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The Verdict

Billy One Mate

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If you were a young single mother fiddling the dhss


Such as the man who forgot to tell the DHSS he was working and was overpaid £1960 because he was under financial pressure. 60 days in jail. I'm sure a girl who was at my former school was failed for 2 weeks for a similar offence.


EDIT - Why wasn't it a jury verdict?


Defence asked for a summary court hearing which was granted.


As for the Grant being paid back its not going to be, fact is Defence Advocate and the DTL officer said in court that they may have been underpaid on the grant aid and could apply for more.

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Corkill guilty on 4 counts




Last Updated:30/10/2006 16:12:06



Julie Corkill has been found guilty of 4 charges of false accounting,but clearing her of 2 charges of deception the High Bailiff hinted she will not serve a custodial sentence.


At Douglas Courthouse earlier Michael Moyle said he did not accept Mrs Corkill set out to deliberately defraud the Department of Tourism and that she got caught up in events that were not entirely of her own making.


He also said he had some sympathy with the defendant.



Taken from Energy FM's website, Manx Radio has now changed to 4 guilty and 2 not guilty whilst 3fm is still running the earlier version (that they must have lifted from Manx Radio) as 3 & 3

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I find it astonishing that they didn't just go to the bank for a loan. Which bank was going to refuse the chief minister a poxy £90k considering all the collateral and public position they had?


What price his career - er... that'll be £90k please.

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She has been found guilty of 'false accounting', saying she didn't understand the system.

Her husband helped write the fucking system, if she don't understand it who the hell would?

I was at the inquiry into the famous 'squiggle' on the grant application forms, the guilty party there was the minister for that department who should now be removed had he not already declared he is stepping down. What did he know that we didn't?

Tricky Dickie stands down shortly before the verdict, same question here.

The whole thing is clearly a whitewash and will end with a low order officer being fired or moved sideways for 'incompetance' and 'failing to follow procedure'.

The whole thing stinks and anyone saying otherwise is either stupid or a candidate in the forthcoming general election.

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For a minute lets look at this from the other side. Mrs C dosent get a prison sentence unlike a Benefit Cheat but look at the punishment herself and her family have suffered since this affair came to the attention of the manx public.

Her Husband had to resign from the top job in the Isle of Man and has even not been able to stand for election. They have lost a considerable income stream.

They as a family have been vilified for many months.

Her reputation and standing on the Isle of Man has been severely tarnished.

How much has this cost the family in financial terms.


They still have to go through a civil case with the builders.


I am not showing sympathy here but demonstrating that punishment extends beyond prison.

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"Mr Moyle said he didn't believe Mrs Corkill had set out to deceive but frustration and desperation over the Department of Tourism and Leisure's handling of her grant applications drove her to it."


ok then, im pissed off with my bank, so i'm now going to go and get a shotgun and a balaclava and rob it, knowing that's its OK in the eyes of the law

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