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Brenda Cannell, Candidate For Douglas East

Charles Flynn

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I know for a fact though that some of those accusations were complete bull.


I think you should clarify of ALL the accusations made which were specifically bull?


For instance where was the MFS accusation regarding the Alan Bell comment specifically noted in the report as being a "lie" or was it merely refuted by Mrs C on the basis that it was her word against theirs?


As a crib I think you'll find her submission made at the time is available here and does not refer to it:-



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Just another bit of useful information for all those who are clearly very well informed...


- She wasn't allowed, didn't, and wouldn't be able to interfere in the child care system full stop.


MFS anyone? Well for those who don't know... It was the 'company' in question that made all the allegations against her, which were all found to be untrue in the report.

So at the end of the day, its a shame what eventually happened... But to clear things up a bit... All she did was act on behalf of her constituants, so anyone who wishes to question this needs to know the full story.


I would very much hope none of the politicians have attempted to interfere with Social Services.

Unfortunately, I know for certain the opposite is the case.

I have never heard any complaints about Ms Cannell but I have heard first hand accounts about other politicians... one of whom is standing for election again this year.

The point anyhow is a general one. Politicians are elected to Parliament, not to ride rough shod over professionals hired to run our services.

If the politicians dont like the result of the statutes, they themselves have passed, the obvious remedy is to go back to Parliament and seek an amendment or even a repeal of the statute.

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At the end of the day the report does not point any fingers towards her. I am certainly extremely more likely to believe her and her honesty within Government in the past, than some tosser who works for MFS...


With both; the familys involvement and that of MFS, its hardly surprising that there were so many accusations flying about... All Brenda did was her job... She represented her constituants and sorted out a huge problem... Now correct me if i'm wrong, but in my book thats what these MHKs are put into office for...


You're never going to 100% agree with everything an MHK does in office, but with regards to Brenda, I firmly believe having members that are open and honest is far better for everyone on this island.

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With both; the familys involvement and that of MFS, its hardly surprising that there were so many accusations flying about... All Brenda did was her job... She represented her constituants and sorted out a huge problem... Now correct me if i'm wrong, but in my book thats what these MHKs are put into office for...

They are elected to represent their constituents in the House of Keys and Tynwald [a parliament].

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At the end of the day the report does not point any fingers towards her. I am certainly extremely more likely to believe her and her honesty within Government in the past, than some tosser who works for MFS...


Give up posting on this now as you cannot be impartial.


So everyone - in your book - who works for MFS is a tosser. Thats real intellectual of you. Lets avoid arguments on right and wrong. MFS said this and Brenda said that, but because MFS are all "tossers" well we know who to believe.


The submission to the enquiry - given in the link above - makes no comment on the accusation. None. nada. Nothing.


You have tried to defend someone and made the situation 100% worse than it was at the start.

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This episode precisely shows the self-serving constituency electioneering that goes on at the expense of the needs of a tiny society.


I don't know whether it's worse to think she's


a ) a cynical, manipulative me-first politician (i.e keep my constiuents happy at all costs) who is even worse than those members of CoMin she accuses of being in the club




b ) she really did think it the responsible thing to do to try and go over the heads of care workers and shift those kids to a new environment AND into someone else's constituency rather than try and resolve issues within the exisiting framework


She's a populist fuckwit of the worst kind and i hope to fuck she gets bombed out, although the chances are with Braidwood's previous she'll get back in.

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Perhaps if everyone calmed down it would do some good.


It is true however that unless you look after the needs of your constituency you can kiss goodbye to being an MHK. Unfortunately for some they can't relate to local issues, others can only think global, and it is a rare event where an MHK takes matters as they come, local, national or international and is equally adept at all three and happy to do the job which they are elected to do i.e. represent the people within Parliament whatever the occasion.


I wish I could say more but I'm getting the boat in the morning...and need my sleep!

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Perhaps if everyone calmed down it would do some good.


It is true however that unless you look after the needs of your constituency you can kiss goodbye to being an MHK. Unfortunately for some they can't relate to local issues, others can only think global, and it is a rare event where an MHK takes matters as they come, local, national or international and is equally adept at all three and happy to do the job which they are elected to do i.e. represent the people within Parliament whatever the occasion.


I wish I could say more but I'm getting the boat in the morning...and need my sleep!

Understand your point Charles, but a good MHK should be able to recognise when a 'constituency' matter is really a 'national' matter and take the appropriate course from there.

