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i was not claiming that just because i saw pictures of ice burgs melting that this was proof of global warming. that was just an example it is common knowledge that most scientists believe in global warming and have alot of facts to back it up. we are not just talking about polar bears here (although i will have a look at that article in a second) we are talking about huge impact on our world.

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ok so i read that article - big deal it is the criticism of one scientist and his apparant findings of a change in polar bear breading (which was wrong apparantly) and possible numbers. although there is a decline since the 1980's that article attributes it to good conditions in the 1980's. it's hardly mind blowing stuff and nothing to disuade my thoughts on global warming, especially in the bigger scheme of things

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ok so i read that article - big deal it is the criticism of one scientist and his apparant findings of a change in polar bear breading (which was wrong apparantly) and possible numbers. although there is a decline since the 1980's that article attributes it to good conditions in the 1980's. it's hardly mind blowing stuff and nothing to disuade my thoughts on global warming, especially in the bigger scheme of things


So hang on a minute...you claim that the demise of the polar bear is a FACT over global warming told to you by SCIENTISTS....and yet when the evidence is to the contrary you chose to ignore it. Interesting!!


I suggest you revert your iceburg (sic) measuring and don your tin foil hat!

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ok ill take a look at this one - it seems more in depth but the fact it has an ad saying "make sure we get the fuel america needs" at the top of the page does not warm the heart. also from the look of it how can it be balanced when it is only taking the one side? anywho ill take a deeper read and ill be back

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when did i say that i thought the demise of polar was fact? i wouldnt say that that article proved anything anyway - i honestly cant. perhaps you should do some reading proving global warming instead of searching out ones that ease your conscience. then you can claim to be balanced. everyone has a difference in opinions, just like scientists. so i think the best thing to do is read from both sides and then make up your opinion.

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when did i say that i thought the demise of polar was fact? i wouldnt say that that article proved anything anyway - i honestly cant. perhaps you should do some reading proving global warming instead of searching out ones that ease your conscience. then you can claim to be balanced. everyone has a difference in opinions, just like scientists. so i think the best thing to do is read from both sides and then make up your opinion.


Which is what I have done. My conscience is clear. Personally I couldnt give a flying fuck what you do or dont believe in. I just find the fact that you come on to defend a person because people have only heard one side of a story and then be so intransigent on another issue, somewhat contradictory.


Good riddance to Polar bears and ice caps anyway...never did anything for me!


I like my deodarants with CFCs

I like big 4 wheel drive gas guzzling cars

I like light bulbs that are inefficient

I like to leave the tap running when I brush my teeth


Fuck the future....coz I wont be around for most of it!

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Polar bears aren't suffering because "icebergs are getting smaller". They hunt on sea ice, which is melting earlier each year, reducing they're opportunities to feed. It's well documented. That's why they've been added to the endangered species red list.


That article "debunking the polar bear myth" only actually debunks one theory that they will demise within 25 years. The populations of polar bears which appear unaffected live in Northern regions, but even that article admits that the Southern most populations (i.e. Hudson Bay) have suffered in recent years.

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Polar bears aren't suffering because "icebergs are getting smaller". They hunt on sea ice, which is melting earlier each year, reducing they're opportunities to feed. It's well documented. That's why they've been added to the endangered species red list.


That article "debunking the polar bear myth" only actually debunks one theory that they will demise within 25 years. The populations of polar bears which appear unaffected live in Northern regions, but even that article admits that the Southern most populations (i.e. Hudson Bay) have suffered in recent years.

No - Polar Bears are on the endangered species list because man has previously hunted them practically to extinction - just like the Woolly Mammoth etc. and there are now few left to cope with even minor changes in the conditions that occur in the territories they are now forced to live in. There are only 20-25000 left as it is.


Next you'll be saying that if we don't start immediately counselling Lemmings - soon they will be gone too. In this age of pseudo-politico-science I'd bet you'd get a grant for it as well.



'Follow meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!'

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when did i say that i thought the demise of polar was fact? i wouldnt say that that article proved anything anyway - i honestly cant. perhaps you should do some reading proving global warming instead of searching out ones that ease your conscience. then you can claim to be balanced. everyone has a difference in opinions, just like scientists. so i think the best thing to do is read from both sides and then make up your opinion.


irishlad, I don't think anyone on this board thinks global warming is a myth or does not exist. I am certain it does exist. However, if you look at some of the other links on this board, or in fact just read about the history of Ireland prior to 700AD (go and look at the Book of Kells exhibit in Trinity College for a quick overview) you will see that global warming is a normal, regular occurance on Earth regardless of the 3% overall of Carbon man as a whole emits into the atmosphere. Stopping burning fossil fuels will make no difference.


On topic again.


It is blatantly stealth taxation. One of the government complaints is how expensive it is to the government everytime someone is killed or very seriously injured. Figures of £millions are banded around. When people are killed or injured in cars how often is it in a big expensive car with all the safety equipment? Virtually never. It is usually in a french tin can or an old car prior to the myriad of safety equipment now standard on many new cars (and on all of those that are in high tax brackets).


So, 4 lads in a Saxo VTR versus a yummy mummy in her X5 in a head on crash on the mountain road, who is going to be the worst off?


In my opinion, the small cars tax should be raised and big cars lowered to encourage their use simply on safety grounds.


As for the speed limit, it makes no difference to me but it will make no difference to the number of crashes and fatalities either. If the limit was 50mph, and cameras were put up it would become just liek Liverpool where life is a race between the cameras, because you know the police are all either behind desks or mcDonalds.

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No - Polar Bears are on the endangered species list because man has previously hunted them practically to extinction - just like the Woolly Mammoth etc. and there are now few left to cope with even minor changes in the conditions that occur in the territories they are now forced to live in. There are only 20-25000 left as it is.

Agreed, this was a major threat in previous years. Bad timing for the bears all round. Interesting to note that you now appear to be agreeing that they're under threat? Quick change of mind there.


Next you'll be saying that if we don't start immediately counselling Lemmings - soon they will be gone too. In this age of pseudo-politico-science I'd bet you'd get a grant for it as well.



'Follow meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!'

Funny guy.

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Bad timing for the bears all round. Interesting to note that you now appear to be agreeing that they're under threat? Quick change of mind there.

Fair comment - yeh but no but yeh but no! In the 'heat' of the debate I meant they won't be killed off because of 'global warming' caused by man - no doubt they will eventually all be killed off (by man) and natural changes in temperature over this cycle.


I am actually a wildlife fan, I feed the birds most days in the winter and have overwintered my fair share of October/November's anorexic hedgehogs (find one weighing less than a pound around now and he won't get through the winter and will die in hibernation).

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