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N.Z. Students Can Use Txt Speak on Tests


(AP) New Zealand's high school students will be able to use "text-speak" _ the mobile phone text message language beloved of teenagers _ in national exams this year, officials said.


Text-speak, a second language for thousands of teens, uses abbreviated words and phrases such as "txt" for "text", "lol" for "laughing out loud" or "lots of love," and "CU" for "see you."


The move has already divided students and educators who fear it could damage the English language.


New Zealand's Qualifications Authority said Friday that it still strongly discourages students from using anything other than full English, but that credit will be given if the answer "clearly shows the required understanding," even if it contains text-speak.


and on a similar line:


Pupils given NCEA credits for just turning up to chat


Schools are awarding students NCEA credits for simple tasks such as knowing how to apply for a benefit, having a conversation or simply turning up to school on time. A Herald on Sunday investigation has also revealed credits awarded for doing the washing, gift-wrapping a present or buying groceries.


The NCEA unit standards were written by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority, are internally assessed, and are often given more weight than mainstream subjects such as science or maths. Hundreds of schools are accredited to assess the standards and they are available to all students at those schools.


One of the standards appears on students records as "Work and Study Skills: Demonstrate Care and Timeliness as an Employee" - but to get it, pupils simply have to attend school on time and behave for 20 consecutive school days.


Other credits are awarded for:


* role-playing applying for a benefit


* keeping healthy


* holding a conversation with a friend


* gift-wrapping an item


* choosing appropriate clothing


* doing the washing


* working with a group


* listening


* buying groceries


* understanding friendship


* asking about or ordering goods or services, face to face or over the phone.


Interesting approach... :)

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Or Is This The Answer?


Leaky nibs, stained uniforms and classroom weapons. Just when you thought emails and text messages had taken all the romance out of writing, the fountain pen is back.


Forget computers or Blackberrys. In a last-ditch attempt to save the nation's handwriting, an independent school has ordered pupils over nine to only write with fountain pens.


Bryan Lewis, the headteacher of the Mary Erskine and Stewart's Melville junior school in Edinburgh, is convinced that his pupils' education and confidence will benefit from producing more elegant handwriting.


Apparently, pupils who use fountain pens in exams usually perform better because the pens require more concentration, forcing youngsters to think about their spelling and grammar.


And, YES - I definitely approve! Even if...


The return of pen and ink may well bring with it a revival of the dying art of handwriting, but teachers beware. The pens were the catalyst for many a classroom squabble and while times and technology may change, youngsters don't. It won't be long before they will discover the joys of the ink pellet - every teacher's worst nightmare.

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a tnk t whl thngs a ld of boloks

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Bryan Lewis, the headteacher of the Mary Erskine and Stewart's Melville junior school in Edinburgh, is convinced that his pupils' education and confidence will benefit from producing more elegant handwriting.


Apparently, pupils who use fountain pens in exams usually perform better because the pens require more concentration, forcing youngsters to think about their spelling and grammar. [/i]

I was made to use one of said devices, and it was a nightmare! The pens require more concentration alright, just to get a steady line out..leaving less CPU to think about what to actually write. Luckily, around the time, there were advancements in 'roller-ball' type pens, like biros with runny ink, designed to look like a nib had been used..made homework easier.


Sorry, I mean md hmwk 3zr.

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