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16 Year Olds Vote And Newcomers To The Island


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I see no problem 16 year olds being given the right to vote as only those with an interest will bother to register and vote.

I think the the right of comeovers to the islands having the ability to vote is a bigger more important issue, as just about any one can move here due to our fantastc immigration controls what is to stop the island becoming a faximily of another country, South Africa or England for example due to imigrants from there voting for candidates who stand for policies that remind them of home?

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I see no problem 16 year olds being given the right to vote as only those with an interest will bother to register and vote.

I think the the right of comeovers to the islands having the ability to vote is a bigger more important issue, as just about any one can move here due to our fantastc immigration controls what is to stop the island becoming a faximily of another country, South Africa or England for example due to imigrants from there voting for candidates who stand for policies that remind them of home?


Too late - Biltong all round!


In my opinion, while kids are in school they are cocooned away from real life. They have no idea about pensions, National insurance, VAT, Rates, the cost of loo paper, or anything that is a fundamental of life. They are taught that they are all equal and not to be competitive. Even sports days are team events these days with no winners or losers. I feel sorry for them because they are in for a shock when they leave school because life is competitive.


Until you have been out working in the real world, paying tax, filling in tax returns and contributing to society, seeing where your money is being spent and wasted, you really have no idea, so why should you vote?

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Look at your average 11 Year. They will be able to vote at the next election.


Will you be happy to have that person sitting on jury service?


I can see a few sides to this argument but I really do not think we should have broken the mould on this one. Why did our MHKs do it? Why? I know of no pressure from anyone to give 16 year olds the vote.


It can only be to get in the history books. In other words a gimmick.


Well at least it was fortunate that the BBC with its limited air time concentrated on this matter rather than talk about the MEA and such, I suppose.

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How long do us comeovers have to be here before we can vote? I've only been here 9 months so wouldn't have voted anyway, need to be here a lot longer before its possible to make an informed decision. I would hate to vote a right pratt in by error. how long before i'm not a comeover, and is there an intermediate term/name that i should know about. polite answers only

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Well i am 15, going to be 16 in february next year, so i will have to wait till next year to actually vote. I was just reading through this thread, alot of you are saying how kids are hooligans, and dont care about the goverment and politics, one of the main reasons is the goverment and politicians dont care about us. The only reason kids go off and break the occasional window, vandalise the occasional public toilet and become branded as hooligans is because there is nowhere for us to go, they dont give us anything to do. What can us 15-17 year olds do on a friday night around douglas? Apart from innocently hanging around the prom and talking, and even then you can get moved on by the police (believe me, its happened before).


Stinky, stinky troll bait, but I'll bite :rolleyes: - I didn't feel the need to vandalise stuff when I was a teenager and where I grew up there was one 3-screen cinema in a town of 35,000 people (at the time), nothing else (no ten pin bowling alley, no laser blast, nearest paintball was 20 miles away, etc - let alone what people are crying our for now like an ice rink, skate park etc).


I like the comment "they don't give us anything to do" - gives off the foul odour of an entitlement mentality.


I don't particularly blame the kids, I've just got to be in town late or anywhere and you see kids out way past when my parents would've had me inside doing homework or whatever. Heck, I've even seen pre-teens out on school nights when I'm heading to be for work the following day! Some parents obviously don't care too much, and there just appear to be more of them nowadays than there was 20 years ago :ermm:

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Look at your average 11 Year. They will be able to vote at the next election.


Will you be happy to have that person sitting on jury service?


I can see a few sides to this argument but I really do not think we should have broken the mould on this one. Why did our MHKs do it? Why? I know of no pressure from anyone to give 16 year olds the vote.


It can only be to get in the history books. In other words a gimmick.


Well at least it was fortunate that the BBC with its limited air time concentrated on this matter rather than talk about the MEA and such, I suppose.


jury qualification did not change

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polite answers only


God damn *@#%$*!! *#@%$$*@£&*"#!!!!!! £*@$~**!! son of a *#^£$%@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


[i think the general rule is 5 years to become full IOM resident, similar to the guidelines of the work permit system. I'd imagine you can vote as soon as you are on the electoral roll or if you activeley put yourself on the register to vote. "How long before Your not a comeover?" - in the eyes of the Manx, never.... ;) ]

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Look at your average 11 Year. They will be able to vote at the next election.


Will you be happy to have that person sitting on jury service?


I can see a few sides to this argument but I really do not think we should have broken the mould on this one. Why did our MHKs do it? Why? I know of no pressure from anyone to give 16 year olds the vote.


It can only be to get in the history books. In other words a gimmick.


Well at least it was fortunate that the BBC with its limited air time concentrated on this matter rather than talk about the MEA and such, I suppose.


jury qualification did not change


Perhaps it should . . . .

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