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[BBC News]Arrests as drunk youths targeted


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Alcohol in its own right is not evil, neither is the use of speed (car related not drug) it is the WRONG use of alcohol/speed at the WRONG time that is the problem.


The coppers have the right attitude here, targetting the people who use alcohol in the wrong way. They should teach the traffic coppers to do the same with the minority of manx drivers who wanna feck things up for the majority by driving off cliffs/over hedges/into oncoming cars.

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Yeah, because nobody realises that excessive booze turns you into a puking, fighting, argumentative, idiotic moron with a hangover from hell.


Anyone NOT aware of that should be a victim of natural selection.


I learned my lesson at 14 - can count on the fingers of one hand the number of times I've had too much since.

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Yeah about the same for me, still cant stand the smell of cider to this day, bottle of dry blackthorn. Mum made me go to school the next day with a raging hangover, tried to dupe nurse into letting me bunk off, but she called me mum, who explained; made me go back to class and suffer :P

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Maybe it's time that something was done about alcohol advertising in the same way that it was with smoking? Begin by refusing to allow any adverts that make the drinker of a particular beverage appear smarter/more attractive/sexier than other people - then gradually make it seem less and less and less attractive to the younger element in society.




After all, getting smashed isn't really that attractive, is it?

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