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Bad News For Motorists..


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The old "dangerous" Brandish corner was derestricted, you could go round it as fast as you liked, completely legally.


The new "improved and safer" Brandish corner suffers from a nonsensical 20/40 limit, despite all the major work having been finished. I don't see that there's any danger involved in doing 60 round there at 7am on a Sunday morning.


I obey the laws I respect, not the laws I'm told to.


This post is makes a far greater case for speed restriction and enforcement thereof than I ever could. (assuming it's a serious post, and I haven't just missed the punchline?)

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and also suggested of having a compost bin or wormery in a flat with no garden ! - I wonder what environmental health would say about that ? (


There is a wormery in the office at Dolge next door to Environmental Health and it is used it to dispose of their apple cores and banana skins. No smell at all.


Plans to install them in other Government offices I understand.

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From the FoE site:


is a local group which is part of Friends of the Earth UK.


Our aim is the protection of the Manx environment and the promotion of sustainable living and global environmental justice


Climate change is the issue that will most profoundly affect the people and environment of the Isle of Man. It will especially affect our children and grandchildren.


It is largely caused by man-made air pollution of CO2 from burning fossil fuels: coal, oil, petrol, gas.

What throw away statements! I think most of these people are like religeous fundamentalists - they have 'the faith' - so no matter what you say to them, even when it's backed by decent science, is irrelevant to them.


Pffft! Bleedin hippies. Reminds me of ASH and other such life-intruding groups. I bet half of them are artists or something.


All these taxes they are wanting are just going to make the poor even poorer and even less mobile. Do you really think anyone on a reasonable salary is going to stop travelling? - Dream on!


It seems that I'm going to have to start my revolution sooner than I thought :angry:





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There is a wormery in the office at Dolge next door to Environmental Health and it is used it to dispose of their apple cores and banana skins. No smell at all.


Plans to install them in other Government offices I understand.


Christ! That will save the planet!!


I am about the greenest person I know, yet I don't have a compost bin, nor do I (often) take stuff for recycling. I would rather save the petrol! Until they start doing glass collections, etc., my stuff will go in the bin. That is where the government need to concentrate.

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I know the 20 is temporary, but I'll bet they keep the 40 limit even after the work is finished, maybe 50 if we're lucky - only going derestricted once you're beyond the corner.


Chopley, Yep you're probably right, personally I reckon it'll be 40.


With over 700 people in the DoT !


And I bet over half of those will be a manager of some description, that old saying of "The blind leading the blind" springs to mind.


No offense intended to any blind people reading this in braille.

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From Manx Radio:


Environmental campaigners in the Isle of Man have dismissed claims that the Green lobby has massively exaggerated the threat from global warming.


A website posted on a local internet forum debunks what it calls ten myths and scare stories about climate change.


The anti-Green arguments can be found on the Association of British Drivers' website - which wouldn't be expected to oppose the burning of fossil fuels.


But it quotes many credible sources - including respected scientists - who challenge the evidence for global warming.


Cheryl Cousins (pictured) from the One World Centre says the site is peddling nonsense.


She says climate change is now an established reality:


MF was not mentioned by name but this is the only current thread I know of where links to the 10 myths have been posted.

I listened to Mandate (on 'listen-again' on MR). Well done Stu.


Climate of Fear: This makes interesting reading, considering that the temperature has actually dropped since it was written.


Cheryl Cousins going on about Noah and how she's not a scientist :lol: and basically saying 'I don't know what the heck I'm talking about - but it's true!' :lol::lol:post-2251-1164217830_thumb.jpg







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I'd prefer not to incriminate myself anyone


Hehe, there are certain times of the day when one can be pretty sure Mr Plod will not be in attendance, and at such times, one could, if one chose to, appreciate the increased velocity with which it is possible to travel around the new Brandish Corner with relatively little fear of unwelcome bacon-flavoured intrusion.



Oh dear. It's comments like these which make speed cameras seem like a good idea after all.


The old "dangerous" Brandish corner was derestricted, you could go round it as fast as you liked, completely legally.


The new "improved and safer" Brandish corner suffers from a nonsensical 20/40 limit, despite all the major work having been finished. I don't see that there's any danger involved in doing 60 round there at 7am on a Sunday morning.


I obey the laws I respect, not the laws I'm told to.


Plus there was a distict whiff of bacon at the corner this morning (aka an overweight, overpaid copper sitting in his Range Rover doing nothing). He must read this forum.


I'm shocked. I never realised coppers could read

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I was slightly confused where Manx Radio were coming from on this as it was apparently deemed Newsworthy that the "anti green lobby" had posted on a web site ten "facts" debunking myths and scare stories re climate change. Why is such a posting news especially as what was posted was as Manx Radio stated four years old! Yes if there was new research but this was a rehash of an old argument.


Much has changed in that period and whilst 10 years ago Climate change was a matter of conjecture these days it is much more accepted as fact. I appreciate not all agree and it would make an interesting debate between the two sides provided they picked the correct individuals. i.e. people with knowledge and facts at their finger tips and therefore able to challenge each other and not Cheryl Cousins or the like.


