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Bad News For Motorists..


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Am I alone in finding the assignation of gender to a motor vehicle rather bizarre and not a little disturbing?

They look pretty, they're expensive to run and they always promise far more than they can deliver. What's your problem?

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Following today's uk budget announcement of a 1.25p/L rise in fuel duty, I am amazed that a bloke supposedly adept at juggling figures is so out of touch with petrol pumps which have one decimal point and always end in '.9p'.


How does he think that his 1.25p is going to be added to that ?, it's not going to go from like 94.9p to 96.15p, it will be up by 2p and then the outcry will be against the fuel companies making windfall profits, not poor old Gordie who deftly sidesteps the flack :)


I hear "yes minister" somewhere in the background ;)

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I know I'm tempting fate here, but I assume those who actually do get around to replacing broken lamps must get the cheapest shit they can lay their hands on, maybe from off a scrapper or from someone who's preparing a banger for Onchan Stadium, because I've not had a light blow on any of my 3 cars in over 5 years. Worrying thing is you even see quite new cars with a light out. Is there a conspiracy among car manufacturers?!


maybe they drop the bonnet with the headlight on or still hot, that sees them off good style ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know I'm tempting fate here, but I assume those who actually do get around to replacing broken lamps must get the cheapest shit they can lay their hands on, maybe from off a scrapper or from someone who's preparing a banger for Onchan Stadium, because I've not had a light blow on any of my 3 cars in over 5 years. Worrying thing is you even see quite new cars with a light out. Is there a conspiracy among car manufacturers?!


maybe they drop the bonnet with the headlight on or still hot, that sees them off good style ;)


not possible - these drivers don't know how to open the bonnet

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Here's a thought - and I'd welcome measured comments.


It feels that virtually EVERY time I go out in the car, I see something illegal - either a defective vehicle or dangerous driving - where I wish there was a cop around to nab the offender. I'm not perfect, or holier than thou, and realise that we all make mistakes. ................


...........The problem is that it feels wrong to even be thinking of 'shopping' fellow drivers. Nobody wants to be a grass. But if one of these idiots causes accident or injury and you DON'T do something, you'll feel even worse.


Comments please.

Hm.. I sort of smell an idea for a website in that - nothing involving the old bill - more like a forum for people to report stuff, like a simple form: number plate - defect/issue - time/date. If the person in question doesn't see or read it, then there's every chance a friend or colleague might (small island and all that..) - Not sure about the legal pitfalls of such an idea, though - any ideas, anyone?...



Got this one the other day, btw - just thought I pop it on here as well:


Subject: Latest 'Nannystatism'


Dear All,


This was sent through to me and whilst 'something has to be done to save the world', and we may not be affected here in the Isle of Man anyway, the 'big brother' element of this is as worrying as the cost implications.

If you agree then please sign up - it only takes a minute. The petition accepts IOM addresses but probably carries more weight with a UK address. If you feel strongly about this issue then please forward the link to your friends and contacts.


Subject: RE: Vote against car charging


More stealth tax. The government's proposal to introduce road pricing will mean

you having to purchase a tracking device for your car and paying a monthly bill to use it.


The tracking device will cost about £200 and in a recent study by the BBC,

the lowest monthly bill was £28 for a rural florist and £194 for a delivery

driver. A non working Mum who used the car to take the kids to school paid £86 in

one month.


On top of this massive increase in tax, you will be tracked. Somebody will

know where you are at all times. They will also know how fast you have been

going, so even if you accidentally creep over a speed limit you can expect

an NIP with your monthly bill. Once again the government has elected to persecute honest law abiding citizens.


If you care about our freedoms and stopping the constant bashing of the

Car/Van/Bike User, please sign the petition at:



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Subject: Latest 'Nannystatism'


Dear All,


This was sent through to me and whilst 'something has to be done to save the world', and we may not be affected here in the Isle of Man anyway, the 'big brother' element of this is as worrying as the cost implications.

