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The Verdict

Billy One Mate

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I am sure Ans that if FCMR is proved right over this whole sorry affair YOU will be the first in a long line of doubters, abusers etc to offer your humble apologies just as if he is wrong you will again be one of the first to vilifie him.




I have been wanting to put this quote from the past back up.




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Shall I just put up the same reply I did last time?


I don't give a shit who wins, that's never been my source of irritation. So no, I wont be apologising to anyone because I've never once said that I think he's wrong. Nor will I villify him if he loses, but you'll forgive me if have a small chuckle to myself.


As it turns out, it seems he was only about half right anyway. Nevermind eh?

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Manx political life is hardly at the cutting edge when it comes to



No Manx political figure has imitated Michael Heseltines behaviour

in the British parliament in 1976 (when he seized the mace and brandished

it towards Labour left-wingers) and waved the Sword of State at their

Tynwald colleagues.


The tone of debate, which probably reached a fairly low ebb in the

last Tynwald, still has not risen above the level of heightened voices

and sharp exchanges. Certainly no scenes on a parallel with the punch-ups

televised over recent years in assemblies in Eastern Europe, the Far

East or Latin America.


Even outside the dusty chamber of Tynwald the tone of political comment

is remarkably restrained. The Island has had a few clandestine newspapers

and more recently internet sites but measured against the global Richter

scale of political turmoil and unrest the invective they generate

is pretty tame stuff.


Even where political 'aggro' did spill over some years ago into direct

action it was remarkably restrained and despite the fact the Island,

decades ago, spawned militant groups like Fo Hallo, Irree Magh and

FSFO, bodies that undertook serious direct action, individuals were

never targeted and no one was ever, thankfully, hurt.


Taken against this background the recent comments of a former Island

Chief Minister as he indicated he would not seek re-election at the

forthcoming House of Keys General election are quite astonishing.


Richard Corkill MHK resigned as Manx Chief Minister following his

arrest in December 2004 as part of investigations into allegations

over tourism grants.


Mr Corkill and his wife Julie were interviewed by detectives from

the serious crime unit as part of their inquiries into allegations

over grants paid to the Corkills by the Department of Tourism and

Leisure. Eventually no charges were brought against Mr Corkill but

his wife was charged and her trial concluded just days before Mr Corkill

indicated that he was to stand down from politics last month. The

key reason he highlighted for his exit from the political stage was

the 'welfare and safety' of his family.


It is unprecedented for any poltical figure to be forced from political

life in the Isle of Man due to threats to their family's safety.


So what are the threats and more pertinently what are the police,

aware of the very public way in which the allegation was made, doing

to get to the bottom of it?



J B Moffatt

Director of Information

Celtic League05/11/06

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Shall I just put up the same reply I did last time?


I don't give a shit who wins, that's never been my source of irritation. So no, I wont be apologising to anyone because I've never once said that I think he's wrong. Nor will I villify him if he loses, but you'll forgive me if have a small chuckle to myself.


As it turns out, it seems he was only about half right anyway. Nevermind eh?


Your quite right Ans why should you give a dam, it was not your problem and to be honest your banter has at times cheered me up.


By the way 4 out of six is 66.6% a bit more than half right, and it turned out that it is OK to use DTL funds to restore your own house, as Mr Moyle seems to think ;)

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Your quite right Ans why should you give a dam, it was not your problem and to be honest your banter has at times cheered me up.


By the way 4 out of six is 66.6% a bit more than half right, and it turned out that it is OK to use DTL funds to restore your own house, as Mr Moyle seems to think ;)


So you are FCMR then.





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So what happens next? Seems to me the order on costs in the criminal case could have a significant impact on the civil case.


Seems to me you might be correct and also seems to me that may have been alluded to already by someone who has been a central figure in the case. :rolleyes:

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and it turned out that it is OK to use DTL funds to restore your own house, as Mr Moyle seems to think ;)


You might consider revising or removing that. I wouldnt think Mr Moyle has suggested anything of the sort.

Chill out a bit. :rolleyes:


It was proved in the case that the builders itemised valuations that should have been handed to the DTL along with the invoices showed that over £24000-00 had been spent on Ballacain house but the court could not decide if it was the grant money that paid for the work or Mrs Corkills own money bit of a hard one that, you decide because non of the legal team could work that decision out either. That verdict may come back into court on 24th November

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