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[BBC News]Man followed by youths attacked


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I had a call from the police on Thursday, they have been given a few names and someone has given a statment but proving it was them is another matter.


I went to the shop yesterday and saw the main scroat sporting a nice shiner and a few bruises, i walked into the shop with a huge grin and he ran off!


The same scallywags trashed Nobles park so the police have fingerprints of te people who were there and a few people have told me that the gang is well known to willaston and it wont be long until i bump into them again.

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Hope you manage to get them through the legal system, and if possible the legal system will set an example to very much discourage other idiots from pulling the same sort of stunt.


Hope also if you meet the twits again, they aren't 'tooled up', and you can again give as good as you got, if the start on you.


Lock the shites up and throwaway the key!

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