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Bad News For Motorists..


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I don't think the polar bears would agree with you there.

You global warming fanatics are obsessed with minor changes - that pale into comparison with natural changes.


During the last interglacial era, about 130,000 years ago or about when modern man was first moving out

of Africa, the average temperature in Europe was at least 2° to 5°F warmer than at present, and Hippopotamuses, lions, rhinoceroses, and elephants roamed the English countryside.


Polar Bears, in their present form, evolved from other bears around 5 million years ago. In the past 500,000 years the average temperature on the earth has gone up and down between 9 and 15 degrees, sea levels have gone up by 120m in the past 18,000 years alone, and the level of CO2 has gone up and down between sod all and 300ppm. Polar Bears survived then and they will survive now.


You're all like King Canute. Consensus isn't science FFS!

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It's widely believed they evolved around quarter of a million years ago (not 5 million), but the difference is that in the past they were able to evolve. Large animals like that can't evolve at a natural pace these days because they get shot for venturing into areas polulated by man. So they'll probably die off.


Sure, they will die out one day regardless of man's actions, just like Tigers will, and Rhinos will, and every other species that has ever existed, but it's still sad that man needlessly plays a part in speeding up the process.

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It's widely believed they evolved around quarter of a million years ago (not 5 million), but the difference is that in the past they were able to evolve. Large animals like that can't evolve at a natural pace these days because they get shot for venturing into areas polulated by man. So they'll probably die off.


Sure, they will die out one day regardless of man's actions, just like Tigers will, and Rhinos will, and every other species that has ever existed, but it's still sad that man needlessly plays a part in speeding up the process.

I've seen estimates on the web for Polar Bear evolution from 100,000 years to 8 million years.


Nah! Animals won't die out. In a few decades with the advance of genetics we could bring all these animals back from a few samples of DNA, and create a few new ones like 'Burger King Cows' and Chickens ready coated with breadcrums instead of feathers, as well as Polar Bears that can live in the desert. I think someone is secretly doing it with Woolly Mammoth DNA and an Elephant already as we speak. But who's gonna care in 500 years? - as we'll all probably be brain scanned into a computer at the age of 40 by then - and virtually live happily ever after in a perfect world.

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like I say come back in a million years and tell me I'm wrong.


now were did all those bloody dinosaurs go :unsure:


I'd say he did not even need to do that. If he looks back to just 500-900AD he will see that in the British Isles prior to 500AD the ground was frozen solid virtually all year around and much of it was virtually uninhabitable, in particular Ireland. A "Global Warming" phenomenon happened over this period and by 700AD (a time lapse of less than 200 years) Ireland was a lush green land.


This was without artificial carbon emissions. This was prior even to the industrial revolution! A normal cyclical event. It is very well documented.


I am not saying that driving cars is not adding to the problem, but it is not the cause. I would say that the carbon dioxide given off by animals on the IOM is greater than the emission from cars on a daily basis, and yet the government promotes farming!


More seriously, how about the emissions from all the central heating boilers around the place that are needlessly so much of the time?

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to stop "global warming" is simple.

Increase tax on the flipping yanks petrol. It would force the yank car companies to stop making family cars with 8 litre engines (that have like 100bhp) that do about 5 miles to the gallon.

Surely the emissions from cars and oil refineries in America are more than the entire worlds put together.

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If this is true - and I have no reason to doubt it given the unwholesome fervour of the DoT to get its own way - then it must be resisted at every level.


The former Transport Minister John Shimmin was resoundingly assured by the public that he had NO mandate from the people of the Isle of Man, or from Tynwald, to impose further nanny-state speed limits.


So was the current Minister, Phil Braidwood. The Director of Highways can similarly be in no doubt that Manx motorists are not prepared to accept fundamentally flawed logic that has been imposed in the UK and across Europe - i.e. that speed limits OUTSIDE TOWNS and the enforcement of them reduce accidents.


It is too late now to issue a doorstep challenge to candidates, but I suggest that SID sends a strongly worded letter to the new Chief Minister next week to register its dismay that not only are the DoT introducing an unrealistically low all-island speed limit already BY STEALTH, a policy which is beneath contempt and needs to be reversed, but that the Department of Transport is there to FACILITATE transport and not bog it down in a foggy-minded beaurocracy.


