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Saddam Gets Death Penalty


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Well said. Perhaps P.K. hasn't replied because, following his own logic, he had to shoot himself.

Well Albert, I haven't replied for two reasons:


1. I have less and less time to waste on those who completely ignore previously posted facts and just blindly post their own opinions.


2. The "level" of debate on here has just bottomed out on the most shallow opinions possible. It's almost as though the majority live on a little insular island run by a little tin-pot government. Errrr, wait a minute......


If anything P.K. I would think your views sound somewhat naive. I do not see how the war in Iraq is at all justifiable. I can even appreciate the argument that Iraq and the world would have been a better place if Saddam was still in power.

Tell that to the Kurds and the "Marsh Arabs" slaughtered in their thousands by Saddam's WMD. All of them - men, women, children, whole villages wiped out. Remember Hallabja? Obviously not. How about the 500,000 Iranian casualties in the eight years of war betweeb Iraq and Iran thanks to Saddam's invasion? Saddam had the thousands of helmets of Iranian dead piled up around his "crossed swords" gateway on the Baghdad highway. Remember a country called Kuwait invaded and looted? You call ME naive?


I sincerely hope you have a wonderful life on whichever planet it is that you inhabit....

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It's almost as though the majority live on a little insular island run by a little tin-pot government. Errrr, wait a minute......


I do enjoy robust debate exchanging sincerely-held views based on fact and evidence. There again, it is always good to see a bit of shallow name calling based on a chip on the shoulder and ill-founded prejudices. Seeing as nature does abhor a vacuum, perhaps PK must step into replace the little lamented passing of Rog whose basis of argument was 'you are all dicks for living on the Isle of Man'.


/shakes head and shoulders to clear head, that's better!/

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The "level" of debate on here has just bottomed out on the most shallow opinions possible. It's almost as though the majority live on a little insular island run by a little tin-pot government. Errrr, wait a minute......

No...we do have a few who live in Britain - but I think you'll find that the 'majority' live on the Isle of Man. B)

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Seeing as nature does abhor a vacuum, perhaps PK must step into replace the little lamented passing of Rog whose basis of argument was 'you are all dicks for living on the Isle of Man'.


/shakes head and shoulders to clear head, that's better!/

Thank you for demonstrating so aptly exactly the point I was making. Rog would debate his standpoint and defend his corner against all comers. He would quote facts to back up the points he was making. I should think right now he's on his villa in the sunshine unlike us lot stuck in this dreary wet and windy winter so I guess he's having the last laugh.



The "level" of debate on here has just bottomed out on the most shallow opinions possible. It's almost as though the majority live on a little insular island run by a little tin-pot government. Errrr, wait a minute......

No...we do have a few who live in Britain - but I think you'll find that the 'majority' live on the Isle of Man. B)

The defence rests....... :)

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Rog never used real evidence to back up his arguments. I looked at his links and they were generally the most tangentially relevant links possible, probably had the word 'the' in the title. I hope he is enjoying the sun at his villa and that his stay is a long one!

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Ahhh the old "teflon shoulders" defence.


Rog stood up and defended what he believed in. All you have done is list them like it proves something or other. Think that's laudable do you?


Like I posted earlier, there's a sad lack of debate......



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As in a debate perhaps?


"Like I posted earlier........." etc etc etc


Why don't you fuck off then?



a statement from the DHKC on the hanging of Saddam Hussein. It is clear he was executed because the Imperialist s feared that he would reveal details of how the Imperialists used him in the 1980s to strengthen their influence in the Middle East. His crimes were their crimes. The brutal suppression of the Kurds, the gassing of villages, the wiping out of communists in Iraq were all events applauded by the imperialists who supplied the technology, the expertise, the training and the weapons to carry out these crimes. . His fate shows just how easily the imperialists can use and abuse their allies.

I believe that saddam should have been renenstated , compensated and that George w bush and Mr Blair should stand trial for warcrimes , genocide human right vilations .

Remember history is only ever written by the victor !!!

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Maybe PK has been on a mission to find the mythical WMD's 'we' went to war with Iraq for.


Perhaps that is why he has not been on the forums for a while, and has come back with his knickers in a twist, giving out insults with no real facts to back up his arguments, because he didn't find any evidence of WMD's in Iraq.


PK, go and join Rog in his sunny villa, I'm sure you'll both get along fine :)

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