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Election Results

Albert Tatlock

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My prediction is that 60% of the time its always a total knobber that gets in.


Sigh, Babb it is then :)


I still think Karren, Earnshaw and Stowell mainly because of the two safe votes and Stowell is so memorable deplorable.

Edited for accuracy. :rolleyes:

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My prediction is that 60% of the time its always a total knobber that gets in.


Sigh, Babb it is then :)


I still think Karren, Earnshaw and Stowell mainly because of the two safe votes and Stowell is so memorable.


God help us all!! I was at school with him, don't remember him being MENSA quality then ;)

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My prediction is that 60% of the time its always a total knobber that gets in.


Sigh, Babb it is then :)


I still think Karren, Earnshaw and Stowell mainly because of the two safe votes and Stowell is so memorable.


Well, as long as I get in, I'll happily let you describe me however you like.

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My prediction is that 60% of the time its always a total knobber that gets in.


Sigh, Babb it is then :)


I still think Karren, Earnshaw and Stowell mainly because of the two safe votes and Stowell is so memorable.


Well, as long as I get in, I'll happily let you describe me however you like.


I wish you well in todays election.

If you are not elected and one of the two commissioners is elected, you should stand in the commissioners byelection, get elected, and try for the keys again in September 2011

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Ive been watching all this election stuff with my neighbours and listening on the radio so we reckon we've got it pretty well known who might get in.


I wouldn't want to give any precdictions because someone might read it and say "Hey Doric is voting for Mr (or Mrs) XXXX, and he knows a thing or two" (They keep saying go on Mannin Line, but I thinkthey stopped all that) anyway it might unjuly influence the vote so best keep away until its all over - Ill let you all know what I think but only after the count has been announced on Manx Radio, which I'll be glued to this evening.


Id like to go down to th Villa but some people will be disappointed so best keep away I say.

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Startling results in exit polls


Results are in from the first exit polls in Manx political hoistory, and in Rushen two sitting members appear to be in trouble. Environment Minister John Rimington is struggling, behind newcomer Juan Watterson who tops the poll. Port St Mary commissioner Philip Crellin is giving the two other sitting members, Quintin Gill and Phil Gawne, a run for their money. There could be another surprise in Peel, where local commissioner Tim Crookall has made a good showing, and could threaten long serving member Hazel Hannan. In Ramsey Leonard Singer, who stepped down as an MLC to contest the election, could have cause for concern as, according to our poll, he's trailing Allan Bell and Ann Craine. Liberal Vannin Party leader and outspoken government critic Peter Karran is heading for a comfortable victory in Onchan, ahead of Adrian Earnshaw, and the seat vacated by former Chief Minister Richard Corkill looks like a two way fight between Onchan commissioners David Quirk and Brian Stowell. Manx Labour Party member David Cretney is well ahead in South Douglas and it looks as if Bill Malarkey will take the seat freed up by the retirement of Adrian Duggan. In East Douglas Brenda Cannell and Phil Braidwood are being pushed all the way by Chris Robertshaw.


Startling! Rushen's is beyond comprehension!

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