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oh god not again chopley.

We went through all this before with you slagging off anything that was "new" with the 360 launch when you even called in that tosspot as backup .. cant remember his name but he thought the sun shone out of his own backside. Looks like you and him were wrong on the 360 so i thought you would might have changed to a "wait and see" rather than the "i dont have one or played on one but i will slag it off anyway" approach.


ps. £425 not £600 for a ps3.


pps. the best all round media player/streamer is a chipped xbox?

Not a htpc then????

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XBox 360 games are better though and the PS3 smells of poo and everyone who buys one smells of poo and the PS3 controllers are made out of pieces of poo.

Best argument in this thread yet.


@Ray,with all due respect matey its only been out a week, on the other side of the world at that. I fail to see how you can be able to form such an, apparently, informed opinion on its misgivings. I'm ready to wait and see, i'm in no rush, i won't be getting an Xbox either way, if only for the simple reason that i don't like the controller.

One thing thats always disappointed me about the whole thing is we can't cross-platform online play, ie. i can't kick your arse online on anything ;)


@Kos, yeah but Battlefield and TOCA worked like a dream didn't they?

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@mo....its called "reading the specs of the ps3" which can be viewed, watching the "exciting" (they mean eventual) expose of the ps3 at e3 (on a chipped xbox) and hearing howls of laughter when the people saw its graphically no better (a voice in the crowd was quite clearly heard saying that), reading ps3scene.com, the av forums etc etc......or do all sony people just assume that no one understands how these things work? :)

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@mo....its called "reading the specs of the ps3" which can be viewed, watching the "exciting" (they mean eventual) expose of the ps3 at e3 (on a chipped xbox) and hearing howls of laughter when the people saw its graphically no better (a voice in the crowd was quite clearly heard saying that), reading ps3scene.com, the av forums etc etc......or do all sony people just assume that no one understands how these things work? :)

Well, i've read the "spec" and the "spac" but have never read anything like what you've said there. In fact i have read pretty much the exact opposite, that when the Gaybox was released that there was disappointment abound because of the the size of the jump they'd made from the original machine. Good thing for all you batty-boys is that because pretty much all the launch titles looked like original xbox games, and since then its come into its strength, and does look the part now. Some of the PS3 launch titles didn't look too appealing imo, so the delay is welcome i feel. Of the footage i've seen from some of these games pisses all over some of the graphics i've seen from cackbox.


Over to you ray....

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"Glitches of this nature are quite common when new consoles are released. Microsoft received complaints about scratched disks when it launched the Xbox, and other consoles have had compatibility issues."


Just had my first scratched disk episode from my 360. . My PES6 disk has a huge scratch around the middle...

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@mo....its called "reading the specs of the ps3" which can be viewed, watching the "exciting" (they mean eventual) expose of the ps3 at e3 (on a chipped xbox) and hearing howls of laughter when the people saw its graphically no better (a voice in the crowd was quite clearly heard saying that), reading ps3scene.com, the av forums etc etc......or do all sony people just assume that no one understands how these things work? :)

Well, i've read the "spec" and the "spac" but have never read anything like what you've said there. In fact i have read pretty much the exact opposite, that when the Gaybox was released that there was disappointment abound because of the the size of the jump they'd made from the original machine. Good thing for all you batty-boys is that because pretty much all the launch titles looked like original xbox games, and since then its come into its strength, and does look the part now. Some of the PS3 launch titles didn't look too appealing imo, so the delay is welcome i feel. Of the footage i've seen from some of these games pisses all over some of the graphics i've seen from cackbox.


Over to you ray....

as your such a lover of all things kuturagi im not surprised you claim to have read the opposite, but specs (sorry spacs as you put) it for the ps3 are there for all to see, and they certainly are spacs.

so what if the xbox was a big box?.....you seen the ps3?...after all the bs that sony gave the fekker is the biggest (pile of shit ;))on the market, im not sure what you have read but its obvious your only reading pro sony stuff and are on the defensive....face facts, sony are late to a party they started, and they havent got a good reply, they thought they could make ms fumble but havent.

pretty much all gamers now agree that the xbox became what the ps2 should have been, ie a good gaming machine with muscle....

