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Tonight On Mflive


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Same show - Club Classics


Same time - 8-12


Different DJ - Ricky Rooney!


Yep, that's right, Mr. Rooney has agreed to step in whilst Ray is still without broadband following his recent move.


Ricky did a last minute stand in for just 2 hours last week and it was superb so if that little taster is anything to go by, a full 4 hour set tonight should be awesome!


Click here to tune in and join us in the chat room too if you fancy a natter.


See you there.


Party on :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Way too much Mushroom for my liking - don't get me wrong, I do like the group but the first thirty minutes way outdid the rest of the show.


Shame, thought it was going to kick off big stylie tonight.


Sorry, had to edit after re-listening to it - constructive critisism here dude, not a bitch. :)

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