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Got A Point - Or Just A Nutcase?

Albert Tatlock

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I have known this guy for many years and can tell you that he thinks he is fully justified in his rants and ravings. He became consumed by his beliefs at the cost to all those around him. Shame realy.


They always do. When I was a councillor in the UK, I had a constituent exactly like this. (Actually, he wasn't a constituent of mine, but nobody else would deal with him, so eventually he was passed on to me.)


He had started off by falling out with a double glazing company that had installed some windows badly, in his view. He then involved Trading Standards, who investigated and said that no breach had been committed. The bloke concluded that Trading Standards were in league with the firm. He raised it with his councillor, who looked into it, and said nothing more could be done. Now he thought the conspiracy included his councillor. Next was the local MP. Same result.


Finally, by the time he saw me, he believed that his complaint about his windows had somehow upset a sinister religious cabal that controlled world governments and had been the driving force behind 9/11. He thought it likely that his phones were being tapped, and that he might even be in imminent danger as a result of speaking out.


I never heard from again after seeing him the once. I hoped it was because I'd convinced him that alleged quasi-religious organisations controlling world governments are not interested in people's double glazing. More likely, he simply concluded that they were controlling me too.

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Brian BEATTIE 564

Allan Robert BELL 2260 Elected

Anne Valerie CRAINE 1794

Joseph Anthony ROONEY 116

Leonard Ian SINGER 2048 Elected


I don't know what's worse that he got 116 votes or that Allan Bell got 2260.


What is it with Ramsey? Is the chemi-trails guy running this year?

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Not seen Mr. Irving around for a long, long time - no idea if he's still living here or not.


As for Allan Bell, the word on the street is that there's a lot of discontent out there - we'll see just how true that is come voting day I guess.

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I have known this guy for many years and can tell you that he thinks he is fully justified in his rants and ravings. He became consumed by his beliefs at the cost to all those around him. Shame realy.


He reminds me of an older TheSkeat.


Unless you've been living in a coal mine or something for the past few weeks/months


I . . . .think . . . you'll . . . find . . . Thskeat . . . has been quite justified in his 'rants'

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the site is there to show what is indicitive in the way the system is run at the moment. an idea put forward to give person an equal say in how their local or national area should be run. the government, not wanting to lose their power refused to even allow it to be discussed in any way. the radio interview with this man was edited so that the bit about internet run society was edited out. no he did not have the one policy but it was his main one of a fair government. i also know him very well and i can tell you he most definatly is not insane and "a daily mail reader filled with hate" as someone described him is so far from the truth it is laughable. he is very kind, helpful and yes very dedicated to what he believes to be only right: that in a democratic world that things are not swept under the carpet. had the government allowed a referendum on the issue and it was voted down then im sure he would have said fair enough. and before you ask - no i am not him. in the end he is by far the happiest person i know despite what has happened to him in life so unless you call that crazy then no he most definatly is not and i think he has a point.


i just took this from his site - it's from Tony Benn in parliament for 50 years:


"I am no longer an MP but am interested in anything which strengthens democracy - which no-one in power has ever really wanted."



"Fifty years in the House of Commons convinced me that Britain is still a Feudal Society and the guys at the top do very well out of it and have no intention of allowing democracy to creep in."

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So if we clear our heads and start with the question "What is democracy?" and try to undersatnd that, we would probably start to understand where this guy is coming from.


Democracy comes in many, many shades. The Isle of Man has a sort of murky grey shade of democracy. It takes a lot of tact, intelligence, diplomacy, knowledge of how the current system works etc. before you can attempt to change it.


Otherwise people write you off as a 'nutter'.


To really achieve what you want in a society it's best and easiest to become a general in the Army and then do one of them military coup things.


But then you wouldn't have a democracy.

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I can't see the government being interested in this idea. I doubt the public are either, the e-habitant debacle seems to prove that no-one was really interested in that kind of idea


Aren't you ready for e-habitant two point nought ?


(something to do with ajax and a government podcast)

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well this man was trying to give them the option


What option is that though? I've tried looking at his website but it gives me a headache.


so much for free speach.


Ah, good old "free speach" :)



last election they didnt let him stand "on technical reasons"


aka rules & regulations?

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