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Election Results

Albert Tatlock

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mate, why do you have to take such an issue with something so simple? It's quite clear what I was getting at. Does it need to go any further than that?


Just so you know... if I were to ever run for MHK, I'd be very specific in my Manifesto so you don't have to worry about voting for a "Mormon" lol.


I don't have a problem with your faith by the way. Just the fact that you think that a basic statement that says "Im a Christian" gives everyone enough information to work out exactly what your views and beliefs are. It does not because of the diversity of the many Christian based faiths.


That sort of bland statement is meaningless, gives nobody specific information about how a member might vote on a specifics subject, and is irrelevant from a manifesto perspective.


As I have said before a "Christian" might vote differently to a "Catholic Christian" on matters such as contraception, therefore some bland statement about his religion on a manifesto tells me absolutely sod all about anything.

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Just to go back on topic regarding "Election Results - what's your prediction".


It seems to me that a lot of people, such as for example in Rushen, are proud to say "I got all 3 right" or "I only got 2 of them".


Well I suppose at least they voted.


The mentality of an awful lot of people seems to be that the election is a sort of free to enter National Lottery. Except you don't actually win or lose anything - or do you?

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Interesting point Steven !. How many people voted for the candidate most likely to get in as opposed to the candidate they thought represented their views? You know, 'like him, but can't vote for him as he doesn't stand a chance and my vote would be wasted' type of thing.

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Gladys, I have to be honest, I voted for the candidate I thought most likely to do the best for my constituency (Ramsey). He didn't get in, and my other vote went, along with about 600 people, to the person whom I would have liked to given a chance to.


I have lived in Ramsey for 18 years now, and for the last 5 years have not been pleased with our representation in the House Of Keys. Ah well, will have to wait another 5 now.

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Just to go back on topic regarding "Election Results - what's your prediction".


It seems to me that a lot of people, such as for example in Rushen, are proud to say "I got all 3 right" or "I only got 2 of them".


Well I suppose at least they voted.


The mentality of an awful lot of people seems to be that the election is a sort of free to enter National Lottery. Except you don't actually win or lose anything - or do you?


Got my predictions right, the wrong percentages though.


Malpass did well to get the 600 odd votes he did with the relatively low key campaign he ran and the fact that most people had not heard of him before the election. I think he got more votes than the two well known locals who stood in the 2001 election.

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As a Christian, it's nice to know if any MHK's will uphold particular Christian values. More so than that... but to generally uphold 'moral principles' such as matters related to underage drinking, teenage pregnancy etc.


Now, some ay disagree with that view... but I have as much right to look for 'something' in a candidate as anyone else. In future, I would like to know if candidates hold certain principles and that's really all I was pointing out in this topic. That... is my personal view.


With respect - and not wishing to get any kind of lengthy debate about belief systems - I do find it somewhat offensive that so many Christians, of whatever creed, appear to think that they have some kind of monopoly on the moral high ground. As a devout atheist, I would suggest that my moral values are as good and as socially acceptable as anyone who seeks guidance from scripture or prayer.

That is why, when it comes to selecting someone to represent me, I do not need to know their religious orientation any more than I need to know their sexual predilections or their choice of motorised vehicles.

Voting is about personal judgement. When religion (of any kind) becomes entangled in politics it means big trouble - always has, always will.

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Singer shot himself in the foot and so one less to represent the North



Excuse my immense ignorance, but how so?


He initially proposed standing for the Keys without resigning from Legco - using it as a safety net in case he failed. He then gave a strong impression of being a one-issue candidate. Altogether, a very accurate placement of a bullet in the foot.

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Because he eventually gave up his legco seat – although not technically a seat for Ramsey I guess he would generally have voted in support of a Ramsey issue such as the 24 cover at the cottage. He will be replaced by someone from the South or West.


He says he did this so he could go to Tynwald with a mandate from the people that the 24 hour service must be restored. All four Ramsey candidates wanted the same thing


Tynwald had already voted to provide the 24 hour service once funds allowed. Leonard being elected as an MHK would not have achieved it any quicker.


The cynics amongst might also ask if he thought he had more chance being elected to the keys for 5 years rather than run the risk of not being re-elected to Legco when his seat was up grabs in 18 months time.


Anyway, he came very close to getting in.

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