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16 Year Olds Vote And Newcomers To The Island


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Their teacher was also sporting a rather strange earring in his left ear which was, for some reason, the side he showed most to the camera. Teachers should set an example as any fule kno.


So a 'strange' earring is going to make students go off the rails and rebel? Don't think so!!


This thread pisses me off. So many stereotypical assumptions about our age group. Some people are so narrow minded!!


All you need to do to get a 16 year old's vote is tell them if you get in there will be another McDonalds, hey presto, you are in!


:lol: Oh my gosh, I have to laugh SO much at you if that's how you really think. You say we have no real understanding of issues, well you don't seem to have a real understanding of teenagers!


(off topic: McDonalds is crap!)


So WHAT if some of us drink, get pregnant, love fast food, smoke etc. Most other generations/age groups do it too! It's only usually a minority of us but yet all of us get branded with this image because 'it's just what teenagers are like'. I totally disagree. Yeah I know some people who are like that, but a lot of people my age are so much more intelligent than you perceive us to be.


I think some people need to actually take another look at 16/17 year olds and see what we're really like.



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So WHAT if some of us drink, get pregnant, love fast food, smoke etc.

I'd say congratulations, but lose the ciggies and alcohol for the sake of your unborn child.


Oh, and you might want to quit the burgers too, try more fruit and veg, your hips will thank you in later life.

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Case proven, I think! Under 18s are too young to vote because they have not yet learned to laugh at themselves.

Anyone who takes themselves that seriously is seriously immature.


That would rule out 90% of MHK's!


Some 16-17 year olds will be mature enough and informed enough to vote and will.


Some will be mature enough to realise they aren't informed enough and will decide not to vote this time.


And some probably aren't mature enough and won't bother.


So what's the problem? I don't see the difference between 16 year olds and some adults (I spoke to someone in her mid twenties, who was gonna ask her Mum!).

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Their teacher was also sporting a rather strange earring in his left ear which was, for some reason, the side he showed most to the camera. Teachers should set an example as any fule kno.

So a 'strange' earring is going to make students go off the rails and rebel? Don't think so!!


This thread pisses me off. So many stereotypical assumptions about our age group. Some people are so narrow minded!!


All you need to do to get a 16 year old's vote is tell them if you get in there will be another McDonalds, hey presto, you are in!


:lol: Oh my gosh, I have to laugh SO much at you if that's how you really think. You say we have no real understanding of issues, well you don't seem to have a real understanding of teenagers!


(off topic: McDonalds is crap!)


So WHAT if some of us drink, get pregnant, love fast food, smoke etc. Most other generations/age groups do it too! It's only usually a minority of us but yet all of us get branded with this image because 'it's just what teenagers are like'. I totally disagree. Yeah I know some people who are like that, but a lot of people my age are so much more intelligent than you perceive us to be.


I think some people need to actually take another look at 16/17 year olds and see what we're really like.

Which is exactly what I did so you clearly missed this:

Frankly the youngsters featured simply served to reinforce my view that they shouldn't have the vote

Strange but true I was 16 once so I do know what it was like. But these quotes say it all.....


Ive concluded!... YOU ARE ALL, apart from a few.... NARROWMINDED FUCKERS


I make no apology for the swear word.... It wasnt because I was taught by a tattoo bearing teacher. I find the word justified.... so fuck you.

I could happily and honestly agree 110% Hence the reason i choose not to take part in any of your pathetic discussions anymore!


You again, apart from a few (Though i dont know anyway) ARE SIMPLY A BUNCH OF CUNTS

The Defence rests.......

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Ive concluded!... YOU ARE ALL, apart from a few.... NARROWMINDED FUCKERS


I make no apology for the swear word.... It wasnt because I was taught by a tattoo bearing teacher. I find the word justified.... so fuck you.

I could happily and honestly agree 110% Hence the reason i choose not to take part in any of your pathetic discussions anymore!


You again, apart from a few (Though i dont know anyway) ARE SIMPLY A BUNCH OF CUNTS

The Defence rests.......


I hope you're not a lawyer. The two quotations that you lay your case on are in fact from people well above the old age limit for voting.

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Well i am 15, going to be 16 in february next year, so i will have to wait till next year to actually vote. I was just reading through this thread, alot of you are saying how kids are hooligans, and dont care about the goverment and politics, one of the main reasons is the goverment and politicians dont care about us. The only reason kids go off and break the occasional window, vandalise the occasional public toilet and become branded as hooligans is because there is nowhere for us to go, they dont give us anything to do. What can us 15-17 year olds do on a friday night around douglas? Apart from innocently hanging around the prom and talking, and even then you can get moved on by the police (believe me, its happened before).


I know alot of 16-18 year olds probably wont vote, so i dont see what the problem is. Yeah, mabie they have put the age limit down this year, and you have ran out of things to moan about, but voting day is today, what the hell is complaining going to do about it now?


p.s. i dont smoke, or drink, or go to McDonalds, or get 15 year old girls pregnant, or steal, and im not a vandal.

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Moxli, good post, but to say no one cares about you is overplaying the 'misunderstood youth' hand. A large proportion of the posters here have children and care very much about how their children/young people are faring in society. Even more posters have actually been teenagers and remember (although they won't let on) the trials and tribulations.


But the election is not about one section of society, it is about the whole of society and your vote (when you exercise it) is not just important for your expectations for yourself, but your expectations for everyone else as well.

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