I have not read Climate of Fear but it is I understand the point of view of an economist who does not accept Global Warming is happening. Or did not when he wrote the book in 1997/98 although he credits that many scietists believe it is the case. I wonder if he is still of that view


This is probably one step forward in the argument with regard to Climate Change. First is it happening and then if it is is it beneficial? I have a view on the former but of the latter I have not read enough but can believe that global warming might be economically beneficial but not enviromentally. The G8 might countries might benefit from a warmer climate and this is where the majority of wealth is eraned. Less developed countries in Africa say might be disadvantaged which might be a concern socially and enviromentally but as they generate little wealth in terms of the World's economy there may be little downside. Do the economic arguments then override the social and enviromental?


Finally have you got a reference to the temperature dropping since the book was written. This seems to conflict with the New Scientists view "that the world has not been as warm as it is now for a millennium or more. The three warmest years on record have all occurred since 1998; 19 of the warmest 20 since 1980"

this is on there website



I like the New Scientist as though I feel it is not the quality it was twenty years ago it is a fairly neutral publication and provided scientists produce properly researched papers it will publish both sides of an argument. The web site is also frequently updated so in respect of climate change if you go back to it evey now and again you are not looking at a dated site which may not have kept pace with current views.




I listened to Mandate (on 'listen-again' on MR). Well done Stu.


Climate of Fear: This makes interesting reading, considering that the temperature has actually dropped since it was written.


Cheryl Cousins going on about Noah and how she's not a scientist :lol: and basically saying 'I don't know what the heck I'm talking about - but it's true!' :lol::lol:post-2251-1164217830_thumb.jpg







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The older and more cynical I get, the more I've learned to trust my (sizeable) gut instinct and rely less on the 'experts'. Especially when considering abstract concepts rather than relying on sound empirical data.


My intuition about climate change is that it's a nonsense spawned by an entire movement of dispossessed hippies and right-on types who live to complain about the rest of us and bore us with their own green credentials. Some of my friends - people whose opinions I trust - tell me I'm wrong, and there's an outside chance of that too, which is why I'm always happy to listen to opposing points of view.


My O-level in woodwork didn't equip me with the multiple braincells R2D2 suggests as a prerequisite to my day job, so I'm barely qualified to provide a philosophical debate - but I read a collection of Noam Chomsky interviews recently, and he concluded exactly the same as H L Mencken - i.e. that Governments control the masses by frightening them to death about problems that only the Government can solve. Fear management is a tried and trusted way of controlling the masses, and most organised religions are founded on it.


Chomsky suggests that Osama & Co are more a figment of George and Tony's spin doctors than a real threat. That the invasion of Iraq follows the age-old rule of picking a fight with someone who can't fight back, but then creating a supposed MAJOR threat (WMD, Al Quaeda) that will alarm the voters into backing an invasion.


I may only be a simple soul, but I think I'm a reasonably good judge of character, and looking at George and Tony squirm and sweat under scrutiny gives me enough reason to believe that the whole Afganistan/Iraq 'adventure' had little to do with anything other than oil and imperial aspirations.


Same with the 'threat' of global warming. Only the Government can tackle it, by taxing us all into destitution and spending bugger all of the extra revenue on the actual issue (because they know it doesn't NEED any money spending on it).


And the other thing I am convinced I understand - without a degree in traffic management - is that by giving drivers back the responsibility for their own actions (backed by a big stick if they get it wrong) would save FAR more accidents, reduce congestion and make our roads a happier place to be, without all the nanny state interferences like speed humps, unnecessary speed limits and signage that takes your attention AWAY from where it's supposed to be.


The politically correct seem to get plenty of publicity these days - I think it's healthy in a democracy to provide an alternative point of view, however ill-founded or flaky - if only to have people ask themselves questions.


And a place to start is "do I trust Bush and Blair et al (or insert other names here) to be telling me the truth and trying to improve my life, or simply treating me as a source of revenue for the benefit of their own bunch of cronies"? I'm guessing your intuition will provide the same answer as mine.

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Maybe I should have asked for a reliable indepedent reference. Steven Milloy the author of the site is a non scientist and paid lobbyist with as he freely admits his own agenda. Whether pro or anti an issue sites such as his do little to assist an informed debate but then that is not there intention.


Finally have you got a reference to the temperature dropping since the book was written.

Here and Here for starters.

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Maybe I should have asked for a reliable indepedent reference. Steven Milloy the author of the site is a non scientist and paid lobbyist with as he freely admits his own agenda. Whether pro or anti an issue sites such as his do little to assist an informed debate but then that is not there intention.

You need to spend more time on that page and drill down and dig deeper, as there are many reliable and reputable data sources to be found such as: The Goddard Institute for Space Studies, Armagh Observatory, the Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center etc. which are not part of the site.


Not necessarily a dig at you, but this is one of the main problems with this debate i.e. people do not spend their time reading properly, usually because they don't have the knowledge necessary to undertand the science or can't be arsed. You will always find one page summary sites spouting 'boom or doom' - and anyone making their mind up based on that is a half-wit sheep.




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