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I especially like the fact that sony claim their online will be "FREE" where infact they are simply providing middleware, and its upto other companies (gamespy etc...) to provide the service, which i would imagine is going to cost.

Same as it is on ps2 then, didn't cost before so i don't see why it should in the future. The online side of things being taken care of by the games companies themselves, saves getting ripped by console makers.


@Kos, Heavenly Sword dude, Heavenly Sword.

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back@mo yep Heavenly sword does indeed look delicious and the fact it is in house does secure exclusivity for the PS3 but the majority of games are now being ported to all consoles ( even the Wii is getting a version of call of duty!! )...


I've thouroughly enjoyed this thread, fanboy vs fanboy, I hope it continues.


At the end of the day, I will be picking up a PS3 but not until this time next year ( when they should hopefully be available to buy :unsure: ), until then my eggbox will keep me occupied ( and may even carry on to do so after the sony purchase ). The bottom line for me is that I'm into videogames, have been since playing asteroids as a child of about 4, as long as the technology keeps on improving and the games being released continue to push the boundaries ( graphically and technically ) I'm a happy bunny. :P

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yep perfect attitute kos.

havent seen a fanboy v fanboy thing like.

i have seen a pile of BS spouted that needed to be corrected tho . :lol:


@ the skys are grey. ive seen some people who have got ps3s off yahoo auctions in japan and have got them at 350 +65 quid postage. not bad really. thats with RR7 and another wireless controller. half tempted myself.

ive also seen a ps3 go on ebay for 1500 quid tho!!!!!! :o

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I especially like the fact that sony claim their online will be "FREE" where infact they are simply providing middleware, and its upto other companies (gamespy etc...) to provide the service, which i would imagine is going to cost.

Same as it is on ps2 then, didn't cost before so i don't see why it should in the future. The online side of things being taken care of by the games companies themselves, saves getting ripped by console makers.


@Kos, Heavenly Sword dude, Heavenly Sword.


Nope didn't cost before you are right, but considering the fact, that the motorstorm demo, is gonna cost a reported hefty $14.99 JUST FOR THE DEMO! makes you think, they are not in it for the love of the consumer.


And because of the fact Sony are acting as middleware, the possibility of being able to have open communications with your friends regardless of games is looking unlikely too..... shame.

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cut from a sony press conference


8) The PlayStation Store will utilize actual dollars rather than points, and developers can integrate the store into their games instead of making them pull out to a menu screen. If you buy content on one PS3, you'll be able to download it on up to five other PS3s. Games will cost $14.99 or less.


9) A free MotorStorm demo will be available for download on day one of the PS3 launch.


think you got ur 14.99 mixed up there.

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Any gameplay footage of Killzone yet ( possibly the one title I'm looking forward to seeing on PS3 )??


My mate was lead designer on that game.


Itll be good!

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@Gavsta, c'mon you must have had some access to some gossip surrounding the game, or have you been sworn to secrecy? I was a big fan of the original on PS2 and have high hopes that the sequel delevers something impressive...


What day is it today?? :blink:




It can rain all weekend now for all I care, GOW weekender! hehehehehhe

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Im seriously not allowed to say anything at all. Saying that I dont know much as my mate is under a NDA contract like you wouldnt belive.


Let me know how you like GOW - I wont be getting it until Xmas :(

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Let me know how you like GOW - I wont be getting it until Xmas :(


GOW, the first truely next generation game title...the graphics are nothing short of stunning ( I'm going to say that they are the best I've ever seen! :o ) , the gameplay whilst not completely reveloutionary is frantic and visceral ( chainsawing a locust grunt in half for the first time is a joy ), am enjoying the single player campaign at the moment, I've still not got me broadband sorted out so can't comment on the multi-player. Gavsta, just go and trade in some of your other games and pick it up...

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cracking BS!.


you will find i am not a sony fanboy and could list every console i have to shut u up if you like.

If im a fanboy of anything its gaming, whatever its on ps3,360,pc,gc,ds,psp etc etc.


So whereas I can give unbiased opinion you cant as you have a 360 and hate sony.


Ive never slagged off the 360 size either. it looks good i think. the only thing that does my nut in is the powerbrick. and that you have to keep it on its own with a large space around it and not on a carpet otherwise it overheats. Maybe its just the early versions of the 360 that have this problem since ive had the 360 since launch day.. (what a sony fan boy i am... :rolleyes: )

the point is the 360 shouldnt have an external powerbrick or an external hd-dvd drive it should all be built in like the ps3.


why would i want to spend 420 on a pc ? Good gaming pcs graphics cards on their own cost nearly the same.


and who gives a crap about what sony marketing say or do. you tell me a company that tells the truth. Who listens to marketing anyway?


ps. Have a read of the 360 thread in manxforums.


I accept your apology in advance. :lol:


pps. KOS Is rainbow six coming out early? :D

apologies for what?...your making it blatantly plain your not prepared to accept that i havent had a problem with my 360...i dont find the brick a problem as it sits on the shelf behind the 360 out of sight and powers things beautifully.....and i have room for the hd dvd addon on top or to the side etc etc.....and common sense would dictate that you wouldnt keep ANY power supply on a carpet in any circumstances...

you want to be forced to buy a product with a ropey blurray (not a typo) drive be ripped off, your missing the point and the circumstances around the creation of the 360......


as for who listens to marketing...obviously you do (true next gen......now thats bs!:))

i bring out my ps1 every now and then (not much of an xbox fanboy then after all) which was a cracking console for its day, i have said that many times over, but the ps2 was nothing fony claimed it was....

the only reason its sold so well (floging a dead horse springs to mind) is because its a kids console in my opinion, and it has the walkman or ipod "myth" behind it.....with the uk release of the pswii60 looking increasingly shaky, the wii and 360 are gonna be the stronger brands.....and affordable!

at £60 a game (plus your online fee's) now whos being ripped off?


your apology is already accepted... :P


i had the 360 on launch too....no problems at all......

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Let me know how you like GOW - I wont be getting it until Xmas :(


GOW, the first truely next generation game title...the graphics are nothing short of stunning ( I'm going to say that they are the best I've ever seen! :o ) , the gameplay whilst not completely reveloutionary is frantic and visceral ( chainsawing a locust grunt in half for the first time is a joy ), am enjoying the single player campaign at the moment, I've still not got me broadband sorted out so can't comment on the multi-player. Gavsta, just go and trade in some of your other games and pick it up...

Looks amazing, saw some footage on the net after seeing the telly ad.

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