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16 Year Olds Vote And Newcomers To The Island


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Stu Peters made a very good point on Manx Radio this morning.


The gist of his point (and it is very similar to other people's I know):


He explained that at the last election he had been over here for 4 years and although eligible to vote he didn't feel as a newcomer that he should have a say in the future of the Island, and besides he didn't have enough understanding of the local issues and politics to be able to make a choice.


That was from someone I consider to be very much in touch with the world and the Island.


So what the heck are we doing giving the vote to 16 year olds?


It is a ridiculous cheap gimmick, that has obviously paid off in (BBC) publicity.


Anne Craine was the only one to vote against the motion. She explains herself very well on the matter.


The vast, vast majority of our teenagers didn't ask for the vote, don't want it, and won't use it.


Maybe tomorrow I will be proved wrong but I'm willing to bet any money there'll be a lot less than half of them bother to vote.


Apathy - get it whilst you are young. Maybe the BBC will have the last laugh.

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The big deal our kid, is that I trusted our politicians to run this Island, do things I can't do like build hospitals and power stations, pump shit to a sewage plant and stuff like that.


They failed - miserably.


But oh fucken yes, they achieved something - votes for 16 year olds.


Let's see the BBC report on the 'real issues' on this greed ridden Island.

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The big deal our kid, is that I trusted our politicians to run this Island, do things I can't do like build hospitals and power stations, pump shit to a sewage plant and stuff like that.


They failed - miserably.


But oh fucken yes, they achieved something - votes for 16 year olds.


Let's see the BBC report on the 'real issues' on this greed ridden Island.


Oh, I see you're just having another aimless rant at the establishment.


Move along, nothing to see here.

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Maybe tomorrow I will be proved wrong but I'm willing to bet any money there'll be a lot less than half of them bother to vote.


Apathy - get it whilst you are young.


Nothing special about teenagers then - only about half the 'adults' will vote tomorrow.


And as for swaying them by offering McDonalds, the grown ups are just as easily swayed by nonsense promises. He who shouts loudest with promises gets the numpty vote.

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The problem with giving 16 year olds the vote is they have no real understanding of the implications of poorly controlled immigration or regulation of industry.

In fairness Tuna, you could say the same of at least 50% of the electorate over 16 years of age. In fact the vast majority of manifestos I have read have showed a basic lack of understanding of the current system.


But they may have other concerns, of course they may not be what you and I choose to debate about, but still they may be genuine concerns to their age group. Things like, Skateparks, under-18's clubs, how they get hassled just for hanging with their mates and having a bit of banter.


So why shouldn't they have a say, for their veryown reasons.


Personally, I don't think I was that much more politically aware at 18, than I was at 16. So, maybe we should up the age to 21, or 25 maybe?

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The problem with giving 16 year olds the vote is they have no real understanding of the implications of poorly controlled immigration or regulation of industry.


Nor it seemed did many of the members of the Keys and Tynwald.


Come on now! You are assuming that everyone over the age of 16 is fully conversant with "controlled immigration or regulation of industry"? You are also assuming that every 16 year old is stupid enough to plonk their vote as you suggest.


What a load of generalised twaddle!


I'll be very interested to learn the voting percentages of the 16 and 17 year olds versus the 18 and overs, in this, their very first year.

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I think your totally under estimating us by saying we'll vote for people who promises us things like mcdonalds. By 16 we now what kind of things we want and the things that would make life better for us and people in future. Just wondering how may 16 year olds have you actually spoken too about this? not many i suspect. OK so may be we dont understand stuff like immigration etc but then its up to the GVT to explain it etc

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The problem with giving 16 year olds the vote is they have no real understanding of the implications of poorly controlled immigration or regulation of industry.


All you need to do to get a 16 year old's vote is tell them if you get in there will be another McDonalds, hey presto, you are in!


Not quite! You'll need to promise them:


Legal purchasing of drinks on licensed and off-licence premises at 16.

Legal purchasing of cigarettes at 16.

That you'll have the Highway Code rewritten so that skateboards/roller bladers and cyclists take precedence over ALL other road users at ALL times.

Free condoms to be issued to all 16/17 year-olds (Like the voting rights, they'll be given whether they're asked for or required or not)

Ditto driving licences.

Ditto paint-spray cans for artistic decoration of dull buildings and vehicles.

Noise abatement laws will not apply to the playing of 'music' however loud and whatever time.

A (heavily-subsidised) travelling burger bar to be made available wherever large groups of teenagers gather.

It will become an offence - punishable by a hefty fine and substantial compensation - to accuse anyone of misspelling words.


There, that's the kids taken care of! Now... what do these bloody pensioners want?

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I think that people underestimate the intelligence of 16 year olds. Yeah - sure - you have the minority that are roughians and numpties, but there is also a large section of youth who dohave a grasp on what is going on, a lot more than some grown ups. We should actually have a test to see who understands things like immigration, economics etc - see who comes out better off - the 16-18 y/o's or their parents.


At least the 16-18 y/os will vote with their minds and not the prejudices that they have built up in their minds.

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I think that people underestimate the intelligence of 16 year olds. Yeah - sure - you have the minority that are roughians and numpties, but there is also a large section of youth who dohave a grasp on what is going on, a lot more than some grown ups. We should actually have a test to see who understands things like immigration, economics etc - see who comes out better off - the 16-18 y/o's or their parents.


At least the 16-18 y/os will vote with their minds and not the prejudices that they have built up in their minds.

Well said!

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