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my 2 pence worth, ps3 has already sold out in japan...sold out! think about it, they can't even generate enough hardware for the release in japan, so it's not really a release then? is it?

I'm not yet online with my eggbox 360 but will be, I know how good the online portion of the microsoft machine is, so don't mind paying for the ability to play on a proper full working and populated online community...

Beats I love you to death but come on, sony still haven't got their act together online with the ps2, how can they possibly think that they can get their act together for the next gen? We couldn't even get online with PES5 ( I think we gave up after trying for 40minutes )... <_< I read somewhere that some of the developers for sony games are dropping online components because sony aren't releasing the necessary software/hardware, what is that all about...

Will Bill release a 360 mk2 in a year? Maybe...but even if he does it will still work out cheaper than a ps3 ( even though I'll be picking one up next xmas ).


Look lets get over this fanboy fanatiscm that seems to have appeared ( ( yes I have already come out and said that war has been won, but even guys are allowed to change their minds ) and just be glad that games are getting better and better, who cares what you're playing on as long as you're having fun doing it...


hehehe just seen the advert for GOW...............emergence day is only 5 days away :lol:

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people are playing 40 player resistance on the ps3 online and by all accounts its running sweet as a nut so maybe sony have sorted the online stuff out now. (or maybe its japans uber speed internet.. )


anyways till march..PES6 lag free on the xbox360 will do me nicely.

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I don't know how much it cots to join Xbox 'live' - I do however think it is a total rip off, after paying a fortune for the hardware, the software, and your ISP that the manufacturers actually expect you to pay to play online with it!!


The majority of PC games can be played online without having to pay any sort of subscription - half life series & half life 2 series, quake series, Halo etc etc.. -- none of these require a payment to play online - I've always been of the opinion that if you buy a game that has a particular feature (such as online multi-player) then how and why should you be ripped off to pay for services (IMHO) that should be included.

I agree with that, Gates ripping off his customers once again. Not only do you have to buy 2 consoles in the lifetime of 1, but if you want to get the best out of it you have to keep on paying? Whats that all about?


Year and a bit late to the party? Playstation3's out now in Japan Ray, USA next week, so we'll see how that fares before the Europe launch. I don't think its a rip off for a machine that promises to be true "next-gen" anyway, not with all the features that Microsoft customers have to continue to pay for taken into account. Thats the rip so far as i can see.

so what is "true next gen" about the ps3?....the blu ray which doesnt work properly?...the facts that the graphics are no better than the 360?.....the laughable online system which doesnt have a unified friends list?.......despite all the bullshit and ripping off that sony has done people still believe this true next gen crap?.....1080p?....you dont need it, in fact it takes longer to render at 1080p, so to keep up the speed picture quality is actually reduced....wow, some gain there then.

like it or not they are late....next gen IS here in the form of xbo360, i hear mutterings that because of all the "original" innovations that sony have "made" they are gonna name it the playstationwii60.....only a true fanboy will think the ps3 is true next gen, specs show that the ps3 has marginally more processing power, marginal....

to sum up, your in a shop looking for a console, one that promises great online multiplay, affordable games, high def graphics....do you go for a console you can walk out the shop with and have some change in your pocket from your monthly, which allows you to get some quality games, splinter cell, halo, gears of war (which is a second gen title i might add), or do you continue to wait for a machine that still has to reach these shores (they might even miss the march launch, BLU RAY TROUBLES), with some very underwhelming games, granted 360 launch games was pretty dull too, but it has made up quick, where you have to buy a hdmi cable for around 30quid fora good one (£450 ish console and you stil got to pay for a lead?), and where the online strategy is ambiguous as hell?....not much of an incentive mo, so the ps3 is free online ot the box?......big deal.....so is the 360.....to get anywhere on the ps3 you will have to pay for our games mutiplayer....the £40 for xbl covers all that, system updates etc......that one payment and your sorted....

but what is the ps?...when sony dont know....."its a cheap blu ray player"......no "its a games console".....no "its a media entertainment system"....no "its an internet machine"....what the hell is it supposed to be?

primarily the 360 IS a games machine, first and foremost, sony know this and they are worried, people buy on price, this is why i think the wii is probably going to fair better than 360 and ps3...quite frankly sony have bought nothing new to the party they are late for at all.....just the same arrogant attitude that they are the only games providers, dont get me wrong, ms has its faults too, but i got a lot more time for them than sony...at least microsoft delivered which sony thought they wouldnt

and what features is it that people still have to pay for?.....as far as i can see if you want to buy something (maps etc) that fine, your trying to tell me that sony games are going to give absolutely everything away for free?.....we're talking about sony remember

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woooah... interesting (non factual) anti sony rant there..


i want to get in before slim rips your post to pieces. :lol:


- The bluray player doesnt work properly?.... no reports of any problems so far and most reviews saying its looking good for a player that is half the cost of a standalone blurray player.


- the graphics arent any better? your comparing first gen ps3 games to 2nd gen 360 games... try looking at gt hd and compare that to pgr3 or tdu thats more of a fair comparison.. its all down to how good the developer teams are.


- you reckon 1080p picture quality is worse ? :blink: very confused or are u talking about upscaling?


- yes i would agree if ur in a shop now to get a 360 definately. :D


- pay 30 quid for a good hdmi cable? ..... you dont need a "good" hdmi cable. the hdmi signal either works or it doesnt. so a 10 quid cable works just the same as a 30 quid one. (the only time u need better is when ur doing big distances like 8 m or more but your talking 130 quid for those ones)


- you have to pay to play games online on ps3? people are playing resistance and rr7 and havent paid anything as far as im aware. and thats 40 player resistance btw.


