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"road Safety Camera"


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It stinks....


Why,oh why, do we have to blindly follow the UK introducing "safety disgusied by verbiage as speed" cameras on our roads.


They are hideous, unnessesary, Orwellian intrusions into public life.


Accidents will happen cameras or not, but this is a blatent attempt to introduce speed cameras by stealth and generate revenue.


What odds a bike racer during the centenary crashing into this safety camera ?


Burn them all I say...(the cameras, not the racers) :ph34r:


don't anger the baby deer.....

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Gah, it's more DoT doublespeak.


It's not a speed camera, it's a camera that takes pictures of speeding cars and informs the police.

It's not that they're in favour of a national speed limit, merely that they want to consult with you about how much safer it would be when they brought one in.

It's not that the IRIS has doubled in price, just that costs have gone up and inflation has affected it.


Let's face it, how hard is it to be Transport Minister? No poisoned chalices like an incinerator, prison, fly ash dump, Mount Murray, planning, TT centenary or other issue people can get really upset at. All you really have to do is keep quiet and make sure roads are repaired.

But the person I *won't* be voting for in the election is the one that said "Let's have a speed limit. And speed cameras. And a fecked up new sewage system that won't quite work properly and costs twice what we expected".

If I wasn't paying for all this, it would be quite funny.

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to quote...


"The sign is positioned approximately 100 metres in front of the camera unit from the Kirk Michael direction and it has been installed to give drivers advance notice of the camera.


It is hoped it will encourage them to check how they are driving – particularly their speed – and, if necessary, slow down.


The first camera will record an overview of the Ballaugh Bridge junction at two frames per second, 24 hours a day.


This will allow engineers to more easily determine the cause of any accident or near miss at the junction.


The second camera will take still photographs of all vehicles travelling above a certain speed and the department say this will 'quickly identify specific groups of road users and allow the department to target its road safety education initiatives most effectively'. "


Ok.. hold on a mo whilst I compose myself from pissing my pants and splitting my sides with laughter... roflmfao..


The 'Speed Camera' signs and the unit itself do comply to the Law for 'Prosecution' SHOULD an accident or some other misdemeanor occur. Photographic 'evidence' CAN be used in a Court of Law and a the 'Camera' is yellow and not gray so there is 'no loophole' .. assuming there is a Law that has been passed for the 'use of photographic evidence'.. but the Camera is not allowed to flash.. detail below..




How They Work : A forward facing camera, designed to take photographs of the front of a passing vehicle, allowing the picture taken to show the driver of the vehicle as well to aid prosecution.


Sensors in the road calculate the speed and the Infra red camera captures the car registration number and driver picture without a flash. This system offers evidence as to the identity of the driver at the time of the offence.


No flash it ommitted as the system uses Infra Red Light.


Limitations : Once they run out of film they become inactive. Do not work on Motorbikes with no front registration plate.


further details can be found on their website



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The point is they are not there to send you fines, so its not an enforcment camera.


So what is the point of it then? Surely the theory behind speed cameras is that people don't want a fine therefore they don't speed, but without the fine it is pointless, how does it add to "road safety"?


The reasoning behind it is to see the causes of accidents at Ballaugh Bridge.


I'll save them the cash. It's the hump back brigge that leads pretty much straight into a junction that causes the accidents.


As Ann Craine would say 'it's not rocket science'

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Maybe they could throw in a couple of speed bumps before the bridge to slow people down?


Or, if that fails, how about a police stinger across the road? Kwikfit would love that idea, I'm sure.


At the end of the day, its the govt bringing in speed cameras via the backdoor, nothing else.

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At the end of the day, its the govt bringing in speed cameras via the backdoor, nothing else.

Phil Braidwood, Phil Braidwood

and his band of men,

Phil Braidwood, Phil Braidwood

here we go again,

Ignores the whole nation,

Who after 'consultation',

said Phil Braidwood, he's no good, Phil Braidwood

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If someone smashes the fucka, then sends me some sort of evidence, PM me and I'll gladly give them a bounty of £100!

I'll add £100 to that too, so that's a £200 bounty out on the speed camera now... :ph34r:


You could go and do it as you already have your balaclava on..............


P.s. give us a ring and me and 2 mates will come with you :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r: then we can go to the Raven for a pint with the reward.

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Can I remind people that offering 'bounties' for smashing up government equipment is illegal. And if it does happen to get smashed up, you don't want them knocking on your doors because all you internet toughguys will just wee in your pants and your mothers willl have to clean up the mess.


Quit it with the pseudo vigilante bullshit.


(Note: This is prompted by three complaints)

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