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Election Results

Albert Tatlock

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I would be more than happy to have him as CM (with some help from his friends), for his perceived honesty, over and above his perceived intelligence.


Totally agree with Matty


Thanks WD!


IMHO we would be far better on the 'world stage' coming across as a "simple" self sustaining agro/industrial/tourist/financial economy than a bunch of greedy, self-sustaining money grabbing fuck-tards....



PS Thanks for helping "branding" tiom IOM Mr's C!.

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Separated at birth ...


You can do the same with Andrew Jessop and one of Jasper Carrot's old sidekicks (Fluck & Law maybe?) The likeness is remarkable, except Jessop is funnier


Sorry, it was Punt & Dennis I was thinking of, that's got to be Andrew Jessop



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Wuhu - it's all over and I kinda lost :) Still - I didn't come last over all and even got more votes than one of the Liberal Vannin candidates, so I'm pretty happy - well, as happy as a little German who only moved over a few years ago, and decided to stand against some pretty well known names in a grassroots constituency can be. Oh, and I think I'm still the first German ever to stand for the House of Keys, although I can't find any official confirmation for that - anyone know?


The foundations have been laid and the experience gained - and what an experience the whole thing, and especially yesterday, was...


post-1086-1164363523_thumb.jpg post-1086-1164363535_thumb.jpg




Once the polls closed and the first ballot box was opened for the count, no-one was allowed in or out of the room, so tensions slowly started to rise as the count progressed (no pics from the count, btw - neither mobile phones nor cameras allowed during that - the ones up there were taken when the station had just closed, and before the count had started). The race for the second seat was too close to call during the count, and it really came down to the last few bundles to establish the result - 44 votes difference in the end, with no request for a recount (during the briefing before polling day, we were informed that a request for a recount would 'traditionally' be ok if it's within 50 votes, although there can still be one if it's more than 50 difference)


At the start of the whole thing a few months ago, I'd never thought I'd say this - but unfortunately, the big budget jump-on-all-bandwaggons LibVan campaign paid out and it wasn't the result many expected or had hoped for, and the reactions inside and outside the hall seemed to reflect that - I should add that a lot of the things that happened behind the scenes played a part in preferences switching towards Buttery.


So, that's it then for the next five years - well done to everyone who took part, and I'm still glad I did it - now it's time to think about the next steps, and to see where we go from here.


Here's the announcement of the official result for South from last night - a last video souvenir from a night I will never forget:



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Once the polls closed and the first ballot box was opened for the count, no-one was allowed in or out of the room, so tensions slowly started to rise as the count progressed


Not even a ciggie break???? Surely you could have done something under the Human Rights Act or whatever??!!

More seriously, look at the positive side; 'in a grassroots constituency' you managed to persuade 219 people to trust the future of themselves, their families and their country to you.

The experience will be invaluable for next time.

(Unless there's a 'Plan B' involving Panzers? :ph34r: )

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So now its down to elect Chief Minister time.


All 4 candidates got in Rodan, Shimmin, Bell and Brown.


I'm afriad the money is on Brown


Then its choose CoMin and subsidiary departmental members (get them on the gravy train and beholding for the extra cash)


Next is two members for Legco to replace Singer and Gelling. Donald told me last night he would definitely be stepping down to allow the two elections to go ahead in February.


Presumably no one is going to be stupid enough to suggest Corkill or Singer, no one just elected is going to want an 18 month or 3 yera term instead of 5 and the public wouldn't thank them for bye elections so soon.


So it looks like two outsiders.

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I didn't want Bell getting back in Ramsey, but I guessed it would happen. Lots of people said him and Craine have worked well together and that's probably because they have the same support network - I believe consisting of some of the most powerful and influential people in Ramsey.


I always felt sorry for Singer at the elections, even when he got in last time. He looked very uncomfortable and all the skeets were saying it's because the Ramsey election is ran by Bell boys.


And lots of people know Bell's family too. "He's from goode Manx stock, yisser!" I think it's mainly just the old Manxies voting him back in and I'm sure lots of them have very little interest indeed in what's happened in Mount Murray.

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So now its down to elect Chief Minister time.


All 4 candidates got in Rodan, Shimmin, Bell and Brown.


If Brown becomes Chief Minister I'm emigrating - seriously! In my opinion, the man has the intellectual capacity of a retarded toilet brush.

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Just wanted to say thanks for the words of support on here. Today is a fairly crappy day as you can probably imagine, but then again having over 25% of the voting public in Onchan think I was worth putting an X next to is something I'm very proud of.


The next five years is going to be difficult for all of us, I hope those successful last night are brave enough to have the courage of their convictions and make some very tough decisions and to support their colleagues not close ranks or avoid the issues.


Congratulations to all of my opponents in Onchan, it was a hard fought and well won election.

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