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It's that time of year again.


I get throughly annoyed and so does my little Yorkshire terrier Nipper II, when I hear fireworks going off through the night a few weeks before and a few weeks after bonfire night. I don't think I am a killjoy in saying this, after all the fireworks are meant for 5th November although an exception would be if it's bad weather, then the day after.


The Chief Constable was on Manx Radio today saying that mis-use of fireworks will be dealt with by the full weight of the law.


Good, I say.


Have a good bonfire night though!!

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The Chief Constable was on Manx Radio today saying that mis-use of fireworks will be dealt with by the full weight of the law.


Have you seen the size of some of those coppers?? :lol:

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The Chief Constable was on Manx Radio today saying that mis-use of fireworks will be dealt with by the full weight of the law.


Good, I say.


Shyeah, like they do every year! :rolleyes:


Where I was living in Falcon Street it was like downtown Beirut at this time of the year every year and nothing ever appeared to be done.


And the annoying thing is that when one of these asshole chavs burns himself to a crisp (or one his/her wkd swilling pals) there'll be some sort of outcry that they are too dangerous to be 'used' by members of the public, and should only be available for organisations or people with licenses to buy, thereby spoiling things for all responsible people as usual. :angry:

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The Chief Constable was on Manx Radio today saying that mis-use of fireworks will be dealt with by the full weight of the law.


Nice to see that the Police have their priorities right as usual.

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Guest keltickat6969

You should bring your cats out here. MIne are that used to fireworks that they even sit and watch them.

The people here think that any fiesta is a reason for setting off fireworks and will start doing so up to a week in advance. Giving the fact that there are at least 10 fiestas a year , you soon get used to it.

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You could always get some rockets and fire them out of your window at the kids doing that.


What one of these?




I wish! If I could round up all the local asbo deserving scummy chavs in one spot and keep them there, one of those bad boys would be the perfect tonic!


Is taking fireworks apart and making your own misuse? I have a pretty hefty pack that i've made for bonfire night. More fun in making than letting them off in their crappy current state.


I think it's actually quite illegal to tamper with any sort of pyrotechnics like that. Could be wrong but I was under the impression it's technically a pretty bad no no. If I thought back to when I was a kid I wouldn't have dreamt of doing that sort of thing at all! Honest... :unsure:

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When I was a kid fireworks were something I wasn't allowed to touch, Sparkler if I was lucky!


In my old job we spent many an afternoon blowing up washing machines, microwaves, ovens and turnips with altered fireworks. We even used to go up douglas head of a night and fire small rockets at each others vans. The microwaves etc were controlled explosions (workshop door closed and all us hid behind the armchairs!)

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