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I'm not going home by the way I'm Manx and can't wait to get back. Whatever happened to the 9 a.m. sailing? Come in Geoff Corkish(MHK in waiting)! We'll miss him at the Steam Packet but who knows? I think Douglas West is a very interesting contest and a good case can be made for all the candidates.

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Apparently at the Douglas West requisition meeting Geoff Corkish had to do a fair bit of defending for the Steam Packet. With a bit of humour and plenty of charm he easily won most of the audience over. A true master of spin!!

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Apparently at the Douglas West requisition meeting Geoff Corkish had to do a fair bit of defending for the Steam Packet. With a bit of humour and plenty of charm he easily won most of the audience over. A true master of spin!!

Aye you can't beat a bit of Steam Racket humour. I often laugh hysterically when I book my tickets or get to the till with my Steam Packet breakfast. Very funny.


Just what we need when the shit hits the fan - an MHK just like that laughing priest on Father Ted.


Spin at it's worst. Bullshit and no answer.

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Apparently at the Douglas West requisition meeting Geoff Corkish had to do a fair bit of defending for the Steam Packet. With a bit of humour and plenty of charm he easily won most of the audience over. A true master of spin!!

Aye you can't beat a bit of Steam Racket humour. I often laugh hysterically when I book my tickets or get to the till with my Steam Packet breakfast. Very funny.


Just what we need when the shit hits the fan - an MHK just like that laughing priest on Father Ted.


Spin at it's worst. Bullshit and no answer.



Whatever happens Geoff will always have a home at All Saint's. We've missed his melodious deep voice for quite a few Sundays recently so I hope we'll have him back full time soon.


I think Douglas West is too close to call although many have felt up to now it will be Shimmin and Corkish.


Geoff Cannell has taken a full page ad in the Courier. He told me he wasn't going to stand but at the time didn't seem too sure and also you don't need to spend much money to stand but this will have cost him a few bob - £3000 - £5000 is not unusual. Last throw of the dice? Lot's of money to throw on such uncertainty even if the prize is £50000 p.a. and a very full life indeed. Ask Donald Gelling!


And then of course there is John Shimmin who has declared his intention to be a candidate for Chief Minister. He has his detractors in Douglas West and some are pretty vocal. Courageous of him to declare but was it a wise move? The start of a major chapter in his political career or the end? Of course there is the possibility of the Legislative Council if the worst happens but there may well be several who will be competing for a seat there in February.


Roly Arden Corris, currently a technician at the Museum, got a good plug from Peter Kelly last Thursday at Peter's Magic Lantern Show at the Museum to raise funds for All Saints'. £1700 was raised. Many thanks to Peter and Judy Cross in particular who sold most of the tickets. Geoff Cannell who was in the audience felt that he had the wrong publicity agent! Roly is very politically aware and could well make a very good showing. I wouldn't write him off by any means. He's a political animal and now a member of the Lib Vannin Party. I would call him a true believer whereas many of the other party members are not necessarily that.


We'll see.


I'm not voting in Douglas West but as I lived there for 25 years and am still connected with All Saint's I'll be very interested in the outcome and sorry for the losers whoever they are.

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The Douglas West requisition meeting was packed. Mr Corris is not a loud person and I don't actually think you need to be as an MHK (I believe one MHK was in the House of Keys for many, many years and all he said it seemed, was the occasional "here! here!").


At this meeting Roland Corris was against public heavyweight figures and there was a fair bit of loud 'banter' between Geoff and Geoff going on. John Shimmin always had the upper hand as the only existing MHK.


Mr Shimmin toed the Government line most of the time and was very sensible. Costs are all important and he nicely explained to the large gathering that whatever they needed by way of services, health care etc. was always going to cost. One question was in connection with Hospice funding. I would have liked to have done my first ever heckle and questioned the many £millions we threw away to pay for the MEA and the Hospital itself, but I'm not very brave and besides it would have been a 'cheap shot' and under the circumstances quite disrespectful.


I would have liked to have heard more from Roland Ardern-Corris but perhaps this sort of ' free-for-all ' meeting wasn't the place, although in saying that, Richie McNichol did a good job chairing the meeting.


I am glad Geoff Cannell is standing as he has made sure there is a contest in Douglas West. He certainly has made his presence known.


It is going to be a hard job choosing which two candidates will get in for Douglas West.

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