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Who Will Be The New Chief Minister?

Albert Tatlock

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So what would have happened if Mr Brown, quite reasonably enough, had not been nominated? There would be no one up for the top political job and lead us through the 'hard times ahead'. Of which I have little doubt there will be once the lid gets blown off the pan. Well done JS for your reply - but don't get sucked too much into this place! Oh, and Albert Tatlock, I believe there is an obvious unwritten rule around these parts that you don't call Roxanne a crawler or anything else for that matter. Correct you might or might not be but things do tend to get a bit messy - best to let that particular one go without saying.



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Oh, and Albert Tatlock, I believe there is an obvious unwritten rule around these parts that you don't call Roxanne a crawler or anything else for that matter. Correct you might or might not be but things do tend to get a bit messy - best to let these things go without saying.



I only saw it as gentle banter. We do that on forums you know.

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Thank you John for that contribution.


Thank you also for being open about your identity


There are others out there who are open also


I shall change my membership details and popst in my own name from now on.


I hope more people will do so.


I strongly believe the electorate should vote in the Chief Minister via the Keys. Whowever he or she is has to command a majority in Tynwald.


That means we need to have a manx form of party politics with parties or groupings standing at a general election witha leader and a raft of policies for us to have a genuine choice from


Peter has put together a Liberal party, there is a labour party. I wish tyhem well. They have a lot to do before the next election to show their cohesiveness and policies and to stand in every constituency.


I hope a centrist party of pragmatism can be built out of these forums as well, adopting a constitution, putting forwrad policies for debate and then having a conference to endorse


I hope some of the 24 and the MLC's will move from being independents to party member in time for next time.

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I am aware that a number of my colleagues are very hostile to my opinion and I would never expect their support - especially when some of my policies were quite contentious. I also know that as I was not prepared to guarantee anyone a position should I be elected (other than my commitment to stability by maintaining Bell and Gawne in Treasury and DAFF, which was a decision not discussed prior to it appearing in my statement - remember Gawne was Rodan's proposer).


Its sad that you tried to act with integrity, and suffered as a result of it.


Its of little concellation at this stage but you do have age on your side and few doubt that if you stay in politics we'll probably see you as CM at some stage.


All we need do is see what the new ministerial team is to spot who 9 of the 11 spoilt papers were (maybe not quite all 9). I'm guessing its the "usual suspects" (many of whom were lucky to get re-elected themselves) who have shown their true colours in this vote.

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Of course, Tony Brown's position as the Chief Minister is by no means in the bag. He obviously has a significant groundswell of support in Tynwald, but I could envisage the situation where the spoiled ballots outweigh the votes in his favour on the fourteenth. In which case, would Mr Shimmin and/or Mr Rodan re-enter the fray - or is there someone playing an even cleverer game than Mr Brown and waiting to declare at the third stage should he fail to be elected?

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I shall change my membership details and popst in my own name from now on.

Well you did leave a few clues - like occupation, old places of work etc. - I think a few had kind of worked that out already.


Other than the usual legal caveats, anonymity doesn't restrict your views or sense of humour, so I won't be onymous for quite a while yet - I'd hate to have to be serious all of the damn time!

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Either way the politicians are at times damned if the do and damned if they don't. I would have liked to see an election but I also agree with Shimmin and Roden that having tried and failed to get elected then if they did not have a suitable level of support there was no point in flogging a dead horse.


The problem here, with all due respect, is the total lack of a democratic vector by which the electorate can judge what exactly they are voting for.

The current system is distinctly undemocratic and whether or not the current crop of MHKs had their own private election would make not one jot of difference.

Your dead horse is the Manx political system itself. In the absence of party politics it cant be anything else.


Presumably they have a much better feeling of the level of support behind the scenes. If the vast majority are in favour of Brown then whether we the public believe he is the best choice the quicker it is done the better.


Im having more than a little difficulty understanding where you think the public fit into this club committee type procedure.

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Bearded Tony


Who do you think you are kidding Bearded.Tony?

If you think you’ve got this won?

We are the boys who will stop your little game,

We are the boys who will make you think again,

'Cus who do you think you are kidding Bearded Tony?

If you think old Tynwald’s done?


Mr. Brown in Castletown,

Said he wouldn’t run,

Cos he comes home each evening,

With mostly **ck all done.


so who do you think you are kidding Bearded Tony?

If you think old Tynwald's done,



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Dear Mr Shimmin

I voted for you. Now it's payback!

Please do not endorse Brown's nomination.

Thank you.

That is all.


you silly girl

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I have probably missed something, but I really do not understand why one of Mr R and Mr S didn't stand. After the vote, I thought one would stand down and leave the way clear for the other, but they BOTH stood down and let Brown in with, barring something exceptional, a straight walk to the job!


I am dumbfounded, but perhaps I shouldn't be???


(edited to correct unintelligible sentence!)

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In theory, only someone with majority support, (in Tynwald), will win. So, there is no certainty that Tony Brown will carry this level of support. If you do not want him as CM, lobby your shiny new MHK, and tell him what you think, and who you see as a suitable CM.


This is still a democratic process, albeit once removed! :)

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