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Brutality, Bring The Brits Home Now.


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I do not need to watch a video of a man having his head cut off to remind me of basic decent moralityand how immorality is infested in terrorists of any culture, race, or creed. Thank you.


And Topaz is correct to a certain extent. One has to live in the culture and experience it to realise that the Islamic way of life and law in middle eastern countries is far removed from what we in the western world regard as decent.


And that is why the U.N. is a complete and utter failure declaring human rights while allowing its member states to violate them.

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Before you all get too excited, why don't you go and actualy live there? that way you can write your stories with credibility...go and be forced to watch someone being executed in "chop chop square"...and then you can speak from experience.


I don't see anyone writing any stories, I see opinions being written.

I don't think anyone is getting excited.

I don't think people have to actually live there or be forced to watch an execution for them to state their opinions.


But just for the record, don't presume some people here haven't lived there or in a country like it and don't presume people haven't witnessed an execution of some description.

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But just for the record, don't presume some people here haven't lived there or in a country like it and don't presume people haven't witnessed an execution of some description. 


I have...done both.


Big deal

That doesn't give you sole rights, others on this forum have probably done exactly the same but they don't feel the need to brag about it.


Others may not be as forthcoming but then again I didn't expect anyone to write and post such a load of garbage as quoted below.


Before you all get too excited, why don't you go and actualy live there? that way you can write your stories with credibility...go and be forced to watch someone being executed in "chop chop square"...and then you can speak from experience


I'm sure you or the sock puppet will be along anytime now to bore everyone with more of your self indulgent ramblings.

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