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Saddam Gets Death Penalty


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I heard this guy, Pat Robertson on Radio 4 the other day preaching these statements. It's a real live in fear type announcement and reaches millions of Americans. Anyway he was spouting on how God had told him that millions would be killed etc and was quite specific in what he had been'told' - but in the next sentance he said:


"I hope I'm wrong."


Now if it's God's word, how can it be wrong? Is the fat controller not really in control? The 'all seeing eye' a bit skewiff is it?


They make me fucking laugh these people who claim to have a landline to God - I just pity the masses that get caught up in this eternal 'fear of God' dellusion.


God help them (heh!)

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"Saddam's killers have achieved the impossible: they have made us feel sympathy for him, for his grace under pressure. There may not have been dignity in the dying, but there was courage. A five-star death.


For someone who terrorized civic society for thirty years and launched a war that cost a million lives, it doesn't quite seem fair.


I find it laughable that nearly everything the Americans have done to try to manage the pr over the capture of saddam has been abysmal. They have wrong guessed the impact of everything that has been reported, the trial coverage was a joke that made america look stupid, and even in his final minutes they succeeded in making him die as some sort of warped martyr.


They blame the Iraqi's for the filming but your not telling me a mobile phone recorded all this by accident? Bollocks. They wanted his death filmed and the footage circulated over the internet so every american kid could see it on You Tube (he is after all the reason why 3000 similar kids are no longer with us and the only billion dollar scalp they have managed to get), but the way saddam stage managed his own death again just scores them another massive own goal.


Bush should be completely embarrassed at his inability to get anything right in this "war".

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So now Gordon Brown has joined the chorus of disapproval:


Gordon Brown has added to the pressure on Tony Blair to speak out over the execution of Saddam Hussein, saying that the botched hanging was “deplorable”.

The chancellor’s views echo those of John Prescott and will renew calls for the prime minister to condemn the way in which the execution was handled.

Even George W Bush said last week that he wished the proceedings had “gone in a more dignified way”.


So that just leaves 'Teflon Tony' to make up his mind.


Blair refused to comment after returning from holiday in Miami, simply saying he backed the Iraqi inquiry into a leaked video showing Saddam’s death.

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In regard to the United States (the only civilized democracy in the world that executes it's own citizens) I read the following recently:


North Carolina reports that it costs $2.16 million more to put someone to death than to keep them in prison for life. New York reports that it spends $23 million on each person it sentences to death. In Florida it only costs an average of $600,000 to keep someone in prison for life, but it costs an average of $3.2 million to put someone to death.


For the religeous nutcase(s) out there, Jesus is against capital punishment - John chapter 8 - verses 6 and 7.


Since 1976, 82% of all executions occured in only ten U.S. states. There is nothing in the U.S. Constitution that says they can kill their own citizens. However, there is an amendment to the Constitution that declares that cruel and unusual punishment is unconstitutional.


95% of all death row inmates can't afford their own attorney.


Only 12 white criminals have been put to death for murdering a black person, since the death penalty was reinstated.


What a civilised country the U.S. is !!!

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The Iraqi High Tribunal has dropped all charges against Saddam Hussein, who was hanged on 30 December, as the genocide trial of his co-defendants resumed.


Oh, he'll be so pleased!


The Iraqi justice system does nothing to assuage my despair at the state of that country. I'm not against capital punishment per se, and he was clearly as guilty as a puppy sitting next to a pile of poo. Why then did there need to be such flagrant disregard for due process and discretion on the part of the judiciary, the government and others? What could have been an opportunity for justice not only to be done but to be seen to be done has been wasted.


I feel sorry for the vast majority of innocent Iraqis who have been let down not only by the invaders but, perhaps more sickeningly, by their own elected representatives and unelected officials. So many billions of dollars and millions of opportunities to make a positive difference have been wasted by those with their own ulterior motives or who act before they think. They should be ashamed.

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Old joke now StuartT!


Does anyone else here think that Saddam was certainly a bad MoFo, but at least he ran Iraq as a secular country where Sunnis, Shiites & Christians all got on with each other - certainly no civil war, or terrorism in Iraq until GWB & Blair fcuked it up!


Vietnam II - US piles in kills loads of civillians, wins all the 'tactical' battles and loses the war!


Ahh I get it - Divide & Conquer, set all the different Islamic factions against each other, let them kill each other, then the 'born agains' can sweep in and take it all over?


Great idea if along the way you don't radicalise any of the moderate moslems!!!


(Oops 3 glassees of wine & the "conspiracy theorist" in me tries to escape!!!!)

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Although Emperor Bush and Mister Tony Blair aren't exactly helping matters, the problems in the middle east have much deeper roots which unfortunately have more to do with the Brits and the French than with the Americans.


Around the time of World War I the big boys of empire sat down and decided to split up the region among themselves - see the Balfour Declaration, which paved the way for the creation of the modern state of Israel in Palestine and the Sykes-Picot agreement, which allocated control over parts of what was the Ottoman empire. Britain was given control over what are now Palestine, Jordan and Iraq and completely cocked them up.


The basic problems which the Brits did nothing about in Iraq post WWI were basically the same as exist now - sectarian divides. It was madness to try and create a unified state when the Kurds, Sunnis and Shias all wanted their own land. Although Shias and Sunnis banded together for the first time to oust the Brits, we quelled that revolution and then reconfirmed the dominance of the minority Sunnis over the majority Shias when they established the Iraqi army because, on a practical point, Sunnis had been officers in the days of Ottoman rule. As Iraq transitioned to existence as an independent state, the body politic remained weak while the army gained in strength and... well, you know the rest.


History repeating itself?

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Becasue the Island makes up its own laws I have heard people say the Isle of Man should stay non-smoking and make money on tobacco tourists.


In the same vane, couldn't we be a country that does hanging and people could be sent or come here who are being hanged. It would be a rather niche market and not so odd as you might think, After all that place where Castro (Cuba) is has a little chunk where the Americans put prisoners and use it as a sort of no mans land but where America dumps people.


I would only advocate the above if the Finance iIdustry went down hill badly. After all there are very dew tourists left and in 10-20 years timew the World might be a place that needs to do a lot of hanging if this case is anyhting to go by. The deemsters would be only too pleased to do the job if it meant money for them and teh Isle of Man Industry, plus our own advocates could learn a new area of the law and only they could do the defeding etc.


It isn't as potty as you might think, especially when you have no work.

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