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[BBC News]Man followed by youths attacked


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Woo Hoo i made the news!


What a strange night that was, i was walking home from Colours with my Kebab when i saw a loads of teenagers walking through Nobles park, they started acting weird and putting their hoods up so i just put my head down and walked past them.


Then when i walked across governers road into the lane to my house the little bastards rushed me and started punching me. I took a couple of them down to start with but then more got involved and it ended up about 6 of them punching me.


They didnt get me to the ground and i managed to beat the piss out of at least 3 of them before they started to grab the ones that were on the floor and run off.


I hope the little twats think twice before trying to jump someone again, some of them would have woken up the next day with broken noses and black eyes.


I got a thick lip and a cut eye, not the worse beating i have ever taken but certainly the strangest.

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Congratulations if that was you and you managed to give some of them a hiding if they attacked for no reason.


Lots of people like to believe that people don't get attacked "for no reason", but having had it happen to me twice now it's unfortunately very true and always seem to be the same thing - more than one person jumping someone walking home after a night out. They're dead hard when they have their scally pals with them in a pack, but get them on their own and I'll wager things wouldn't be so favourable for them.


The more of them that get a taste of their own medicine the better.

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Kicking a violent little fucker's head in doesn't make him reappraise his attitude towards violence, it just makes him more wary of who he directs those violent tendencies towards in the future.


Or they bring even more friends and some weapons.


Still, knowing immortal's early career, they rather picked the wrong target. Good job fella.

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"May have bloodstained clothes" - hopefully their own blood the c**nts.


Good to hear your ok.


Bad news is if you gave the bastards a pasting, some cheeky little f**ker will come back and try to get you for assault / compensation. Happened to a friend of mine a while back and he was the one who was cautioned because it was his word against the guy who jumped him and tried to kick his head in.

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They didnt get me to the ground and i managed to beat the piss out of at least 3 of them before they started to grab the ones that were on the floor and run off.


Good work dude.

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Yea that was my first worry when speaking to the police, i wondered if they caught them and a few of them were sporting injuries that i would then be the person at fault for defending myself.


The police were fantastic and at first i was not going to mention that i managed to fight back but i have got teeth marks all over my knuckles and blood was sprayed up my shirt sleeves that didnt match my injuries so i thought i had better tell them the truth.


I was expecting the police to advise me of possible assault myself but it was clear that i was defending myself.


The thought of one of these packs picking a fight with someone who was not able to defend themselves is a bit worrying, i just hope that people realise walking home on a weekend is not as safe as it used to be and just keeping your head down and carry on walking does not seem to be the right thing to do anymore.

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Its only cowards who fight in packs like this. Its happened to me and I ended up in casualty (years ago).


As Brad says good on you fella, nice to see someone who is prepared have a go back, unfortunately it won't stop scumbags like these kicking seven-bells out of someone again in a few weeks or months.


Hopefully this time it won't be hard for the plod to find someone with cuts, bruises and a few teeth missing, and put two-and-two together.

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similar thing happen to a mate of mine on summer hill at 1am, 3 scally's just walked up to him and demanded his wallet, phone and watch!


My mates response? Told them to fuck off and promptly clocked the leader


little shits ran off, but i can only imagine how it could have gone with someone who couldn't defend themselves.


anyway i'm now gonna go rent all the deathwish films

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The more of them that get a taste of their own medicine the better.


The issue with that theory is, the kinds of wankers who'd do this sort of thing to start with are cowardly thuggish little fuckers, who gain their "strength" (such as it isn't) through numbers. They will learn a lesson from this, but the lesson isn't going to be "Let's not attack people at random" - the lesson is going to be, "Let's attack slightly less dangerous people at random."


Sounds like immortal gave a few of them a decent few smacks in the head, which is, on the surface of it, a thoroughly good thing.


Problem is, next time they choose to randomly attack someone for no good reason whatsoever (which will inevitably come), they're going to pick someone who looks like he/she can't fight back so much.


Don't get me wrong, I'm cheering for immortal as much as the next man at the thought of these scummy little streaks of piss getting a bit of a kicking, but let's not be under any illusion that they'll now crawl back under their rock never to emerge again.


Next time they crawl out, there'll be more of them, and they'll pick someone more vulnerable.


Kicking a violent little fucker's head in doesn't make him reappraise his attitude towards violence, it just makes him more wary of who he directs those violent tendencies towards in the future.

maybe not,there only doing it to "prove there hard",getting beaten by somone at 1-6 odds will give there pride a kicking and may make them think twice.

also a weaker person isn't much to boast about

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ps,well done immortal.

pss,all the little feckers have to do is raise there hand or act aggresivley to you and your legaly allowed to defend yourself just dont start breaking there limbs afterwards,as this is without due course(shame)

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