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Election Results

Albert Tatlock

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I wonder if Beecroft would have had a better chance if she had stood as an independent? Peter Karran as leader of the LVP seems to polarise opinion and whilst some who vote for the LVP as it is a "vote" for Peter equally there are many who take the opposite view. It is all very well having the "odd" member of the awkward squad as an MHK but with only 24 members you do not need too many.


This to an extent has influenced my thoughts as I fed up of reading or hearing candidates saying they want to be the "opposition" or to be there to scutinise and hold the "executive "account. We are only a small Island with a small number of MHK's so the pool of talent is therefore limited. I want candidates with ideas and leadership to take us forward.


UIn this respect I am not in Michael and I am fairly sure David Cannan will get in as I hear he is a good constituency MHK but hearing him on the Manx Radio debate I was struck that he kept repeating the phrases "that the constiuents of Michael want" I appreciate that he is there to represent their views but there appeared to be no ideas or leadership coming from him and whether he had any personnal opinions it was difficult to ascertain except that "the will of the people must prevail."






I think Middle is a possible change, but not in direction of Jessop. Martyn may hols on, wet or not, he has the rural vote, undivided this time
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Onchan - Karran and Earnshaw remain I reckon, but the third man is difficult to say. Stowell and Quirk are established local politicians but Babb is keen as a new boy. Will the voters put their vote on keenness and relative youth?


Not a chance.


Karran is a 100% dead cert of course. Other than that, Earnshaw will probably scrape through, and I'd like to think Stowell has the best chance out of the new guys.

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There's going to be no surprises whatsoever in Peel, I fear. The Anti-Hazel vote will be split once again & and she'll get in by default. I'd love Tim Crookall to get in though. He won me over with his suggestion that he'd build a monorail!! (anyone seen that episode of the Simpsons?).


Its a case of "well, I don't like her, & I don't like him so it's going to be him", rather than garner an actual interest in somebody

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I am perfectly willing to put a bet on who will take the Ayre constituency, but can't find anyone willing to offer decent odds!


I think Ramsey will remain with Bell and Craine - both good constituency MHKs and I think a lot of the people who will acyually vote, will support the lady's stance on the votes at sixteen. Singer made a fool of himself by trying to hang on to his MLC job and only giving up on it when there was an outcry. He's tried to redeem himself, but now comes across a one-issue candidate. Malpass - who seems intent on representing "IoM Plc" rather than the Isle of Man sounds like a complete dummy.

Garff - I've already said that Steve Rodan will get in again, although Dobson will give him a bit of fright, perhaps. Actually, I'm rather glad, because at least he's indicated that he'd be prepared to challenge Shimmin for the Chief Minister's job if he can muster some support - and someone certainly sholud.

Onchan. Karran will be back - although possibly not as decisively as some seem to think. Earnshaw ought to be, because he works a good deal harder and is far more approachable, than most. I would hope that Steve Babb could sneak third place because I believe he'd do well, although I'm afraid that David Quirk might just get it. Please God it isn't 'I'm right about this and why can't you see that' Stowell; and I'm afraid the time just isn't yet for someone like Mr Dosser.

Douglas North looks like remaining with joined-at the-hip Henderson & Houghton.

Douglas West: John Shimmin and (through the lack of any decent alternative) Geoff Corkish.

Douglas South: Dave Cretney for certain. I'd love to see Frank get in, but he just isn't well known enough this time around. I'd also do anything I could to stop both Kermode and Malarkey - one an idiot and the other a seller of a received-for-free taxi business. Which leaves Buttery and Clarke and, because I think the people will realise he'd make a better constituency MHK, I'm taking a bit of a flyer on this one and going for Clarke.

Douglas East Brenda Cannell will get in, easily. Phil Braidwood will struggle, but his usual loyal voters will see him through.

Middle: Beecroft will, unfortunately, take enough votes from Jessop to allow Martyn Quayle another term of office.

Glenfaba: Could be the closest of the lot - but I think Geoff Boot could make it.

