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Brutality, Bring The Brits Home Now.


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Its about time Britain stopped sucking up to the Yanks, the war in Bagdad aint ours, so Britain should get our troops and workers out. It is possible that an other British worker has been murdered today, lets hope this is not the case.


I came upon a site tonight that has posted Vidio clips of the Hostages being murdered and after seeing what was done I have to say that the British Government need to act before any more are Murdered.




<removed by mod>


Yes, we realise these sorts of images are easy to find in Google and it's noted that you linked to them with a warning, but it's still not an appropriate site to link to from a forum accessed by minors.


I would agree with your decision on this.

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Tricky one really. The troops go where they are told to go, they have no choice, short of facing a court martial for going AWOL.


As for private contractors, they get paid some serious dough and to be fair, they do know that the risk of kidnap exists before they go out there (unless of course they are stupid). I guess, like most, they think it will happen to someone else and just think of all that lovely money they will earn.


I am by no means condoning the actions of the terrorist organisations, I'm just stating fact.

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When you sign up you put your life into the hands of the Chain of Command. That starts at the PM, works through the HofC, then through the MOD, then your General, then Division, then Brigade, then Commando, then Company, then Platoon, then Section, then brick and then you.


You are so far down the line you obey orders and do your best to get the task done without being too concerned at the moral niceties. If anyone deserved to go down it was Saddam. The trick is get the right folks in to fill the vacuum. One of the problems of owning the best bunch of armed legalised lunatics in the world is to get them to play policeman. Strangely something they are very good at.


Forget pulling out. For whatever reason the people of Iraq are at a crossroads. One way leads to anarchy and one way leads to democracy for all. You can bang on and on about the legality of the conflict etc etc, you can massage your conscience by making point after boring point down at your local about wmd etc etc and none of it will change the reality of the current situation one little bit.


Maybe someone should tell the Lib Dems that.

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The present ever growing insurrection in not just terrorists of the Al Queada persuasion, which is the impression Bush and co are trying to give. They are the ordinary people of Iraq who by a majority despise the Americans and want them out. Couple that with all the tribal and religious differences in the country and it is an unresolvable problem.


Except this way - America/Britain pull out.


They are perceived as the enemy. If they werre to be replaced by neutral efficient troops to help restore stability there may be a chance.


As long as Americans occupy the country, the insurgents will increase in number.


There are too many Iraqis who now have personal experience of heavy handed American troop tactics.


Heavy handed because most of the time they are hunkered down behind feet of concrete to keep the American fatalities down, prior to the November election, and therefore when they do strike, it is with huge force, from a distance, with consequent civilian/innocent casualties.


Nothing can be guaranteed more to inflame the people.

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The present ever growing insurrection in not just terrorists of the Al Queada persuasion, which is the impression Bush and co are trying to give.  They are the ordinary people of Iraq who by a majority despise the Americans and want them out. Couple that with all the tribal and religious differences in the country and it is an unresolvable problem.


Except this way -  America/Britain pull out.


They are perceived as the enemy.  If they were to be replaced by neutral efficient troops to help restore stability there may be a chance.

If the USA/UK troops could be replaced by another force that could stick it out and take the casualties (Turkey for example) then I couldn't agree more with any measure that would calm the situation.


However even though the majority of Iraqis probably hate the current occupation I am sure it is a minority who are blowing up Iraqi Policemen and Iraqi civilians. It is also a minority who are killing foreign engineers. Like the majority don't want their country rebuilt for nothing or something? I don't think so.

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Turkey.. Not a good idea too much bad history there.


Hate to say this but the UN is the only realistic answer... maybe a force made up from African countries (training & supplies permitting) might be seen to be impartial enough.


Arab solution...nah too much rivalry too much negative influence… what’s more the Yanks wouldn’t allow it… Iraq is their prize


The arrival Democracy doesn't automatically mean an improvement in the standard life... quite the opposite in fact, if you were to look at Central/Latin America & Russia for instance where the standard of life for the general populous has plummeted to third world levels.


Democracy is good for the few namely the wealthy who can enjoy the freedoms but for the poor nothing changes.


The American brand of democracy is in fact Capitalism, which has a whole different set of rules. (In the 80's capitalism killed communism, In the 90's it killed democracy too).


The strife in Iraq is convenient diversion masking the fact that America is robbing Iraq blind.


The American strategy is not as dumb as you’d think. The US forces are using Iraq as a ‘Honey Pot’ to attract every US hating person in region in to the firing line… where there’s a good chance they’ll be dealt with.


rattle prattle in a hurry today

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It's up to private contracters to take the risk. The foreign office has outstanding warnings on all brits travelling ot Iraq. It's a very well known danger, I don't see how the government can take the blame.


Well, other than taking the blame for creating the situation..

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Indeed. Let's not forget that any non military or medical personnel captured in Iraq are there to assist the rebuilding programme not out of their own kindness, but for lucrative rewards.


I'm not saying this, or any other victim, deserved it, but they're more than aware of the risks involved and have decided that the reward outweighs the risk.


Spare a thought for his family and his friends, but don't confuse sympathy for his family with a knee jerk reaction to feel sorry for someone who chose to remain in a dangerous situation where American contractors are being beheaded to line his pocket from the misfortune of the Iraqi people. I would suggest that by doing that, you're thinking of his family more than he did....


And yes, I've seen the complete video. Not for some morbid erotica or sadistic pleasure, but because sometimes it's difficult to accept mans inhumanity without witnessing it for yourself.

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And yes, I've seen the complete video. Not for some morbid erotica or sadistic pleasure, but because sometimes it's difficult to accept mans inhumanity without witnessing it for yourself.

Sorry, but I had to reply to Ans for once, auschwitz, foxhunting, paedophile rings, atmospheric destruction, Female Genital Mutilation, drowning pets, whale hunting, tribal murder etc. etc.......


Who the hell needs reminding about our inhumanity

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I to had to take a look at the complete vidio as I could not believe that a person could be as brutal to an other human, and I have to say that is is the most brutal thing I have ever seen.


As for the comment that these men only work in Iraq for vast sums of money, they are specialist that are needed to rebuild this country, and please spare a thought for the staff of the red cross and others, are they paid vast sums of money, No

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please spare a thought for the staff of the red cross and others, are they paid vast sums of money, No


Perhaps you too need to re-read my post and note the part where I excluded medical personnel from my statement.


Sure they're specialists, but they're there for the money. Nothing more. They're not good samaritans, if they were, they'd be working for free or minimum wage. They're opportunists that are fully aware of the risks and accept them. I have no sympathy for them directly, only their families.

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I believe that the latest Brit to be held is 62 years of age, he was not sat on his ass at home claiming social, no he was out working to provide for his family. And dont believe all that your told about BIG money being earned, it may be a lot more than they can earn at home but dont forget they have two homes to keep and are away from their normal social life and family life.

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