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Bad News For Motorists..


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Little Birdie (read: source of information above rumour level) has it that a few points have been put at the top of the agenda for the new Tynwald by the civil servant army - these include:


Double the current car tax for everything with more than a 2l engine


Triple for 4x4s/SUVs


Island-wide 50mph speed limit


Speed limit for the Mountain Road


I knew the speed limit thing would come up again - I just didn't expect it this quickly. At least I've got pretty much official confirmation now that the so often mentioned "Stealth Limits" are indeed being introduced in an attempt to slowly limit down the whole Island - if any confirmation was ever needed for that...


If the whole debate should really flame up again very soon, then I have to seriously ask myself why so much time and money was wasted on two consultations - and why, oh why, can some people not at least try and think 'outside the box'? Remember the thread about the Shared Space project? They removed everything from the roads - traffic lights, signs, parking restrictions, even road markings - and it worked! Nanny State? No thanks... :angry:

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Triple for 4x4s/SUVs


Well that's certainly a good thing!!

Some things may be good. What's bad, for example, is that too many civil servants are seemingly being allowed to ignore the resounding response to two major speeding consultations. It seems that the best way to get your way as a lobbbyist is to become a civil servant - and, IMHO, MHKs shouldn't allow this to happen - as it is they that are elected - not civil servants. Half the stuff going on should be going through Tynwald.

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Perhaps this is another symptom of the lack of party politics. Civil servants in a party political system deliver the policies of the ruling party. Where there is no party politics to introduce a Government agenda, the Civil Servants are basically given carte blanche to foster their own agenda.

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Little Birdie (read: source of information above rumour level) has it that a few points have been put at the top of the agenda for the new Tynwald by the civil servant army - these include:


Double the current car tax for everything with more than a 2l engine


Triple for 4x4s/SUVs


Island-wide 50mph speed limit


Speed limit for the Mountain Road



they asked the public for there opinion twice didn't get the answer they wanted so do what they wanted in the first place, what a bunch of self important cocks its like living in a dictatorship!


What if you have a 4x4 suv with a 2.1 lt motor, I quite fancy something like this for example will that be double then triple then double? I only want a 4x4 because the roads are so fucking awfull, wecked a few nice big alloys in my time.

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If this is true - and I have no reason to doubt it given the unwholesome fervour of the DoT to get its own way - then it must be resisted at every level.


The former Transport Minister John Shimmin was resoundingly assured by the public that he had NO mandate from the people of the Isle of Man, or from Tynwald, to impose further nanny-state speed limits.


So was the current Minister, Phil Braidwood. The Director of Highways can similarly be in no doubt that Manx motorists are not prepared to accept fundamentally flawed logic that has been imposed in the UK and across Europe - i.e. that speed limits OUTSIDE TOWNS and the enforcement of them reduce accidents.


It is too late now to issue a doorstep challenge to candidates, but I suggest that SID sends a strongly worded letter to the new Chief Minister next week to register its dismay that not only are the DoT introducing an unrealistically low all-island speed limit already BY STEALTH, a policy which is beneath contempt and needs to be reversed, but that the Department of Transport is there to FACILITATE transport and not bog it down in a foggy-minded beaurocracy.


The DoT should concentrate instead on improving our appalling roads. I'm convinced that the reason for so many 'one-eyed monsters' on them is that the majority of road surfaces are so poor that the bulbs get shaken into premature failure...


And as for double and triple car tax - are the people who come up with these ideas on drugs?? Plainly they want to force a 'compliant society' where we all drive Datsun Cherries or Toyota Priapics at 20mph, everywhere. Those of us who enjoy our vehicles already pay well over the odds for tax, insurance and fuel as it is.


Gird your loins folks - it looks like we have another battle on our hands.

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Would this mean a gas guzzling Fiat Panda 4x4 would get taxed triple?


Oh well. I'll have to get a Mazda RX8 instead. Burns fuel like an Iraqi oilwell but only has a 1.3 litre engine.


Stupid 'blanket' rules like this dreamt up by idiots will take all the enjoyment out of driving. Fuck the lot of them

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