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Wow Onyxia Raid Gone Wrong


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It was the skellis, Neffi had turned on the mages who had been feared into the wrong area, hence the fearward. It was just a series of unfortunate events :) We got the first 4 bosses of BWL down last night with only 2 wipes, which is really very good for us.

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We (Desire on Eonar Horde Guild) do the odd ony run still usually with around 20 ish people ( we resized guild for TBC ) no more BWL, altho we did try MC with 20 ppl got as far as sulf before calling it off had a lack of warrs, up to that point we were going just as quick as if had a full raid :o



attached pic of my little shammy :Dpost-67-1165004304_thumb.jpg

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