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Election Results

Albert Tatlock

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Just been to the Onchan requesition meeting and had to leave due to being totally bored shitless.


Harvey Briggs might be a nice man but he cannot chair a meeting. Each candidate had six minutes to get up and say there bit, then they had questions from the audience. Harvey briggs let the candidates go on and on instead of taking the reins and being in charge.


They should get Charles Fargher to chair the second meeting on Tuesday night, thats if anyone turns up. There was a good crowd about 100 people and just a few seats left.


Peter Karran was as usual extremely good.


Adrian Earnshaw was interesting and answered very sensibly


Brian Stowell was very angry with every answer, dont need that attitude, would not vote for him.


David Quirk - stick to local government !


Steve Babb - kept telling everyone that he was 34, maybe he should try local government first.


Mr Dosser - Not a chance.


I'm very glad you made it to tonight's event, I hope some of the answers helped a lot of people come to a decision on where to cast their votes. I am also very sorry if it appeared to you I mentioned my age a lot, it was only three times, but one helpful gent did remind me a fourth time later on. I'm glad you were listening to what I had to say though, I would hate to think everyone switched off or got bored like you did. Still, the applause given to various answers was appreciated by myself and the other candidates I managed to speak to afterwards.


I notice you haven't mentioned which candidates agreed or disagreed with the Human Rights Act and which ones were calling for the reintroduction of the birch. Those views came as a complete surprise to me. But I do welcome the debate.


I agree with what you say about Peter, I thought he was on the top of his game tonight. It's always enjoyable seeing Peter when he is that form.


Here's hoping Onchan will get a similar turn out at tomorrow's meeting. I wonder how many other constituencies would like to have the meetings on two nights?

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Are you saying that in sweet suberbia there are candidates that support the reintroduction of the birch? Glenfaba I could believe but Onchan?


BTW has anyone noticed the candidates from South Douglas resemble a 70's Prog Rock ensamble together for one last tour? Amadeus being the German wonderkind roped in to replace the one that od'd in 1982.

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Are you saying that in sweet suberbia there are candidates that support the reintroduction of the birch? Glenfaba I could believe but Onchan?


BTW has anyone noticed the candidates from South Douglas resemble a 70's Prog Rock ensamble together for one last tour? Amadeus being the German wonderkind roped in to replace the one that od'd in 1982.


Not only the birch, but there was even a joke made about using Zyklon-B on members of Tynwald. I can only say that not all the candidates found it amusing or in good taste.

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Mister Boot hasn't a hope in Glenfaba if tonight's requisition meeting counts for anything. Will he do any better than in May 2003 when he lost his seat in as a Tory councillor in Folkestone? He managed a huge 216 votes in his home patch (5.2%), though to be fair he might have done better if he his wife hadn't stood too and nabbed 196 potential votes for Geoffrey. Or if he hadn't been resident here since the late eighties. He says they were only "paper candidates" though, and not sitting members.




He came across as very patronizing, totally ill-informed tonight. The shrewd David Anderson calmly let him display his shortcomings without attacking him, just gently putting him right on all the things he didn't understand.

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How could he be a Councillor in England up to 2003 if he has been resident in the Isle of Man for the last 20 years?


He couldn't. I was a councillor in Sussex for eight months whilst living in the Isle of Man, but that is because I moved part way through my term. In theory, I could have kept the seat for another two years, but that would have been completely immoral.


However, you have to be living or working in the constituency in which your ward is situated at the start of each electoral term. Possibly the gentleman concerned had more than one home, although I can't imagine anyone spending years regularly trekking from here to Folkestone to attend council meetings.

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I think people should only be allowed to stand for the House of Keys if they have been in the LGB or a local council, the way things are at the mo, any old dogs body can stand for the house of Keys and thats not good. My votes will be going to people who have 'served their time' (and I dont mean in prison lol, that isnt even funny btw seeing as there are law breakers flaunting themselves as politicians).

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Mister Toot hasn't a hope in Glenfaba if tonight's requisition meeting counts for anything. Will he do any better than in May 2003 when he lost his seat in as a Tory councillor in Folkestone? He managed a huge 216 votes in his home patch (5.2%), though to be fair he might have done better if he his wife hadn't stood too and nabbed 196 potential votes for Geoffrey. Or if he hadn't been resident here since the late eighties, as he claims.




He came across as very patronizing, shifty and totally ill-informed tonight. The shrewd David Anderson calmly let him display his shortcomings without attacking him, just gently putting him right on all the things he didn't understand.


