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[BBC News]Human rights law comes into force


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And about bloody time.

It places a lot of trust in the Judiciary and groups such as Charter88 have long argued any bill of rights will need to be accompanied by reform of the judiciary.

I wonder what the judiciary feel about this or, for that matter what the legal profession per se think of it?

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Article 11 covers Freedom of Assembly and Association


You have the right to assemble with other people in a peaceful way.

You also have the right to associate with other people-WHICH CAN INCLUDE THE RIGHT TO FORM A TRADE UNION.


That should be good news for any people whose employers don't allow them to join unions.

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Dont get to excited, before you can take a case to the Court of Human Rights you have to go through the Manx Legal System first.


Not any more. Thats the whole point of the Act.


before you had to exhaust remedies here then go to Strasbourg.


Now you can challenge the legislation or complained of official behaviour here to our courts, within the Legal System. All Manx High Courts are Human Rights Courts. Lower courts and tribunals have to apply bits principles, although they cannot declate a law or regulation incompatible


IOM Courts have been applying the Human Rights Convention for years

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Article 11 covers Freedom of Assembly and Association


You have the right to assemble with other people in a peaceful way.

You also have the right to associate with other people-WHICH CAN INCLUDE THE RIGHT TO FORM A TRADE UNION.


That should be good news for any people whose employers don't allow them to join unions.

...and surely smokers who wish to congregate in a smoking pub away from non-smokers.

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