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Election Results

Albert Tatlock

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I predict that everyone will stay at home instead of voting, resulting in an electoral crisis and possibly a prolonged civil war that's only resolved when Norman Wisdom seizes power in a bloody coup and declares himself King of the Manx.

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I predict that everyone will stay at home instead of voting, resulting in an electoral crisis and possibly a prolonged civil war that's only resolved when Norman Wisdom seizes power in a bloody coup and declares himself King of the Manx.


You can laugh but that's what happened in Albania.

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I predict people will talk and winge and talk and winge and vote for the same old crowd! IOM and change is like military intelligence - a contradiction in terms.


We'll end up with the same lot who'll be smugger and more insufferable than they've been for the last "n" number of years, and people will continue to talk and winge as usual. You'll all be on here moaning and playing hell but nothing will change - it's Narnia!!


Well you voted for them so don't complain now!! :(


PS I really hope I'm wrong :(


PPS Having heard the Peel debate the other evening - how could anyone vote for Hazel Hannan - she's an hysteric!

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Maybe a more interesting game is how many new MHKs there will be.


24 seats: I think the record is 12 newbies in a particular parliament.


The average is 3 or 4.


You'd think with all the discontent at the moment more of the old guard would be chucked out this time round... but where? Looking at the individual races its not obvious.


I reckon only 4 newbies this time round ... anyone got a higher offer?

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Did anyone watch the Political Program yesterday afternoon on Border TV. It featured all four candidates from Ramsey.


I thought they came over on TV very well.


Two of the candidates got slightly rattled. Craine on the running of the Health Services and Singer, he got on his high horse because Craine said she did not think 16 year olds should have a vote, he seemed to disagree with anything Craine said.


Bell 30%


Craine 30%


Malpass 22%


Singer 18%

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There must be three without any voting as there are three not standing.


Corkill, Delaney and Duggan


I reckon there are two weak ones in Rushen, at least one change,


East Douglas should see a change of one


I think Middle is a possible change, but not in direction of Jessop. Martyn may hols on, wet or not, he has the rural vote, undivided this time


Onchan may see Mr Earnshaw out.


Ramsey Anne Craine to go


I reckon 7 newbies

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I think it was was the Politics Program and it was on the BBC I think.


I went to the requisition meeting on Friday in Ramsey and it confirmed my view that Alan Bell and Anne Craine are the better of the four candidates. They certainly seemed to have the greater support of those 200 odd who were in attendance.


Whatever Alan has done on a national level he has been a good deal of support in the town – and is certainly winning the war for the number of posters to be displayed.


I think Singer has scored a bit of an own goal. He certainly got a rough ride at the meeting with most people expressing the view that he had caused more harm than good by giving up his legco seat to “show that the people of the North demand that the 24 hour service is restored at RCH” – it is almost certain that it will not be a candidate from the North who is elected to replace him on legco. This is despite the fact Tynwald has already approved a 24 hour nurse practitioner led service once funds allow. I waned to ask, but time did not permit, if he had the support of the doctors in his quest. I was interested because both Alan and Anne had their nomination papers seconded by Rasmey GP’s.


Malpass came across to me as a bit of a prat to me. He did not take kindly to awkward questions or people who challenged his view. He also had a great deal giving a straight answer. He very helpfully pointed out to us that it had cost him £3000 to stand in the election and that he had lost £20,000 in consultancy fees by standing. Maybe this is typical of Liberal Vannin candidates but I felt that there was an element of scaremongering in his campaign; presenting as fact 350 had just lost their jobs at BAConnect and that Parliament Street is a no-go area on a Friday or Saturday night unless you are loved up, stoned 12 year old.


Anyway, my predictions:


Bell 38

Craine 32

Singer 20

Malpass 10




Did anyone watch the Political Program yesterday afternoon on Border TV. It featured all four candidates from Ramsey.
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There must be three without any voting as there are three not standing.


Corkill, Delaney and Duggan


I reckon there are two weak ones in Rushen, at least one change,


East Douglas should see a change of one


I think Middle is a possible change, but not in direction of Jessop. Martyn may hols on, wet or not, he has the rural vote, undivided this time


Onchan may see Mr Earnshaw out.


Ramsey Anne Craine to go


I reckon 7 newbies


That's interesting why do you think that, I thought he'd be pretty safe. Thought Earnshaw would pick up the Corkill vote. What about Glenfaba? do you think Anderson will hold on with the farming vote - Boot is working very hard.

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I thought Anne Craine spoke very well on the TV interview.


It is not popularist to go against the votes for 16 years olds but she gave her reasons clearly. I very much agree with her. Incidentally, I have been to about half a dozen hustings around the Island and saw probably that many people under the age of 25. I'd guess that there was a girl down at Arbory (Rushen) who might have been 16 or 17. She looked extremely bored.


How many people were asking for 16 year olds to vote? It is little more than a cheap gimmick, which seemingly worked judging by the TV programme.


Singer/Bell is going to be close.


The other chap seems an ok bloke but I could never vote for a man who likes to call himself 'Captain'.




Rushen is a difficult one. I guess there will be one change but it is difficult to say who will be the new boy.

Crellin seems desperate and eager for a place in the Keys but I'm not sure if he will gain enough votes although he was reasonably close last time. Will those votes go to any of his opponents?



Onchan - Karran and Earnshaw remain I reckon, but the third man is difficult to say. Stowell and Quirk are established local politicians but Babb is keen as a new boy. Will the voters put their vote on keenness and relative youth?



Middle Quayle spoke very well at the requisition meeting. Kate Beecroft takes no messing when it come to matters of a financial nature.


I don't run IRIS projects or MEA projects. I foolishly trusted the Government to appoint people who could. They failed miserably. It would be nice to have someone with an accountancy background in Tynwald and I don't mean the young lad from Rushen either.


The lad Jessop is very knowledgeable and reacted to just about everything Martyn Quatyle said. Quayle remained unruffled.



Douglas East It looks quite a race there. When there are 6 candidates for 2 places it is difficult to say the effect of split votes.


Brenda Cannell is looking quite formidable. Phil Braidwood less so - perhaps he is quietly confident? Robertshaw is hungry for the job and looked to be enjoying himself traipsing around the houses yesterday on a wet and windy Sunday. A man not a stranger to matters of Tynwald and politics.



Douglas West - a good contest. Corris is definitely a dark horse but he is against 3 big boys, 2 of them particularly big (and loud).



Glenfaba - Boot comes over very well and would be an interesting person to have in Tynwald. There is a lot of work to be done. Anderson has rubbed a few people up the wrong way with his views but that is as a minister. Locally he will have good support.



Castletown - no change but it would make for an interesting Tynwald with Redmayne about the place.


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