Are you kidding me!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

I was also at the meeting last night and quite frankly I thought Anderson was completely useless. and when he announced that he felt sorry for the Corkills (good God). I think he thinks that as long as he does'n't say anything controvertial and keeps his head down, he'll be right for another 5 years which will bring him nicely up to his pension time. Boot started well with his speech and had Anderson completely on the back foot, he said nothing in his 15 minutes, and he was reading it for god sake. Then Boot got over confident and shot himself in the foot at least three time, (election of MLC; planning at Scarlet and another thing I can't remember because I'm just recovering from my brain melting down last night!). It was a packed meeting which was good to see but it was so incestuous! Chairman calling people by first name, much too pally for me. We left at 10.00 p.m. and it was still going on, having stood all night we decided we'd heard enough. Don't think I'll be voting for either of these jokers - one just wants a job and a pension and the other is power crazy. Might consider voting for the power crazy joker because he will only be in for one term and he'll never make a minister so won't do anything more than shout. For God Sake if you're relying on Anderson as a member of COMIN you must be mad! As I suspected, same old, same old for another 5 years! :angry:

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I think people should only be allowed to stand for the House of Keys if they have been in the LGB or a local council...

I think that's a damn fine idea. Maybe not compulsory...but certainly to be encouraged.


The party system filters out most of the idiots in the UK - but I'm sure we've all seen the type of idiots that stand as 'independents' in the UK - either single issue people, or mad as a March Hare (or both).


Here you can be as mad as a box of frogs - and no-one need know till you're in.

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I think people should only be allowed to stand for the House of Keys if they have been in the LGB or a local council...

I think that's a damn fine idea. Maybe not compulsory...but certainly to be encouraged.


The party system filters out most of the idiots in the UK - but I'm sure we've all seen the type of idiots that stand as 'independents' in the UK - either single issue people, or mad as a March Hare (or both).


Here you can be as mad as a box of frogs - and no-one need know till you're in.


Agreed :lol: or should it be :(

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Hi all, I'm a Glenfaba constituent and would like to add my two penneth!


There is more background research on Mr Boot here:


Make of it what you will.



@teapot: I too was at the meeting last night and thoroughly enjoyed it. The item you may have forgotten is the look of genuine surprise on Mr Boots face when Mr Anderson responded to Mr Boot about problems with EU reciprocal health care forms and meat derogation by pointing out that the Isle of Man is not a member of the EU. A lack of such basic background knowledge is abysmal for a resident of 20years...


Also, after you left he was pressed further on having been resident here for so long / where exactly he has been. Again, no straight answer. Earlier in the meeting he stated that he had owned a house here and paid Manx tax for 20years (another slip up) - I think that there is a distinction to be made between this and actually living in and being active in the community.


Although Mr Anderson showed no brilliance - he made no big slip ups, and I think won points for stating that he isn't afraid of taking big decisions. (Whereas Mr Boot pointed out that he would prefer to defer decisions until after re-election).


I think that the result will be close on Thursday, as unfortunately many members of Glenfaba seem to like someone who will interfere with the commissioners role of handling the minutiae of local matters, rather than spending their time concentrating on national and international issues.

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I think people should only be allowed to stand for the House of Keys if they have been in the LGB or a local council, the way things are at the mo, any old dogs body can stand for the house of Keys and thats not good. My votes will be going to people who have 'served their time' (and I dont mean in prison lol, that isnt even funny btw seeing as there are law breakers flaunting themselves as politicians).


I know people will accuse me of just saying this because I've not been a local commissioner, but I strongly disagree. How many local councils are filled with people who stood unopposed and have never made their policies or views clear? How many of those can claim to have done the work themselves, or are simply part of a small committee?


And how many people actually know what their local commissioners do for them on an individual basis?


I agree there are some very good commissioners, some of those would make excellent MHKs IMHO, but not simply because they've been involved in local politics, they would be good candidates despite that. There are equally some local commissioners who IMHO make very good commissioners, but would not make good MHKs.


I'm all for improving the quality of candidates in the elections, but by putting a stranglehold like that on candidates, I feel it would only make the quality worse, not better. We need to encourage more people to stand, in particular more women to stand, at national level.

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I know people will accuse me of just saying this because I've not been a local commissioner, but I strongly disagree. How many local councils are filled with people who stood unopposed and have never made their policies or views clear? How many of those can claim to have done the work themselves, or are simply part of a small committee?


And how many people actually know what their local commissioners do for them on an individual basis?


I agree there are some very good commissioners, some of those would make excellent MHKs IMHO, but not simply because they've been involved in local politics, they would be good candidates despite that. There are equally some local commissioners who IMHO make very good commissioners, but would not make good MHKs.


I'm all for improving the quality of candidates in the elections, but by putting a stranglehold like that on candidates, I feel it would only make the quality worse, not better. We need to encourage more people to stand, in particular more women to stand, at national level.

It's all about experience and impoving their 'electability CV' for me. There's a lot to learn in politics, and given my being undecided between two similar candidates, I would always go for the one with more experience and a demonstrable track record, even if that was in a town council. This allows the opportunity to see how they operate - and is a kind of apprenticeship.


This is how it works mostly in the UK, you cut your teeth on the smaller councils usually before they allow you to go for county council and then as a PPC - unless of course you're a half-wit conservative celebrity f***wit like ex Coronation Street Adam Rickitt and you're straight in (god help us all!).

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