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Middle Requisition Meeting - Marown School

steven !

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I was at the Middle meeting for the House of Keys candidates last night, in a question and answers session.


It was well attended with over 120 people there. Standing room only.


However, there was no one under the age of 20 there and probably less than that under the age of 25.


I know it makes the Isle of Man quite trendy to be giving the vote to 16 year olds, but really, are they that bothered? (Personally, I would like to think they are not)


There was a similar PAG meeting (see blog) last week and likewise there were no under 20s.


There was no heckling last night either, which greatly disappointed me. If you want heckling it seems you have to go to a Peel meeting.

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However, there was no one under the age of 20 there and probably less than that under the age of 25.


Eh? You mean there was less than no one under the age of 25? :huh:


There was no heckling last night either, which greatly disappointed me. If you want heckling it seems you have to go to a Peel meeting.


Or a South Douglas one, where Phil Kermode tries to heckle the other candidates! :P

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