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Sooo, Where Do We Go From Here Then?


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Any of the 24 MHK's who have the nerve to suggest Corkill for MLC (when he was to much of a coward to put himself up for re-election) should be shot!!

As for David Callister, why?? Just because he commentates on the Tynwald proceedings does'nt mean he has any ability to be part of the process. Did you hear him last night when he said that scrapping Legco would go against our constitution, and Prof St John Bates told him, in so many words, that he was talking rubbish. The Prof has a vast experience of the whole process and would be well suited to take on the role and hopefully reform the Upper house from within.


Hmmmm - Only thing is that :-


Prof. SJ Bates left under something of a cloud, it wasn't the most amicable of departures.




Perhaps some of his ideas were too radical (the idea that we have a unicameral chamber for example) for many of the sitting members.


May have left under a bit of a cloud as you put it, but not the same type of cloud that the "honorable ??" Corkill left under.

Someone with a few radical ideas might not be such a bad thing really.

However now that the situation regarding the outcome of the "costs" situation has been decided, poor little tricky dickie will need to find a well paid job.

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As for David Callister, why?? Just because he commentates on the Tynwald proceedings does'nt mean he has any ability to be part of the process. Did you hear him last night when he said that scrapping Legco would go against our constitution, and Prof St John Bates told him, in so many words, that he was talking rubbish. The Prof has a vast experience of the whole process and would be well suited to take on the role and hopefully reform the Upper house from within.


Prof St John Bates also made a concise rgument for Party Politics on the Island. For quite a while it has been 'hip' to argue that party politics couldn't work on the Isle of Man.


Then someone with intelligence, knowledge and experience suggests differently. David Callister couldn't really find the argument against Prof. StJB, so kinda petered out on that particular subject.

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All the moaning should have been done with the pen yesterday, we had a chance to make a new Governement but never did, most voted the same Govenment back in. If Mr Corkill is selected as an MLC so what we cant do anything about it, anyway he was not that bad as a politician, he made mistake just like others. Maybe whats just happened could make him a better Polictician due a lesson being learned.


We now have a new House of Keys with many of the same old faces, is it not worth giving them a chance first before we kill them off, time will tell. As for a new CM, we have little choice, it needs someone with balls, problem is most in the house have been castrated. Pity Eddie Teare never had a few more years under his belt.

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If Mr Corkill is selected as an MLC so what we cant do anything about it, anyway he was not that bad as a politician, he made mistake just like others. Maybe whats just happened could make him a better Polictician due a lesson being learned.


Ok, enough is enough. Where is the real theskeat and what have you done with him?

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If Mr Corkill is selected as an MLC so what we cant do anything about it, anyway he was not that bad as a politician, he made mistake just like others. Maybe whats just happened could make him a better Polictician due a lesson being learned.


Ok, enough is enough. Where is the real theskeat and what have you done with him?


That's the problem though. I voted for Corkill every time. I thought he was a good MHK and a good Chief Minister. What happened re Ballacain has soured things and left a bad taste in my mouth.

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The problem yet again was that we didn't have a choice really. LV was always a no hoper, no actual party, no actual policies agreed at a conference and no radical platform, in fact apart from Peters coat tails no platform.


Peter and Bill disagree on so many things, my bet is come 12 months neither will be in the party, it won't exist any more than it does today, or if it does struggle on one or other will have left.


I agree we need a party system, most of the ex MHK's at MR last night agree, but the turkeys just elected won't agree, its too like Christmes. Yet to "win" next time some of them have got to be got on side and start working and acting as a party within Tynwald and outside.


I think it needs real bottle and an early start.


Are we talking about a left, right, liberal or centrist grouping? No harm in more than one springing from here.


That gives some basic economic theory to the policies to follow.


What do this group(s) stand for as basic principles.


I still feel a moratorium on legislation for a period, a review, getting rid of the laws that don't work or are not needed, a simplification of existing laws and the writing of those existing laws we keep and all new laws in plain English so that they are accessible and understandable is the next need. It can be done.


That would be a 10 year plan with public consultation during the 1st 2 terms


I would have no more than 10 of the 33 in government posts, by written constitution.


Only one politician per department


Full time standing committees shadowing every department able to examine policy development and implementation and audit


Elected LegCo


8 3 seat constituencies for Keys


Full independence from Westminster


Renegotiate relationship with EU, protocol 3 no longer works. We cannot sell our financial services into the largest free market in the world, on our own doorstep!


make all taxation progressive and fair and transparent


using Human Right as the basis move towrads a written constitution which isonly changeable by large majorities so as to ensure that our freedoms are not taken away by intrusive government


Have a freedom of information act


free and extended public transport as a start on environmental issues


Strong local Government


Prohibition on Tynwald members to interfere in local government matters to ensure people with complaints went to their local representatives 1st on housing and planning rather than national politicians


An ombudsman system with wide mediation and compensatory powers to deal with complaints agianst national and local government administration.


