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Election Posters

Pat Ayres

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I have noticed posters going up all over this week. I have also noticed a lot are posted illegally.

If I were to take them down I could not be busted as they are illegal in the first place.


Yes that would be criminal damage. You should report them Council or if illegal for other reason than location to the returning officer and the Attorney General.


Should I do it?


No! Don't risk geting yourself in trouble. It may also be an offence under s49 RoPA


The illegal sites are such as railings; lampposts; council notice boards; hedges; walls. These are 'commonly owned property under the control of a local authority' and should not be posted.


Its up to the Council to take action, not you. The sites are not illegal as such



The lawbreakers in Ramsey are;

Allan Bell

Anne Craine

Leonard Singer.



Also, is LS allowed to use a symbol on his poster without registering it with the authorities?


Yes, as long as it isn't owned and registered by any one else

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I have noticed posters going up all over this week. I have also noticed a lot are posted illegally.

If I were to take them down I could not be busted as they are illegal in the first place.

Should I do it?


I say yes, something to do eh? I mean you obviously have fuck all else to worry about in life, jeez....

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I have noticed posters going up all over this week. I have also noticed a lot are posted illegally.

If I were to take them down I could not be busted as they are illegal in the first place.

Should I do it?


Oh man! Have you thought about taking up a hobby, like stamp collecting? It doesn't have to be stamps - you could collect anything. Like leaves. There are loads of leaves about. You could have a whole roomful if you try really hard. You could have the best leaf collection in the world! Imagine that! You'd have to be a dedicated leaf collecter, mind. If you want to be the best, and if you want to beat rest, dedication's what you need. Then, if you ever successfully manage to kidnap the Avon lady you'll be able to show her your magnificent leaf collection. "Look at my leaves! Aren't they great?! Why do you look so frightened? I won't hurt you because we're best friends now. We are best friends, aren't we."

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One suspects war is about to break out down there, perhaps thats why Kermode is wearing some sort of quasi-military regalia in his posters.

You obviously haven't been to Pulrose, Anagh Coar or Farmhill yet - posters on every corner and in between. If there should be a war, it's gonna be up there, not down here.. Haven't even put any out on the streets yet - am waiting until people get bored of pulling or kicking them down...


Ahh, such innocence. Don't you realise that the kids never get bored of kicking them down.

This is whats known as a leisure activity in south Douglas

Look out for the ones in Spring Valley on 2ft metal spikes, it'll take the little bastards minutes to knock them down.

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Look on the brightside though Amadeus, some of those kids will have the vote. Look at this as an opportunity to engage with the younger part of the electorate. As they kick your election poster down maybe they'll remember your name.

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The lawbreakers in Ramsey are;

Allan Bell

Anne Craine

Leonard Singer.


Well I think they should all donate £90K to the treasury (to make up for what the Corkills did, and to leave a bit left over for sandwiches), and parade naked down Parliament Street whilst singing my special, "I'm very fucking sorry" song.


It goes like this.


I'm very fucking sorry,

For being such a twat,

But if you elect me MHK,

There'll be no more of that!


It's not exactly a lyrical masterpiece, I'll grant you that much.


We could probably spice things up a bit with Daleks and killer gas-emitting dicks.



Now this I would love to see- all we need is a good cartoonist to draw it for us :P:P:P

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My personal Anne Craine slogan is the "Heart of Ramsey" one


since when has Maughold been the heart of Ramsey?


She loves getting her picture up doesn't she.


With the amount of posters with her face on adorning the streets of Ramsey it was akin to walking through downtown Baghdad in the Saddam Hussain years.


Though obviously Ann Craine had a more prominent moustache

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My personal Anne Craine slogan is the "Heart of Ramsey" one


I did enjoy seeing Anne Craines poster one in Ramsey. An entire shop window, (run down and closed shop window mind), next to a run down and closed shop, opposite a run down and closed shop, opposite a defunct building site, in the high street.


Just ace Anne, just ace.

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