If you agree then please sign up - it only takes a minute. The petition accepts IOM addresses but probably carries more weight with a UK address. If you feel strongly about this issue then please forward the link to your friends and contacts.


Subject: RE: Vote against car charging


More stealth tax. The government's proposal to introduce road pricing will mean

you having to purchase a tracking device for your car and paying a monthly bill to use it.


The tracking device will cost about £200 and in a recent study by the BBC,

the lowest monthly bill was £28 for a rural florist and £194 for a delivery

driver. A non working Mum who used the car to take the kids to school paid £86 in

one month.


On top of this massive increase in tax, you will be tracked. Somebody will

know where you are at all times. They will also know how fast you have been

going, so even if you accidentally creep over a speed limit you can expect

an NIP with your monthly bill. Once again the government has elected to persecute honest law abiding citizens.


If you care about our freedoms and stopping the constant bashing of the

Car/Van/Bike User, please sign the petition at:




Does anyone know how this will affect 'visiting' vehicles - i.e. those from the island on holiday in the UK? If the system isn't introduced here, how will it work when we go 'across'? Or (horrible thought!), are we likely to introduce it so that we can 'conform' to the requirements of laws in other places?

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This was sent through to me and whilst 'something has to be done to save the world', and we may not be affected here in the Isle of Man anyway, the 'big brother' element of this is as worrying as the cost implications.

If you agree then please sign up - it only takes a minute. The petition accepts IOM addresses but probably carries more weight with a UK address. If you feel strongly about this issue then please forward the link to your friends and contacts.



It is designed with Isle of Man as an option under the dropdown menu

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  • 7 months later...
I would hope not very many people would dissagree.


It is certainly a cash cow. The total road tax on a car is insignificant by comparison to the amount of petrol duty paid by anyone who does a reasonable amount of driving. It is supposed to encourage people to buy cheap shitty cans of scrap metal instead of safe reliable proper cars. Well I can tell you, if or when I can only afford to run one car it will not be an uncomfortable one litre recycled beer can, it will be a big, comfortable car with every safety option so when I am hit by one of the recycled beer cans I know I will be ok.


Scrap road tax and put 10p on the price of a litre of petrol. That is the only fair way, and green way to tax the motorist.


All this shit about tracking devices is a load of bollocks for bollocks sake.


(rant over)

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I would hope not very many people would dissagree.


It is certainly a cash cow. The total road tax on a car is insignificant by comparison to the amount of petrol duty paid by anyone who does a reasonable amount of driving. It is supposed to encourage people to buy cheap shitty cans of scrap metal instead of safe reliable proper cars. Well I can tell you, if or when I can only afford to run one car it will not be an uncomfortable one litre recycled beer can, it will be a big, comfortable car with every safety option so when I am hit by one of the recycled beer cans I know I will be ok.


Governments all over the world are offering tax incentives to encourage people to buy smaller cars. What makes you think manx peope are somehow immune to these incentives, which are shown to be working elsewhere?


Anyone know what Juan Turner drives?

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Governments all over the world are offering tax incentives to encourage people to buy smaller cars. What makes you think manx peope are somehow immune to these incentives, which are shown to be working elsewhere?


Anyone know what Juan Turner drives?


I have no idea what JT drives.


Now, do you really think lowering annual road tax is encouraging people to buy smaller cars? Are you sure it is that and not the enormous saving that 40mpg has over 30mpg? That is a 33.33% saving in petrol costs. The difference between the £50pa on a recycled beer can and the £96pa for a better, more comfortable, safer car is £40 or roughly 2/3 of a Mondeo tank of petrol, or a few hundred miles driving, which ever way you want to look at it. A real incentive? Low tax isn't! It is bollocks. Road tax is nothing but a cash cow. Always has been and will be until a fair method of taxing motorists on a pay as you go basis is achieved.

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