A compulsory mediation system before court proceedings are issued to try and resolev disputes quickly in all fields


Free NHS dentistry for all. Every dentist has to do at least 25% NHS work


Abolish work permits, but introduce an economic test for some (or all depends on our international obligations and what steps might be taken against us in retaliation) immigration which weighs up benefits and costs of a particular individual or family unit coming to the IOM. The immigration might be for short, medium or permanent basis, work allowed or not.


Work out the actual population ceiling, taking account the capacity of utilities and infrastructure to deliver, but also reviewing infrastructure usage to enable flexibility, eg water syas limit of supply is 90,000 but if we all used 2/3 water we use today by fewer leaks and less waste that takes us up to 135,000. In other words a population ceiling may not be absolute but related to economic and social factors


Manxness. Every one arriving in IOM to take a manx awareness course, history, legends, politics and language as part of their permission to remain, increase manx language education and support for cultutral events.


Pensions, ensure pensions are fully funded and not paiud out of revenue., but ensure that funding comes out of the pockets of those who are going to receive them as well as employers, but not tax payers as a fall back

All government assets to be held built and developed for the Pension and health care funds first and foremost with Departments paying rent to occupy, instead of renting from private sector.


These are just random jottings as I sit here, no order of priority, no suggestion of total coverage, just things that interest me at the moment

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A good start, and in the general direction that I like, but with at least two exceptions. 1] Don't mess with boundaries at this stage (stinks of gerrymandering) and 2] keep the work permit system, though re-evaluate it.


Linked with 2] above, at the core of such a party I would be looking for 'the protection of Manx culture' as the central aim of its constitution.

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Not Bad, have to agree with quite a few of your points but not this one.


Abolish work permits, but introduce an economic test for some (or all depends on our international obligations and what steps might be taken against us in retaliation) immigration which weighs up benefits and costs of a particular individual or family unit coming to the IOM. The immigration might be for short, medium or permanent basis, work allowed or not.


We dont want to end up like the Channel Islands, they have that sort of system and look what happened to property prices and the cost of living there. Abolish work permits, that will be done for us at some time in the near future. The work force on the Island need some sort of protection for the long term, not just construction but all forms of employment. Its a hard answer to this situation, it needs sorted but how. Take this as an example, in the UK a person can be retrained and given a card to say hes a skilled tradesman within 6 months, is that the sort of skill base we want here, how do we really know if we are getting the real people to fill the posts available here, ok the Finance industry can its self regulating and they are a business that talk to each other, something that other industries should look at.

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So something along the lines of a Manx Independents Aliance? Collectively acknowledged individuals meeting in a forum for debate and review on short medium and long term policies but crucially involving non politicians as well as the elected?


A party that doesn't have a party line but with a published set of core policies that are regularly and publically reviewed. Also promoting regular public debate, including both members and acting asa forum for real and proper debate of issues in a semi formal format.

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I wonder why you want to keep work permits. In their current form thye are going to have to go as they are discriminatory. If we have asystem it has to be legal. I was not suggestring Jersey two tier housing by the way.


I should have posted adequate affordable housing for every one. in fact I would transfer all public sector housing to a housing assocaition to run, give it power to sell off, enter into shared equity schemes etc.


As for constituencies don't you think they are gerrymandered now?

One man one vote one represenative, or one man two votes two represenattives or one man three votes three representatives? Hardly democratic?

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I wonder why you want to keep work permits. In their current form thye are going to have to go as they are discriminatory. If we have asystem it has to be legal. I was not suggestring Jersey two tier housing by the way.


I should have posted adequate affordable housing for every one. in fact I would transfer all public sector housing to a housing assocaition to run, give it power to sell off, enter into shared equity schemes etc.


As for constituencies don't you think they are gerrymandered now?

One man one vote one represenative, or one man two votes two represenattives or one man three votes three representatives? Hardly democratic?

Whether they are called work permits or not, there has to be some form of protection (via immigration/residence) for local workers. Failure to protect 'locals' will further dilute Manx culture, giving business a free rein as they will practically dictate immigration.


On 'gerrymandering' I think the manx electorate would be suspicious of any new party advocating the alteration of boundaries and sudden ('difficult to understand') changes in the system - and the opposition would claim that the party was gerrymandering those boundaries to its own advantage - and many people would believe them. Party politics would be new enough for many.

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