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Requisition Meetings And Hustings

steven !

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Any news on Douglas South (Monday) or Douglas North (tonight, Tuesday)?


I was at the PAG meeting on Monday where John Shimmin was a guest speaker, so I missed Douglas South.


Tonight I popped down to a packed Ballabeg Hall where they had the 7 Rushen Candidates in front of an audience of over 120.


Amazingly, there were some people under the age of 30 there and even one or two under 20. They looked pretty bored though.


And there was only the one heckle, and that was a pretty friendly one.


If you want to hear proper hecklers I think you have to go to Peel. Maybe they just do it 'cos Manx Radio was there and to try and rattle Roger Watterson in the chair!

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We were looking up at the stage towards 7 hopeful MHKs asking us to give them what is a precious item - our vote.


I can see why the meeting was so packed because the voters have quite a tough job in front of them. Which 3 do you vote for?


Personally I could quite easily whittle it down to 5, maybe 4. To commit to 3 would be difficult, but in that voting booth you would have to do it.








What if I got it wrong? Would I cringe everytime I heard one of my candidates talking rubbish in Tynwald? Making decisions I don't agree with.


Would someone come up to me in the street and say "it was YOUR fault, YOU voted him in"


What if the guy who came fourth turned out to be a well meaning public spirited intelligent person who could have helped us through the forthcoming bad times? And I didn't vote for him . . . .


How can I ever look those 4 in the eye again, those 4 who I didn't vote for?


It all boils down to conscience I suppose.


In which case it would be very easy to not vote for anyone from the last Government.


. . . . . . MEA, dodgy Grants, Ramsey Post Office, Hospital, Housing Crisis, Rich Man's Island Only,


But they are the cause of the problems. They did it. Except they say they didn't know. Weren't aware of what was going on.


Do I believe them? As they swagger about the Island in their politicians pomp.


Maybe just easier not to vote. At least then I'll be in the majority.

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Thursday 16th November 2006


Rushen candidates

Rushen Primary (Four Roads) School 7:00 to 9:00pm


Douglas East candidates

Villa Marina Colonnade Suite 7:30pm

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The one for Douglas South went quite well. Unfortunately, only around 50 people attended (way less than I expected), but it was very well organised and moderated. A lot of good questions were put forward, and although it wasn't as lively as the exchange we had at manxradio the week before, it was still good.


Below is the only pic I managed to take - a real "behind the scenes" shot, so to say... I thought it would be rather inappropriate to take a snap of the audience during the debate, so I didn't - although the lengthy replies of some candidates would have given me plenty of time to do so....



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Hi Frank


I wanted to go to the Douglas South meeting but it clashed with a meeting at the Empress Hotel with John Shimmin speaking to the Positive Action Group*.


The meeting was very good and I take my hat off to JS for standing up to and answering the many varied questions. Some interesting points emerged. The meeting could have gone on all night but the chairman had to eventually put an end to it.


Anyway, I know exactly what you mean about candidates going on and on. The same happened at Douglas East last night. It seems that some of the candidates (particularly a sitting member!) think they have some sort of authority to talk forever. Why I don't know. I want to hear the new people talk, listen to what they have to offer. Some people got to ask more than their fair share of questions and the chairperson allowed one or two candidates to bang on forever it seems. Well done Steve Osborne for his short sharp honest answers!! Nice one.


The 'new lad' at Douglas West was similarly overshadowed by the big boys. Pity really, because again, I knew exactly what the others were going to say. Some people like the sound of their own voices.


The Rushen (Arbory) meeting was well chaired, if a little regimental. 2 minutes is 2 minutes and woe betide anyone wanting to finish their sentence/word mid buzzer!




Well done fPAG* for organising the well attended meeting at the Empress for the new kids on the block.





* for the avoidance of doubt steven ! would like to point out that he is not a member of PAG.

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I wanted to go to the Douglas South meeting but it clashed with a meeting at the Empress Hotel with John Shimmin speaking to the Positive Action Group.

Received an invitation to the PAG event days after the requisition meeting had already been scheduled and announced - rather bad planning on the part of PAG, me thinks...


Oh, btw: The party leader attended the south meeting - I guess to observe the performance of his candidate down here.. And we had one nice comedy moment, when everyone realised that one candidate had managed to wear his tie more on top instead of under his collar, and nobody pointed it out to him - obviously forgot the crucial last check in front of a mirror at home. We might be polite to each other, but there are limits :)

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