as for graphics pissing over the cackbox.....those sony glasses your wearing are seriously affecting your reality perception, face it, the ps3 is a poor runner up in the high def stakes, but the best boit is is that kuturagi is already claiming that most of the best graphics are right there in the launch titles!!!...already?.....if thats the best it can do then quite frankly even the wii is going to prove to be a better machine than this so called true next gen console, it comes from a company that routinely screws its fan base, forces you to buy a peice of hardware that is unproven and unreliable (movie delivery) oh and makes it pathetically expensive, and where they are gonna screw you for online play, dont kid yourself into thinking that your online multiplay is gonna be free, and already reports are coming in of people who cant connect to this "free" online service!!!


you forget i have seen footage too....and the word is "no better", (blu ray movies look just as good as hd dvd...i thought it was supposed to be better, not just as good as...) and thats not just from me, sony are in big doo doo because people are fed up of them lying (the release numbers kept / will shrink more), you still need to upgrade for media playback avi etc....(i thought it was compatible right out the box?)....free multiplay etc.....its gonna make ms measly £40 a year seem the best bargain when fony online shows its true colours, and with that, back to topic....


over to you mo.....


ps.....no scratched disk from my 360, no overheat, no crashes

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This thread is like watching retards wrestle.



@Ray, again i can't see how you can possibly make out it's so shite when its only been out a week? You're not comparing it to the Xbox's launch, nor even taking into account the fact microsoft had to have 2 consoles out before it could overtake the ps2 in the power war. Wait till its been out as long as Gates' gargantuan plastic egg container, then you'll be able to make a proper comparison(mind you, you'll probably have to shell out for another in a years time). The graphics are great now, its frightening to think what they'll be like later down the line.

I've never been let down by my ps2, nor my ps1 before it, certainly not to the degree you obviously have. I tell a lie there actually, my first did stop working a few years after i'd bought it, 1 phonecall later and i had another delivered to my door within a week for £35, not bad considering how many years out of warranty it was.


Anyway, the most important thing to me is Wayne Rooney, Nelson Mandela and my mum all say it's going to be better, and thats what helps me sleep at night while i await its arrival, late or not.


<dances away pointing back, uprock stylee> Ray's turn. B)

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awww come on ans... we know ur a big softy fluffy bunny really. :ph34r:


Ray you are speaking sh1t though. you claim your reading avforums... obviously a different one to me then. cus the person posting on there with a ps3 is loving it.


also when did blurray ever be said to be better quality than hd dvd. bluray has upto 50gig storage thats the big bluray thing.. the big hd dvd thing is its cheap. so which way that is going to go is anyones guess.


again i point you to gt hd. even forza 2 isnt looking as good and thats 2nd gen on 360.


and you have had no crashes on ur 360? BS!. get tdu .. hang tastic.

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awww come on ans... we know ur a big softy fluffy bunny really. :ph34r:


Ray you are speaking sh1t though. you claim your reading avforums... obviously a different one to me then. cus the person posting on there with a ps3 is loving it.


also when did blurray ever be said to be better quality than hd dvd. bluray has upto 50gig storage thats the big bluray thing.. the big hd dvd thing is its cheap. so which way that is going to go is anyones guess.


again i point you to gt hd. even forza 2 isnt looking as good and thats 2nd gen on 360.


and you have had no crashes on ur 360? BS!. get tdu .. hang tastic.

tdu?.....an no bs...my console hasnt crashed or hung or scratched....fact

you can think im speaking shit if it makes you feel better coz i know im not.....and its been claimed all along that blu ray is supposed to be superior in everyway, obviously your reading different av forums coz blu ray is being trounced by hd dvd (not to mention hd dvd is outselling pooray by 4:1 at least).....so wot if there is a different version of 360 next year with a hd addon?....at least its not being forced on you, you have the option to buy it if you like.......

mo, its obvious you love your ps3 grill (www.ps3grill.com)and want to marry it, for the cheap seats , i have seen its graphics and its play just as much as you and your prenuptual sony buddies, and its no better at all in any way, if you want to get ripped off by sony more fool you, id rather have value for money anyday, which the ps3 isnt, and its only one console mo.....the original xbox made people aware that there was a better console than the "no pubes fan club" ps2 :), the 360 has just secured it....plus sales of the 360 in japan have shot up....http://xboxscene.com/xbox1data/news-archive-5-11-2006.php, why?....probably coz folks have started to realise that the 360 offers better games and value....enjoy the article


walks away, knowing sony fanboys will cry coz im right....parts cheeks and waves goodbye....:)

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i've never owned anything other than playstations, but the price of the ps3 has put me right off and i've now got an xbox 360 which is a very good piece of kit for the price of it...very impressed :)


there must be a hell of a lot of other people who are turning thier backs on the ps3 because of the price.


sony have shot themselves in the foot with this one i think.

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