The DoT should concentrate instead on improving our appalling roads. I'm convinced that the reason for so many 'one-eyed monsters' on them is that the majority of road surfaces are so poor that the bulbs get shaken into premature failure...


And as for double and triple car tax - are the people who come up with these ideas on drugs?? Plainly they want to force a 'compliant society' where we all drive Datsun Cherries or Toyota Priapics at 20mph, everywhere. Those of us who enjoy our vehicles already pay well over the odds for tax, insurance and fuel as it is.


Gird your loins folks - it looks like we have another battle on our hands.


Now you have this information can't you ask some of the candidates to go on record with a response! Come on Stu you're the one person that can find out for us!! Get on the phone and get the buggers to say something - there's still some Mandates to go before the election!

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Now you have this information can't you ask some of the candidates to go on record with a response! Come on Stu you're the one person that can find out for us!! Get on the phone and get the buggers to say something - there's still some Mandates to go before the election!


I'm awaiting a response from the DoT on this and the possibly stealthy new Brandish speed limit.


Election rules make it difficult to ask any of the candidates - to be impartial I'd have to ask them all, and I simply don't have the time. Nothing to stop you guys calling the numbers on all those manifestos sitting on your doormats though...and voting accordingly.


Thanks to Maggle for the web link - I'll be claiming my points from him around 10 past 8 tomorrow morning, all being well!

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all you need to see global warming taking place is take a look at how fast the glaciers are melting. i cant believe people are still in denial about it even when it's staring us in the face. tbh i think it's too late to repair the damage we've done already anyway

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all you need to see global warming taking place is take a look at how fast the glaciers are melting. i cant believe people are still in denial about it even when it's staring us in the face. tbh i think it's too late to repair the damage we've done already anyway


Yeah I was just looking out my window the other day and noticed how much they were retreating....selective detailing and scaremongering in the extreme.

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all you need to see global warming taking place is take a look at how fast the glaciers are melting. i cant believe people are still in denial about it even when it's staring us in the face. tbh i think it's too late to repair the damage we've done already anyway


Yeah I was just looking out my window the other day and noticed how much they were retreating....selective detailing and scaremongering in the extreme.

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with a series of hobgoblins.


H. L. Mencken

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just because you are not able to see it happening right in front of your face does not mean it isnt happening. i saw pictures of the same iceburgs and over a few years you can actualy see them getting smaller and finaly it melting so much it jus falls to pieces. the whole landscape is getting smaller up there and the vast majority of scientists are not doing this to try and scare you but because there is real concern for the enviroment and us. if not for us (although it could be), definatly for later generations. i know ppl who say "ah i dont care - it's not going to happen in my lifetime" well that's showing some real heart for your children and the world in general

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all you need to see global warming taking place is take a look at how fast the glaciers are melting. i cant believe people are still in denial about it even when it's staring us in the face. tbh i think it's too late to repair the damage we've done already anyway


Yeah I was just looking out my window the other day and noticed how much they were retreating....selective detailing and scaremongering in the extreme.

Well I do have a glacier in my back garden, and in the 15 years I've been here it has shrunk a great deal, it's even being covered in summer to stop it melting.


October was a record by about 3.5C, November already heading in the same direction.


The lake should be frozen now, at least around the edges. As it is the ducks are swimming around like good 'uns, the kids are still going to school wearing t-shirts, that's in the Swiss Alpgs !!!


We're even at the stage of using an artificial ice rink because we cannot guarantee the lake freezing enough in winter.

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all you need to see global warming taking place is take a look at how fast the glaciers are melting. i cant believe people are still in denial about it even when it's staring us in the face. tbh i think it's too late to repair the damage we've done already anyway


Yeah I was just looking out my window the other day and noticed how much they were retreating....selective detailing and scaremongering in the extreme.

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with a series of hobgoblins.


H. L. Mencken


yes cause bush has really been trying to scare the population with global warming :unsure: he has been doing that quite well with terrorism. at the same time then some people dismiss the overwhelming evidence from scientists cause noone wants to give up their SUVs or spend any money on trying to find other sources of power.

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Oh I am sorry I didnt realise that you went to all the scientific trouble of seeing pictures of icebergs and that the same icebergs were smaller. Christ I am convinced. Tit.


If the icebergs were smaller how do you know they were the same ones.....


Try reading around the subject and get a balanced view dude.


Try this for a debunking of the Polar bear myth

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