Peel: Hazel (The Screech) Hannan is long overdue for ousting. Unfortunately the other challengers could end up splitting the opposition vote. Mr Gimbert - who's given occupation is with BA CONNECT - will probably have enough time on his hands to be an MHK, but I think Tim Crookall might appeal to more voters.

Castletown: For the right challenger, this was definitely a winable seat. Unfortunately, I don't think Mr Redmayne is the right candidate and Tony Brown will be returned.

Rushen: Phil Gawne, plus any 2 from the rest. Best guess? John Rimmington and Phil Crellin

Malew & Santon: I think Carol Kermode will rally the farming community sufficiently to depose Captain Douglas.

Michael: David Cannan will win it this time, but probably not as easily as might be expected.


I make that 7 newbies - but I'm probably being too optimistic. :(

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Douglas South: Ciggy for the second seat




No idea who he is, but he's got a few posters out, and probably runs some sort of secret campaign to steal victory right at the end :)

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Just been to the Onchan requesition meeting and had to leave due to being totally bored shitless.


Harvey Briggs might be a nice man but he cannot chair a meeting. Each candidate had six minutes to get up and say there bit, then they had questions from the audience. Harvey briggs let the candidates go on and on instead of taking the reins and being in charge.


They should get Charles Fargher to chair the second meeting on Tuesday night, thats if anyone turns up. There was a good crowd about 100 people and just a few seats left.


Peter Karran was as usual extremely good.


Adrian Earnshaw was interesting and answered very sensibly


Brian Stowell was very angry with every answer, dont need that attitude, would not vote for him.


David Quirk - stick to local government !


Steve Babb - kept telling everyone that he was 34, maybe he should try local government first.


Mr Dosser - Not a chance.

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Living in Malew I am still waiting to meet two of the candidates,they must be pretty confident as there are three votes in our household.

My daughter is in Glenfaba and she received yet another letter from Sir Geoffrey today. It would appear that if he is elected like the Clinton's you get two for the price of one. Today's epistle has a message from Suzie.


" It has been a long campaign and I have been behind Geoffrey, sometimes in front, all the way. I have been on the doorstep with Geoffrey, not just working behind the scenes, as I want people to know that I am fully signed up and part of the team!

If Geoffrey is elected I can assure you that I will not only continue to support him politically, but that I look forward to meeting you socially.

We are both committed to the local community and will attend and support local functions together or individually wherever and whenever we are invited."

All we need is another high profile politician's wife!

prominence is also given to his views on immigration. Surely he is an immigrant.

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themindboggles seems to be an accurate post.


I heard there were only about 5 people under the age of 25 there and one of them was a candidate. Another was a lad of about 12.

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The other chap seems an ok bloke but I could never vote for a man who likes to call himself 'Captain'.


I take it back. This chap actually spoke quite well on the Radio tonight. (repeated tomorrow at midday Manx Radio am)


He stood up very well to Allan Bell especially when the concept of the Liberal Party was discussed.

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Rushen: Phil Gawne, plus any 2 from the rest. Best guess? John Rimmington and Phil Crellin


You might be right.


It's difficult to see anyone finding three candidates they'd put ahead of Gawne. 33%


Rimmington doesn't inspire great feelings either way. Probably will get in on the better the devil you know factor. 20%


Crellin. Probably his least effective campaign. Will people think it's his turn? 12.5%


Gill seems to be running on his record in the Keys. Unfortunately, for him that is a record of five years buffoonery. May get back in. 12.5%


Tinkler. The Dark Horse. Nice guy but his literature may come across as a little acedemic. 12%


The Baby Accountant's run an ok campaign, well presented but lacking substance. Too one-dimensional focusing too much on his background in accountancy. Maybe in time. 5%


Wright. Doesn't seem to have said anything. 5%

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Peter Karran was as usual extremely good.

Adrian Earnshaw was interesting and answered very sensibly

Brian Stowell was very angry with every answer, dont need that attitude, would not vote for him.

David Quirk - stick to local government !

Steve Babb - kept telling everyone that he was 34, maybe he should try local government first.

Mr Dosser - Not a chance.


This is the problem in onchan, too many seats.

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