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Brenda Cannell, Candidate For Douglas East

Charles Flynn

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Yes this is true.


The unfortunate comments attributed to her were not made.


The full report is in the Tynwald library for all to read.

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The unfortunate comments attributed to her were not made. The full report is in the Tynwald library for all to read.


I was there during the evidence. Certainly, I'm convinced enough not to vote for her. The report says "it doesn't believe" and "there's no direct evidence" which doesn't mean it never happened. The report also recommends MHKs stop interfering in a profession they don't understand and aren't qualified in.

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The unfortunate comments attributed to her were not made. The full report is in the Tynwald library for all to read.


I was there during the evidence. Certainly, I'm convinced enough not to vote for her. The report says "it doesn't believe" and "there's no direct evidence" which doesn't mean it never happened. The report also recommends MHKs stop interfering in a profession they don't understand and aren't qualified in.


Thank you for quoting the Report which bears out my statement.


It is difficult for MHK's not to get involved, in this case Mr Cannell and Mrs Cannell (urelated). Professional advice is most welcome at any time but politicians are professional too. They are there to represent the public and must do this as best they can even though sometimes things can go wrong. Dealing with children in distress is no easy matter for anyone.

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Rant over - Back on thread: The commission of enquiry, I believe, completely exonerated Brenda. Other than an ill-advised and flippant remark - the kind of thing that everyone makes from time to time (other than those not intelligent enough to do so). To suggest that this makes her unfit for public office is, to my mind, a throwback to the days when local minds tended to narrow almost to a point!


I never said anyone was unfit, just that comments like that (as they were reported in the press) say more than a manifesto ever will and would be the reason why I wouldn't be voting for that individual. Don't try to twist it to say that anyone said she was unfit..

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It is difficult for MHK's not to get involved, in this case Mr Cannell and Mrs Cannell (urelated). Professional advice is most welcome at any time but politicians are professional too. They are there to represent the public and must do this as best they can even though sometimes things can go wrong. Dealing with children in distress is no easy matter for anyone.


Politicians need to be reminded of their remit occasionally. They have been elected to a parliament to represent their constituents in that parliament. Im sorry Charles, but this doesnt empower them to interfere with child care professionals. It is sometimes the case that professionals [and that doesnt include politicians] get it wrong or the statute they are working under doesnt allow them to deal with modern social problems.

In those circumstances it is for the elected politicians to take action inside parliament. Thats why we elect them ..to represent us in Parliament.

Where would it end if we allowed them to interfere in the running of our services?

Could you imagine Brenda Cannell bursting into an operating theatre and over ruling the surgeon performing your appendix operation?

Could you imagine Peter Karran taking over the operation of Pulrose Power Station?

Or perhaps Richard Corkhill taking over the administration of tourist grants?

We employ professionals to run our public services within the scope of the relevant statutes. That is how it should be.


Children who find themselves in care should be supported not stigmatised. It might be useful to take a look at this website

to get an understanding of where childcare is heading in the UK.


I found this section particularly relevent ..

Routes into care

There are two main reasons for children being in local authority care:


Children who are subject to a care order made by the courts under section 31 of the Children Act 1989 (about 65% of all looked-after children) - for the courts to grant a care order they have to be satisfied that a child is suffering or would suffer 'significant harm' without one



Children who are accommodated by the local authority on a voluntary basis under section 20 of the Children Act 1989 (about a third of all looked-after children)

At any one time around 60,000 children are looked after in England, although some 90,000 pass through the care system in any year.


42% of looked-after children return home within six months. The system aims to support rehabilitation back into families where that is possible.

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I agree professionals know what is best in the interests of the child and their parents/guardians. It would certainly be advisable for anyone who has to deal with children in care to discuss and take advice from them before acting.


It is so easy to go wrong on 'child matters'. Hopefully everyone involved in this case and others who could be in similar ones in the future have learned lessons.


The politicians of course are in a difficult position with constituents on the one hand who don't want the problem on their doorstep and looking after the best interests of the child. I do not envy them in trying to get the right balance and make a professional judgment within their ability. Hindsight does help!

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I'm not fully clued up on the care system and all that malarky, but in the same position (and knowing what kind of troubles had already been caused at that specific address) I would have wanted to help my constituents out as quickly as possible.


There probably were other ways in which to deal with the situation, but the problems at that place were getting way beyond a joke and what had already been tried there had simply not worked.


I'm not sure if many of you know the extent of the problems, but I am sure if you were neighbouring nearby then you would expect things to be resolved asap...


Blood may be thicker than water and all that, but I have my own opinion on everything...


I know for a fact though that some of those accusations were complete bull.


Its all well and good attempting to source the route of the problems before they grow, but there was a huge problem at Derby Road that simply wasn't getting sorted.

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The situation was becoming unbearable and was out of control.


I don't want a namby pamby politician in my constituency, thank you.


A week today Mrs Cannell gets my vote.


Along with another who is going to stand up for decent people.

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The situation was becoming unbearable and was out of control.


I don't want a namby pamby politician in my constituency, thank you.


A week today Mrs Cannell gets my vote.


Along with another who is going to stand up for decent people.



Who would that be then......... :(

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Go along to the Villa Marina for tonight's requisition meeting.


All the candidates will be there. Speak to them all. Question them. Make up your mind.


Apart from 'er up there ^^, I am not yet decided on my second X. Although of course my mind can always be changed yet!


Tonight - Thursday 16th November 2006 - Douglas East Requisition Meeting (Hustings as they used to be called) Villa Marina Colonnade Suite 7:30.

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Just another bit of useful information for all those who are clearly very well informed...




- She wasn't allowed, didn't, and wouldn't be able to interfere in the child care system full stop.




MFS anyone? Well for those who don't know... It was the 'company' in question that made all the allegations against her, which were all found to be untrue in the report.


So at the end of the day, its a shame what eventually happened... But to clear things up a bit... All she did was act on behalf of her constituants, so anyone who wishes to question this needs to know the full story.

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Apart from 'er up there ^^, I am not yet decided on my second X. Although of course my mind can always be changed yet!


This remark is a bit ambiguous.

Could I just clarify that I mean to say that I will vote for Mrs Cannell. I feel that I am researched and I don't nail my colours to the mast easily.


The second X is the difficult one. I look forward to tonight's meeting. I just wish there were more hecklers and shouting out at these things. Now, if these political meetings were held about 8 pm on a Friday after a few people had had a couple of pints after work then there might be some voices heard.


It seems we are all afraid to open up a bit!

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