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We Live In A Surveillance Society

Albert Tatlock

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Government is there to serve me, not to watch me, ask and record where I am going, and trace my spending (credit cards) and my travel (sat nav, soon).


I have a vehicle tracer in case my car gets stolen, an insurance rquirement. But???


What worries me is the collection and connection of all the information.


And who exactly is spending their time watching the endless hours of boring nothing that will pass in most streets?




Uk, inc IOM for these purposes, is 3rd most watched nation after China and Russia. Not even the North Koreans are so watched.

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An interesting report written for the Information Commissioner by the Surveillance Studies Network.


Welcome to the Surveillance Society.


'If you have nothing to hide - you have nothing to fear' ....my arse!_


I havent taken the same speed reading course as the others Albert so it will take me quite a while to get through what looks a very interesting paper.


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An interesting report written for the Information Commissioner by the Surveillance Studies Network.


Welcome to the Surveillance Society.


'If you have nothing to hide - you have nothing to fear' ....my arse!_


I havent taken the same speed reading course as the others Albert so it will take me quite a while to get through what looks a very interesting paper.


I know...I read that in your file ;)

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An interesting report written for the Information Commissioner by the Surveillance Studies Network.


Welcome to the Surveillance Society.


'If you have nothing to hide - you have nothing to fear' ....my arse!_


I havent taken the same speed reading course as the others Albert so it will take me quite a while to get through what looks a very interesting paper.


I know...I read that in your file ;)


I dont like to remind people but, can you remember a certain person saying "The terrorists hate our freedom"

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The terrorists hate our freedom but it is our very own governments that are taking it away.


Does that mean the our governments are the terrorists, because it seems to me by the way they acting that they are not particularly pleased with our freedoms.


It makes me sick to see the way the US and UK are acting right now.


The biggest threat to our freedoms are our governments because they are the only ones who can take them away.


The politics of fear. Orwell was fucking a genius.


I am on your side m8, some say the government are taking big steps!! I call it the Totalitarian tip-toe

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If we are under so much surveillance, and if the Government knows so much about us, then why the fuck do I have to get partially undressed at the airport when I take a flight? Why can't I take a single tube of toothpaste in my hand luggage - what do they think I am going to do with a tube of fucking toothpaste on an aeroplane? (OK, I know the rules have changed today, but the point is still valid).


Why doesnt the government know that I'm a simple, honest worker with a wife and children who pays his taxes and has to travel for a living and who gets mightily pissed off with the arbitrary rules and controls that are imposed on me, in case I am a terrorist? I AM NOT A TERRORIST. I have been travelling through Ronaldsway for 20 years. They know me, I know them, yet this means nothing. Why the fuck do I have to take my shoes off at Ronaldsway, but not at Gatwick, Manchester or Heathrow? Why are the same rules not applied equally across all British airports?


If I am under Government surveillance, then the Government should know that I havent suddenly grown a beard and joined Al-Quadi. Why can regular travellers not be given a government pass (ID card? Passport?) which says - "hey, this guy is a regular worker and not a member of Al-Quadi - let him travel freely just like he used to do in the 1980s and 1990s."


Why at Gatwick do they search harmless little old ladies and confiscate their lavender water perfume and reduce them almost to tears, as I have witnessed? WTF is that in aid of.


If we are under Government surveillance, why do they not use that information to identify and separate the good guys from the bad? If that were done, I'd be all for more Government surveillance.


/rant over for now

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Because that would require the surveillance - and the use of information gained from it - to be efficient. We are talking about governments - efficiency is not an option!

This is the great fear about surveillance - not the fact that all the information is being gathered - but the very real likelihood that it will be either misused or misunderstood by it's gatherers.

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