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Sooo, Where Do We Go From Here Then?


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Open topic really, considering that not much has changed post election results.


The idea of a new party being formed from these very forums has been mentioned more than once, as has the fact that there are some highly capable people on the island that could do a better job so, what say you all?

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Open topic really, considering that not much has changed post election results.


The idea of a new party being formed from these very forums has been mentioned more than once, as has the fact that there are some highly capable people on the island that could do a better job so, what say you all?

I think it's inevitable. However, IMO, a great deal of analysis of the results, campaigns etc. needs to take place before people rush to do so.

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Open topic really, considering that not much has changed post election results.


The idea of a new party being formed from these very forums has been mentioned more than once, as has the fact that there are some highly capable people on the island that could do a better job so, what say you all?

I think it's inevitable. However, IMO, a great deal of analysis of the results, campaigns etc. needs to take place before people rush to do so.


Agreed, there's a whole 5 years to get this to the point of it being something credible. No harm in making an early start to it though eh?


I might move off the rock. New Yorks nice at this time of year.


There's no 'might' as far as I'm concerned, it's well and truly going to happen for me! Not off-island, just to another part of the island where the electorate are more 'enlightened'.

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There's no 'might' as far as I'm concerned, it's well and truly going to happen for me! Not off-island, just to another part of the island where the electorate are more 'enlightened'.


Mount Murray? :o

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Agreed, there's a whole 5 years to get this to the point of it being something credible. No harm in making an early start to it though eh?

I don't think that it should wait that long. Perhaps launched properly in around a year - working hard for four years. The Liberal Vannin results shows what happens if you leave it far too late.

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Agreed, something needs to change but the groundwork needs to be put in long before the next elections.


Quite frankly, I'm astounded at the shortsightnedness of the electorate this time around, it really does begger belief!

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Where does it leave us?


If the shoite that has gone on in the last 5 years carries on, with all the corruption and such, which has now been proved to the world, unless you're daft. With all the mis-spending and cock ups which will cost my kids money and nobody being held accountable for it?


Where does that leave me?


If in the next 5 years it doesn't change for the better,my kids will be old enough for me to bugger off to Canada.


Sad really as I'm Manx through and through, proud of my heritige, love this Island and it's culture and would eventually come back, even just to be buried. But I'm sick and sad to see how my nation has become so vile in places.


You asked Mission and thats what i think.


The system is corrupt and fecking stinks in my view. Sorry for the language and if it offends.


Edited as forgot the n in stinks :P

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Where does it leave us?


If the shoite that has gone on in the last 5 years carries on, with all the corruption and such, which has now been proved to the world, unless you're daft. With all the mis-spending and cock ups which will cost my kids money and nobody being held accountable for it?


Where does that leave me?


If in the next 5 years it doesn't change for the better,my kids will be old enough for me to bugger off to Canada.


Sad really as I'm Manx through and through, proud of my heritige, love this Island and it's culture and would eventually come back, even just to be buried. But I'm sick and sad to see how my nation has become so vile in places.


You asked Mission and thats what i think.


The system is corrupt and fecking sticks in my view. Sorry for the language and if it offends.

Deep in your heart - what else did you really expect? With few exceptions, we knew the outcome pretty much once we knew who was standing.


That's why it's going to be hard for any new political party to overcome the malaise on the island. This is as much about education as it is getting votes. The long hard haul for any new party shouldn't be underestimated.

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Education is the key, we are somewhat privaleged on the forums to be informed of many issues before they break to the masses.


In 5 years time, I think that this medium will be far more prevalent than it is now - I don't know whether or not this was the maximum tonight but at one point, there were 115 users online on the forum and that's a lot more than usual so it is growing but still a pitiful number when you consider the amount of people on the island that have access to the internet.


Personally, I think the first step is to make more people aware of the online community that exists and then take it from there. It's a way of instantly getting through to the masses and I for one fully expect this site to grow rapidly over the next 5 years.

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Education is the key, we are somewhat privaleged on the forums to be informed of many issues before they break to the masses.


In 5 years time, I think that this medium will be far more prevalent than it is now - I don't know whether or not this was the maximum tonight but at one point, there were 115 users online on the forum and that's a lot more than usual so it is growing but still a pitiful number when you consider the amount of people on the island that have access to the internet.


Personally, I think the first step is to make more people aware of the online community that exists and then take it from there. It's a way of instantly getting through to the masses and I for one fully expect this site to grow rapidly over the next 5 years.


I do hope that more people do become more aware of the 'online' community, and that the 'traffic' can be 2-way - as in you can post your views, rather than just listening to others.


However, I do remember the mid 80's when there were loads of BBS's that I would have liked to have been part of their community, but couldn't fully, because I couldn't even afford a telephone line, just managed to be able to do it from 'work' - I can imagine this could be a similiar situation for many 'net' users at present - if we're going to be a 'leader' in telecoms(as a 'nation'), then 'free' net access, and subsidies from government to help get us all online should be a pre-requisite???


Well we gave women & 16 year olds the 'first vote' didn't we? Let's be a leader in doing things 'online' as well??


/ get cost - bedtime!

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A new political party will need time, commitment and money with a group of people who can genuinely work together. I believe it is not something which should happen overnight and so as far as I am concerned let the dust settle and those who are interested should get together early in the New Year.


It is clear from tonight's results the people will not back radical reform or those who still have much to learn about how Manx society works.

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Education is the key, we are somewhat privaleged on the forums to be informed of many issues before they break to the masses.


In 5 years time, I think that this medium will be far more prevalent than it is now - I don't know whether or not this was the maximum tonight but at one point, there were 115 users online on the forum and that's a lot more than usual so it is growing but still a pitiful number when you consider the amount of people on the island that have access to the internet.


Personally, I think the first step is to make more people aware of the online community that exists and then take it from there. It's a way of instantly getting through to the masses and I for one fully expect this site to grow rapidly over the next 5 years.



Pity education hasn't done much for your spelling. Nonetheless you have a point, snag is the island has the government it deserves. We are populated by cretins.





Love our island, hate most of the population.

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