- ps3 doesnt know what it is? yes it does its been called an "entertainment computer" which sounds about right to me. it does everything, so why would u want to put it into one category and ignore all the other things it does so well that makes no sense.


- as for the wii....... time will tell but its looking extremely gimmicky at the moment.


anyways back off to pes6 on live.

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woooah... interesting (non factual) anti sony rant there..


i want to get in before slim rips your post to pieces. :lol:


- The bluray player doesnt work properly?.... no reports of any problems so far and most reviews saying its looking good for a player that is half the cost of a standalone blurray player.


- the graphics arent any better? your comparing first gen ps3 games to 2nd gen 360 games... try looking at gt hd and compare that to pgr3 or tdu thats more of a fair comparison.. its all down to how good the developer teams are.


- you reckon 1080p picture quality is worse ? :blink: very confused or are u talking about upscaling?


- yes i would agree if ur in a shop now to get a 360 definately. :D


- pay 30 quid for a good hdmi cable? ..... you dont need a "good" hdmi cable. the hdmi signal either works or it doesnt. so a 10 quid cable works just the same as a 30 quid one. (the only time u need better is when ur doing big distances like 8 m or more but your talking 130 quid for those ones)


- you have to pay to play games online on ps3? people are playing resistance and rr7 and havent paid anything as far as im aware. and thats 40 player resistance btw.


- ps3 doesnt know what it is? yes it does its been called an "entertainment computer" which sounds about right to me. it does everything, so why would u want to put it into one category and ignore all the other things it does so well that makes no sense.


- as for the wii....... time will tell but its looking extremely gimmicky at the moment.


anyways back off to pes6 on live.

factual rant actually.....so far the blu ray maybe working properly (specially seeing as there are no dual layer discs out yet), the fact the are playing 40plus online at the mo is no surprise that its free, its a new console and they want to get some kind of positive press going for the fanboys....1080p does not have full processing capability to keep up the screen refresh, so the time it takes to render each image is reduced by not rendering at full fat bitrates, and no im not talking about upscaling.....as for identity even sony couldnt agree on what it was....and some quarters still dont know to this day, also the fact that they tried to pass it off as a games console didnt work coz the had to pay god knows how many million of yen in tax as it was classed as a computer, different rules...

also im not comparing second gen 360 graphics to ps3 gen 1 graphics......i mentioned gears of war but not as a direct comparison, that wouldnt be fair....so your telling me that motogp on the 360 looks crap compared?....yeah ok.....as for the wii being gimmicky, bear in mind nintendo made the first controller with a trigger, microsoft did the motion sensing thing years ago, and sony are trying to pass off their motion system as new?......im not the one getting confused here...

ps3 is smoke and mirrors and in all fairness not a good reply to 360, you are being forced(IE ripped off) into buying an unproven drive, a system that can recall a cpu thread (thus having the effect of reducing processing power), a main cpu that is underclocked, a ps2 controller for gods sake, no rumble, all at twice the price....

people are going to buy on price, not what sony say, thats why they are getting stuffed by nintendo over the psp, the umd is a laughing stock, and blu ray as a movie format is a joke....as a propriatry format its all well and good, but with hd dvd currently wiping the floor with blu ray, its not lookijng good to be sony

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- as for the wii....... time will tell but its looking extremely gimmicky at the moment.


Wash your mouth out, the Wii is going to be awesome :D , it won't appeal to everyone but then that's why there's more than one console on the market. There is no best in the market, just what people personally prefer.


There will be a greater quantity who'll sway towards a certain machine but I'm not sure how much of that is often down to peer pressure or rose tinted goggles.


Personally I've tried out most consoles on the market and still fall back to my trusty GameCube, my 360 is now gathering dust in anticipation of being traded in for the Wii.

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Personally I've tried out most consoles on the market and still fall back to my trusty GameCube, my 360 is now gathering dust in anticipation of being traded in for the Wii.


have you got one pre-ordered? most pre orders have sold out but i got an e-mail from play to say mine would be with me on launch day :D


If you want one for lauch day, the best place to try now is amazon, who start taking pre orders on 23rd november on a first come, first served basis.

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Im the opposite where nintendo are concerned. i got a gamecube cant remember for what game.. i think it was for zelda.. but i didnt even complete it. and its upstairs in a box now.

i also got a ds lite for brainage and that surgery game but my psp sees more light of day.

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Sony PS3 (approximate cost £150000) "sort of" backwards compatible.







"Glitches of this nature are quite common when new consoles are released. Microsoft received complaints about scratched disks when it launched the Xbox, and other consoles have had compatibility issues."


"but these problems will be fixed with a software upgrade that will be available in the near future"

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"but these problems will be fixed with a software upgrade that will be available in the near future"


"I hereby give Sony the unlimited right to fuck around with my fifty million pound games console when and how they see fit, just to fix stuff that should have been working in the first place."


Where can I pre-order? I'm so excited!


And what difference does it make that Microsoft offer continual updates to the 360??? Jeez, next your be telling me playing Fruit machine emulators is fun.....



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and most decent bits of electronical equipment do firmware upgrading too.


Its a selling point, not a bad point.


Why not want your piece of equipment running the best it can with extra new features for free.

if you think thats a bad thing you have a screw loose.

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