone who finds it so offensive that they really think it's worthwhile withholding their licence fee I can only say: "Please don't. You'll only waste it on copies of the Daily Mail or Express and end up becoming totally out of touch with reality!"

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I found the article to be reasonably well balanced - or at least as balanced as is possible in a report from the front line of an ongoing war - and it gave an interesting insight into the forces opposing the British troops, their methods, their motives and their intentions.

If it didn't give an unqualified accolade to the British troops, so what? We get reports that do exactly that on a daily basis and, whilst I don't doubt their integrity, it is good to be given a view from the other side and I would commend the BBC for doing so.

For anyone who finds it so offensive that they really think it's worthwhile withholding their licence fee I can only say: "Please don't. You'll only waste it on copies of the Daily Mail or Express and end up becoming totally out of touch with reality!"


All very interesting and undoubtedly well intentioned. More the pity that the BBC themselves have been fighting tooth and nail to suppress an internal report which concedes their reporting is biased.

Bizarrely, the Beeb are using the Freedom of Information Act to try and prevent the report reaching the public domain. Balen Report

As for the Daily Mail and Express I havent bought either of them for some years so I wouldnt know if their news content is balanced or not. My newspaper of choice is the Independent.

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Not everyone thinks the British Army are ace, I have several friends who used to be in the British Army, trained killers....released onto the streets after they have served their time, with no form of re-habilitation, oh yeah the British Army is just great. NOT!

Dear me, bit of a drama queen I would say. I think the British Army are the best bunch of legalised lunatics in the world.


I'm sorry I missed the actual program, but then Wednesday night is pub night. My local is very strict, if you're late you need a note from your mum!


This part of the www report stuck in my mind though:

They demand and get food and shelter from places where they stop, but it is impossible to say how enthusiastic the villagers really are.
Well, you're a reporter aren't you? Surely you're there to find out! Oh and by the way, do you think that tanks and so forth moving through fields and so on to get at villages might just have something to do with the Taleban actually IN that village? It's a remarkably simple equation. No Taleban in your village firing at British and Canadian troops and those troops won't have to fire back. Unfortunately the area is dirt poor and the poppies are the most valuable cash crop. Protected by - the Taleban. Ooops, that didn't get a mention....


I would have to say the piece was biased in ways already stated. Having said that I still think that Auntie is the best broadcasting in the world.

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I would have to say the piece was biased in ways already stated. Having said that I still think that Auntie is the best broadcasting in the world.


It may or not be the best broadcaster in the world. Certainly it produces some very good programmes in the way of drama and light entertainment.

Its news reporting, however, is open to accusations of bias which just wont go away.

And why should they? How many of you knew about the Beeb's recruitment policies which, for example placed Ibrahim Helal on the staff as advisor for balance and impartiality in the Middle East.

New Recruit

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Hello, good morning and welcome.


Look who Al Jazeera got in return.


I would have to say the piece was biased in ways already stated. Having said that I still think that Auntie is the best broadcasting in the world.


It may or not be the best broadcaster in the world. Certainly it produces some very good programmes in the way of drama and light entertainment.

Its news reporting, however, is open to accusations of bias which just wont go away.

And why should they? How many of you knew about the Beeb's recruitment policies which, for example placed Ibrahim Helal on the staff as advisor for balance and impartiality in the Middle East.

New Recruit

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Hello, good morning and welcome.


Look who Al Jazeera got in return.


I would have to say the piece was biased in ways already stated. Having said that I still think that Auntie is the best broadcasting in the world.


It may or not be the best broadcaster in the world. Certainly it produces some very good programmes in the way of drama and light entertainment.

Its news reporting, however, is open to accusations of bias which just wont go away.

And why should they? How many of you knew about the Beeb's recruitment policies which, for example placed Ibrahim Helal on the staff as advisor for balance and impartiality in the Middle East.

New Recruit


Dig a bit deeper and you will discover numerous links between Al Jazeera and the BBC. David Frost is one of many with BBC links who have contributed to Al Jazeera which itself shouldnt surprise you. It is the successor to the failed BBC Arabic service venture. This disappeared amidst a hail of protests about biased reporting and anti British propoganda. All funded by UK licence payers and tax payers.

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I'm surprised Frostie is that desperate for work. In fact, any work it would seem....


I have to say that this made me laugh though:

Last month al-Jazeera launched a children's channel as part of its expansion plans.

What programs are they likely to put on? "Infidel Andy Pandy", "Watch Beheadings With Mother", "Bill and Ben - The Murderous Western Sons of Dogs!" etc etc.


The mind boggles......

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