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Brutality, Bring The Brits Home Now.


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And dont believe all that your told about BIG money being earned, it may be a lot more than they can earn at home but dont forget they have two homes to keep and are away from their normal social life and family life.


Typical rates for civil engineering contracts range from £1000 to £1500 a day, with all meals and accomodation included. Needless to say, despite the danger, some people are willing to take that risk for a month long contract that would net them their annual salary. This isn't something I've been told at some fictional 9.30am meeting, this is something I know first hand from someone who's been out there. Other industries pay comparative rates.


They don't do it for some altruistic reason, they do it because it pays extremely well.

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Cause & Effect - remember 9/11?


Absolute tosh!


9/11 has absolutely nothing to do with Iraq, even the Yank Govt. have now admitted that, and also the invasion was planned long before 9/11.


The Yanks went in there for the oil and got more than they bargained for, unfortunately Blair followed blindly along, even after it was shown Iraq had no WMD. (The "other" reason for the invasion.)


Cause and effect:-


US & UK invading a sovereign Arab nation = millions of Moslems hating the west, = non Iraqi's going to Iraq to fight the west and a huge rise in the numbers of Moslems prepared to attack the west not on Arab soil.


This so called "War on Terror" has done nothing but put fuel on the fire.


After this monumental f*ck up IMHO we now have a moral obligation to try and sort out at least some of the mess that has been created.


Sure, Saddam was an evil man, that killed and tortured his own people, now they have the US and the UK doing the same - at least Saddam kept the different Arabic and Kurdish factions under control, and a great deal more Iraqis had electricity and running water.


The Kurds would in no way allow the Turkish troops into Iraq - they have been just as bad treating the Kurds as Saddam. (They would also like a stake in the oil rich Kurdish regions).


I agree that a large UN sanctioned force would probably be better than what's there at present, but I think the Yanks shouldn't expect the UN to come marching happily in to help out after being advised by the UN not to go to war in the first place


I've worked in a few not so friendly places (Angola, Congo, Indonesia) and have always read up on what dangers to expect, kept my head down, not wandered around in public places - sometimes I was "kept" in a compound surrounded by razor wire and armed guards, - no way in hell I would leave the compound on my own.


There's no way I would go to Iraq in its present state, no matter how much you payed me, it's just not a safe place - anyone prepared to take this risk should be prepared for the possible consequences, I agree it's a terrible situation for the families of kidnap victims, but then they shouldn't expect the PM or others to try and bail their loved ones out.


Also, it's not just foreigners being kidnapped in Iraq, many Iraqi's have been, but we don't hear much of this on the news.

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Civill Engineers and Surveyors are on £130 per hour on the Island and = £1040 per day.


I wasn't talking about qualified civil engineers, just people working in the industry. There's a marked difference between someone who's university educated and has a degree in civil engineering and somoene who installs air conditioning. It's the latter which are the types of people going out there. If you can tell me that ventilation engineers earn £1k a day over here, I'll quit my job today and start retraining. I would have thought any reasonably intelligent person could have made that distinction....


I have no idea what a qualified civil engineer would be worth out there, but I would assume they were smart enough not to go.


I bet there's even an opening for painters and decorators. I'll pay your air fare.


There's no way I would go to Iraq in its present state, no matter how much you payed me, it's just not a safe place - anyone prepared to take this risk should be prepared for the possible consequences


He wins this thread.

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Ans Can you please tell us the qualifications of the poor men that have just been brutaly MURDERED and those of the British Civil Engineer who at 62 years off age would not be digging holes in the sand with a shovel. They were all specialist Civil Engineers.

As for me going over there, I dont think so, I spent eight years overseas and that will do me.

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And dont believe all that your told about BIG money being earned, it may be a lot more than they can earn at home but dont forget they have two homes to keep and are away from their normal social life and family life.


Typical rates for civil engineering contracts range from £1000 to £1500 a day, with all meals and accomodation included. Needless to say, despite the danger, some people are willing to take that risk for a month long contract that would net them their annual salary. This isn't something I've been told at some fictional 9.30am meeting, this is something I know first hand from someone who's been out there. Other industries pay comparative rates.


They don't do it for some altruistic reason, they do it because it pays extremely well.



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