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Poppy Day

Albert Tatlock

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Tomorrow 11th November is of course Remembrance day. I hope you will be kind enough to buy a poppy which goes to help support serving and ex-Service men, women and their families in their hours of need.


Whatever your views on wars/conflicts etc. these people were the ones sent to fight.


You can even buy a poppy online.


...and it's not just about helping the survivors of world war 2...


"Daniel is 25 years old, and served in the Army for 7 years as a loader operator of the battle tank 'Challenger 2'. In March 2003, his tank was fired on. Daniel was lucky to survive, but two of his comrades were killed outright, and he himself was left with severe shrapnel wounds to his face and jaw, as well as significant hearing loss. Since the incident, Daniel has had to undergo over 20 operations, including skin grafts and plastic surgery, to try and repair the disfigurement to his face and body.


It was whilst organising a Remembrance service for his two comrades that Daniel discovered that he was eligible for Legion assistance. Since he got in touch with us, we have helped him obtain the War Disablement Pension he deserves, and also helped him to pay for a much needed special moisturising treatment for all his skin grafts.


Recently, Daniel said: "Before I approached the Legion I had no idea that they could help young ex-Service people like me. Now I look at the poppy in a new light, knowing the lifeline that it provides to Service leavers like me"."

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I have to say I find John Snow's intervention in this ... unusual to say the least.


TV's Snow rejects 'poppy fascism'


I'm not sure what point he is making.


Does he feel pressured to wear a poppy ... I don't think so ... he happily wears one, just not on TV.


Is he striking out against some establishment plot? Well big for him. Describing this as poppy fascism is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard.


Yes prominent people ... and ordinary people wear their poppy with pride. I know I do.


Is this some example of thought control. FFS Mr Snow ... Yes it is; if spreading a good idea is thought control then this is thought control, because Poppy day is a good idea. It raises money for ex servicemen, and to maintain war graves. It reminds us of the waste and futility of war. And it reminds us of the times wars have been fought. I see little glorifying in this. Just an acceptance of the reality of war and a sadness that this is so.


Then there is the intervention of certain Christian groups over White Poppies


I know where I stand. White poppies raise money for religious organizations, red ones for people who have often been maimed and harmed by the actions of an often indifferent state.


The utopian ideas that war can be abolished can wait until dooms day for all I'm concerned ... in the mean time I'll carry on buying a poppy to help victims of past wars ... AND hope wars will not need to occur in the future. But the idea this can be achieved by prayer or whatever and not active practical measures is just so much mumbo jumbo.

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I'm not sure what point he is making.


I guess the point is that he's asked to wear symbols of very good, well established causes all the time when he's broadcasting. He feels that he cannot use his presence on television as a platform for all of them, so to be fair and consistent, he declines all of them and doesn't make exceptions. Bit of an odd phrase "Poppy Fascist", I grant you.

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Is this some example of thought control. FFS Mr Snow ... Yes it is; if spreading a good idea is thought control then this is thought control, because Poppy day is a good idea. It raises money for ex servicemen, and to maintain war graves. It reminds us of the waste and futility of war. And it reminds us of the times wars have been fought. I see little glorifying in this. Just an acceptance of the reality of war and a sadness that this is so.

I consider Newsnight and Channel 4 News as the only two reliable news programmes on UK TV, and I have a great deal of respect for Jon Snow. My respect for Jon Snow is based both on his independence and fearlessness to question and analyse things. I think his argument for not favouring one symbol above another is entirely logical.


It is possible in centuries to come, when perhaps the whole notion of war might be so abhorrent, that people will look back at our wearing poppies and see poppies as a symbol of the human 'condition' or 'acceptance' of the existance of war. On analysis, they may say that their past - our parading around in uniforms remembering the dead and 'glorifying heroes' actually glorified war, encouraged the further recruitment of soldiers, and encouraged our leaders to revel in it etc - when perhaps they might remember wars, say, by turning their backs on their leaders at a parade as a symbol of the failure of those leaders. That is for time and for them to decide.


Currently most of us don't see it that way - but given the state of the world at the moment, that doesn't mean we're correct does it?

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The British Legion raises funds, via the sale of poppies, to meet the welfare needs of the ex service population.

It doesnt really matter to me if people agree with war or not. The Poppy fund is about our ex service people especially those who have suffered the consequences of political/military decisions and need support.

The poppy itself is a symbol of remembrance. It helps us all remember those who died, who were injured or damaged as a result of actions outside their control.

This is where the poppy fund goes

Make sure you are generous when you get yours.

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I wonder whether a Mod would be kind enough to pin this for a couple of days.


We close the forum for the duration of the silence as well. No way of automating it unfortunately so it relies on someone remembering to do it. I doubt anyone ever notices but it's keeping in the spirit of the occasion.

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Two guys are going to attempt 2 laps of the TT course in 24 hours from Saturday 11am to Sunday 11am, setting off at the Grandstand and finishing at the War Memeorial.


Manx Radio Report


I wish them all the very best, but I would be amazed if they complete it.

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