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Megathread - Business As Usual - Ned


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Legal cogs turn notoriously slowly - no-one is in a position to comment on the standard of FCMR's representation until such time as the outcome has been decided.


Besides, the other case being adjourned again appears to me to be a stalling tactic, in my humble opinion. A decision against Ned & Co would be very damaging at the moment, even if it wasn't a necessarily bad issue, the reputational cost would be huge. But that is just my own personal view.

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It looks like Ned has got the Press in his pocket now, as we can not get the chance to reply to some of the statements Neds making.


You have been given numerous opportunities via e-mail etc to have the opportunity of the right of media reply, off Island if necessary.


You always seem to ignore them FCMR. And your lawyer advised you to stop posting on Manxnet Forums. Before they were closed down, in mysterious circumstances, despite what Manx Telecom stated to the press.


So please do not blame the press. How about blaming your chicken xxxx advocate.


After all you say that has happened, then I am surprised Ned has not been cuffed by now.


I think you need a better advocate who will kick ass rather than your wallet pal!


We have the best Advocate on the island, but when the other side keeps applying for extra time to prepare its defence (they have had 12 months) what can he do when the courts grant it. As Ive said before we are paying for ours but whos paying for his, we will never know the truth of that.

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For what it is worth, here is my personal view:


Any delay is good news for FCMR. If they were sure of their position it would be in court asap (and in the open). The "statement" that was made was so short of fact and substance it means that either:

i) they are keeping their powder dry


ii) it was politically expedient to say something, in fact, anything.


However "The lawyers grow fat on the quarrels of fools".


You must remember that Ned actually wants to be CM. He thinks that being CM is the best thing one could be. From lowly shopkeeper to Chief Minister a la Thatcher. Wined and dined and courted by decision makers as a man of substance. Of course, it is up to each and every one of us to make up his or her own mind on just how an effective CM he has been. But he should stand or fall on his proven track record on how his being CM has improved the lot of the Manx. His own personal financial standing and any improvements it may have seen whilst CM are not important when you consider the advancements he has made for the ordinary Manx person on The Strand. Not the man but the achievements should be the criteria.


Roll on election day. It's enough to make me come back and stay in the land of my birth. Unlike the CM that's Mannin.

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Me feels that the Government want a delay in the Civil,Criminal and standards committee hearings until after the elections next year, that way they can brag that no elected member of Tynwald has done anything wrong, as Ned is not going to stand for re election next year.

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I know it may not be the place to say it and knowing me th ewrong probably time, but this topic has had over 6,000 readsor hits is it? Even with a trafic of 218 or so replies, that is pretty good. A lot of people must then be interested in this topic who aren't posting I would say. I reckon normally as a rule of thumb, 20x the number of replies is the usual sort of ratio is quite good.


I know i'm not best at writing but not too bad at figures and trainspotting type of stuff.



Good work. Keep it up.

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Ive recently been a bit dissapointed with the lack of conspiracy theories from FCMR so I thought I would make one up myself.


The Police todate have not interviewed the CM or his Wife nor have they interviewed Mr Colin Moore who the CM named as the person making the allegations. So the Police are carrying out an investigation without interviewing the two main parties.


Conspiracy theory !!!!!!!!


The AG stops the Tynwald Select Commitee from sitting just when they are about to take Public evidence from the Quantity surveyors and Mr Terry Toohey about the Grants at Ballacain by stating that the Police are investigating the CM.


Make your own mind up.

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Me feels that the Government want a delay in the Civil,Criminal and standards committee hearings until after the elections next year, that way they can brag that no elected member of Tynwald has done anything wrong, as Ned is not going to stand for re election next year.


The Judge has given Neds Advocates an extra six weeks to prepare/submit evedence for their defence in the CuPlas Callow court action. This will be heard on December 6 2004 at Douglas High Court. All are welcome as its an open Court.

And as for the criminal case you will just have to wait and see ;);)

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This will be heard on December 6 2004 at Douglas High Court. All are welcome as its an open Court.

And as for the criminal case you will just have to wait and see




Is that not a fixed Monday court for directions and things like that. It's not the actual case is it?


Just thought I'd try and clarify that in case people went along hoping to see some action instead of the relatively mundane procedural stuff.

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